Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Religion of every flavor, by definition, is a lie or a falsehood.  Religion makes the lie socially and culturally acceptable to the point that the lie is no longer a lie.  At least to a specific collection of peoples it is not a lie. You know how this world operates, if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, it will be believed and become the truth.

The religious lie is that there exists in and out of our world, a supreme being or power that is aware of the existence of every individual earthling.  This God is ready to take action to benefit the individual person in this world and the next, a sort of buddy God.  Religion then becomes the gatekeeper and the toll collector.

Jesus did not tell that religious lie, in fact, that religious lie put him on the cross.  Religion kills to insure and further its own survival. Jesus said, if you want to know our Father God, follow along with me, have faith as I do, that he, she or it is available and wants to make himself or herself known to us.  Nothing in this world is of equal importance and if we seek we will find.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA