Thursday, December 22, 2022


 Matthew 5:48

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.  TNIV

Christmas is a Jesus celebration.  Two thousand twenty-two years ago a baby was born in a stable manger of Jerusalem as foretold by the Hebrew prophets. This baby, celebrated then and now, was to bring salvation safety to his oppressed people. Jesus was to be the Godly savior for the people in their desperate time of need. This was the expectation of the people then and how his birthing has been largely advertised every year since that first Christmas.

After thirty silent years Jesus begins his mission, not to do the people’s expected political and spiritual bidding but rather to advertise the glories of eternity to, we residents of hell on earth.  He sits down on a Galilean hillside and begins to teach about the constant failure of the Hebrew religion.  The ways of men, as Jesus says, can be relatively moral, right or righteous but no match for the certainty and power of God’s eternity, now and forever. These Jesus words have been named though the centuries, the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew, chapters 5,6,7).

This Jesus message was given to upset the spiritual and religious status quo. To the religious crowd who preached ceremony and performance as necessary for a future with God’s approval, Jesus said, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”  In nine words, Jesus popped that balloon.  Trust not in your relative performance factor, allow God to be God, perfection awaits all of we humans in eternity united with our Father God.  Celebrate?  You bet!


Landers, Ca