Wednesday, April 24, 2024


All of existence is a dialectical dilemma.  Dialectical because there are only two opposing possibilities, God or Nature.  It is a dilemma because, within our existence, there can be no absolute certainty. Everything between these two poles is someone’s opinion.  However, all the opinions of the philosophers, theologians and scientists are based on faith in one or the other.

The extreme poles are uninhabitable just as the north and South poles of our world are uninhabitable.  One pole says that God did the deed and left the created existence to fend for itself.  One pole says that Nature is a never-ending force unto itself that can only be measured in progress toward the whatever. 

All of us live, think and hope for the best somewhere between these two poles or possibilities.

Where are you, equator?  

G, Goslaw

Landers, Ca