Saturday, February 18, 2023


Mr. Graham, thank you for all the good your organization, Samaritan’s Purse, is accomplishing.  I would like to contribute regularly but your generosity seems to conflict with your advertised understanding of the Bible.  In your commercial, you say that you do not understand everything in the Bible but you, Franklin Graham, believe every word.   

Question, do you believe that God directed Joshua and his people to kill every human being in their “promised land” as they took possession of it?  ( Deuteronomy 7: 1-6)  Was the fall of Jericho a God directed massacre?  (Joshua 6: 17)  This verse says that all the inhabitants were to be “devoted” to the Lord.  They must all die to make the Jericho a supposed holy place.  This sounds like God is directing his people to make human sacrifices.  Was God doing the talking or was religion doing the talking?

Tell us again, why you are in Turkey?   Please, tell us the motivation for your good deeds?  Do you serve at the behest of the God of the galaxies or the God of biblical religion?  What, pray tell, is the truth?


Landers, Ca.