Tuesday, May 9, 2023


American peoples, what’s it going to take for you to grow a backbone?  Politics is a blood sport; our politicians play the game.  The need to kill our enemies of whatever persuasion is who we are, it is in our DNA.  Get a grip, we must understand who we are in this world.  The sad reality is that there are those of us who are ready at all times to pull the trigger for power, while most of us stand aside and watch.  Again, what’s it going to take America? 

We have graduated from killing over there for just, or seemingly just, causes to eating our own.  We sit quietly in our separate hen nest’s, putting food on the table, paying the mortgage, playing the stock market and ignoring the carnage going on around us.  Women and men have been given the permission to kill new life in the ladies’ wombs, millions of new Americans have been sacrificed on the altar of expediency since Row verse Wade.  Oh well, what’s another inconvenient life?

Fast forward to 2019, the youngest Americans, they are expendable, so too are we old folks as we are being killed by the China virus and America just watches. Get a grip, America, are you asleep or dead?  As Freud says, we all have an “id”, a moral compass that is culturally derived. As with the thinking of Nietzsche, Freud was right and Freud was wrong. The moral compass is not only culturally derived, it was also the gift of God.

All of America, believers and nonbelievers, we all must come alive from the dead to embrace our moral compass.  This is an emergency! 

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA