Monday, July 10, 2023


Every human being is a mystic.  Too borrow a phrase from a Clint Eastwood movie, we mystics all, include the good, the bad and the ugly.  There is not one of us that has not, for at least a brief moment, received a message from eternity.  Much like the meteors of varying sizes, God is bombarding all of us for as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 2:11, “God has no favorites”. Some messages are burned up in our Godless atmosphere while others make contact with the people indiscriminately.  Inside of religion or among the religion less, we all are targets for God’s appointed messages.

Some of those contacted deny even the possibility of a message from the spirit world, fearing being outed as a freak.  Some of us hide in the bushes with the messages from God, hiding with an overwhelming sense of unworthiness.  Some of us take the messages from God as proof of our own personal specialness, much like the Pharisees that hounded Jesus.  Some of us take and accept the messages from God to build an orthodoxy around which they expect other people to gather and bow.   Some of us take our God gifting to impress this ugly world through writing, poetry and art.

If I were God, which I am not, I would say, why should I even bother?  Why bother to share the blessings of eternity by sending messages to these self-involved, dunderhead humans?  Are not you rejoicing that I am not God?  Despite all our receiving delays, his messages continue to fall upon we undeserving.  God says, we are in this together, there is a planned future for you, trust and work the plan.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA