Sunday, April 17, 2022


 Our human experiential bubble of four dimensions is known to us as everyday reality.  Our world, our universe, our galaxy and the seemingly endless stream of galaxies, all float suspended in a sea of four-dimensional time and space. The dimensions of length, height, width and time are familiar to us all, so familiar that we navigate these boundaries without thinking.  

Our reality bubble is permeable, allowing a fifth dimension to influence our world.  Science has a number of theories that identify the fifth dimension but no clear widely accepted winner.  Just suppose for a moment that the fifth dimension is not scientific but emanates from the realm of the spirit of God.

Are you with me?  The Spirit of God, be it the fifth, sixth, or seventh dimensions, is constantly invading our reality to advertise the wisdom of eternity.  Some of us may question this, at least we live as though the Spirit is forever beyond our reach but the Spirit will not go away.  Right now, on this Easter Sunday, the Spirit of God is passing through the membrane of our reality bubble much like the process of osmosis on a cellular level.

Why is this so difficult to believe?  Our problem is that we ignore, redefine, reject and misinterpret the moving’s of the Spirit.  This Spirit avoidance is in our DNA.  In the case of Socrates, intellectual philosophy was the cover. Muhammed redefined spirituality as political control. Jesus was all about eternity but three hundred years after the resurrection, he was also buried in the crypt of religion.


Landers, CA