Thursday, March 28, 2024

Pillow talk

Some years ago, the Manson Family viciously murdered five white people in Los Angeles. The motive as told to us by Charles Manson was to start a race war, specifically targeting the Black Panthers.  Fifty-five years later, there is another such conspiracy underfoot. The Democrats, lead by President Biden and engineered by former president Barak Obama, are pushing all the race buttons they can find to start a race war in America.  The rhetoric is insulting, demonizing all white people and the MAGA movement, which is, in their minds, white. It is pure and simple race baiting.

This overt alienation of a sector of the voting public is unprecedented in American politics and can have only one motive. The Democrats will do anything to prevent a President Trump's victory in November, including exciting a race war.  Such violence would justify declaring Martial law and subjugating America.  Biden’s defense department and justice department and FBI  will co-operate, We shall become a police state.  The Supreme Court would be ignored.  All that is needed is right violent excuse enabling O'bama to suspend or kill our America. The covid suspension of our freedoms was just the trial run.

Can't happen?  What about the oath taken to support the Constitution?  Wake up America, sleepy time is over.  Our leftist, government first politicians despise the Constitution, they despise America and they despise a free people. Can't happen? 

Just one little spark is all the excuse Barack and friends need.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA