Sunday, October 2, 2022

Foxy News

Fox News has become just another corporate marketing media power.  Fox has lost its edge with the people.  Their overwhelming priority is now; sell, sell and sell!  Let’s don’t offend!  Hang the real news, sell, sell, and sell some more. Commercial time has been increased, every talking head is selling books they didn’t write and they are deliberately soft balling the really important questions for their guests.

We all are daily experiencing how bad things are as a result of the left-wing Democrat crazies running the country.  Every decision they make, every legislative act is all about their climate change agenda, hang the cost to the powerless little people.  Fox, please give us solutions, speak truth to power, Republican and Democrat. 

A great example was the interview this Sunday morning with House minority leader Kevin McCarthy.  There is a question that was begging to be asked.  “Kevin, we all agree as to our dire national situation but should you win the majority in the House of Representatives in a few weeks, will the people feel any relief?”  House minority leader McCarty wouldn’t have been able to talk his way around that question.  Yes or No Kevin?  Will a new Republican House of Representative leadership team change the fortunes of the little people? 

Fox, your hosts could have forced an answer instead of allowing all the blather around the edges that Kevin dished out.  They should have called him on it, if they cared about the people.  Doesn’t any of the talking heads know how our government works?  Of course they do, but corporate wouldn’t approve of hardball. 

The honest truth is nothing of consequence can change until a new president is elected in 2024.  All the gargantuan spending passed by the legislature and signed into law by President Biden, is a done deal, set in concrete, until a new legislature and a new president are elected.  Consequential change can then happen with new legislation that cancels the old costly legislation enacted under Biden.  Until that time, the federal government has the legal grounds, if not the popular grounds to make their new America.  That America will be run by the top-down elites who milk and waste the system of billions while they force the increasingly desperate little people to pay for their thievery.    

Fox, stop considering the politics that may affect your bottom line and let the truth speak for itself.  Kevin McCarthy is not the leader of the little people because he’s blowing the smoke of the Republican establishment that wants the same control over the people as the Democrats.  So, whom do we trust?  The only leader who has fought for the fortunes of the little people is President Donald Trump, you know, the populist Republican president who endured hell from the Democrats while the Kevin McCarthy Republicans were cowardly silent.        

Populist Republicans must win in November to begin the change but by the time 2024 arrives, the then poor, desperate people’s majority will owe its very survival to the elitist bureaucrats that have trashed them.  It will be tough sledding to vote for change at that point.  Will Kevin McCarty be able to rally the little people in their own self defense? 

Hardly, his sole motive is to change the name on the door.


Landers, Ca