Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Idol Worship

The modern dilemma (2022) of the Christian Church is the question, how do we speak about Jesus to this age?  This question has been relevant to every age for 2000 years but at no time has it been more important to allow Jesus to speak.  Science and medical breakthroughs have dulled our spiritual senses into the possibility that to believe in a God is merely a relic of the uneducated tribal minions of the past.  The more modern belief system is in ourselves and is called secular humanism.       

Christian theology seems to have no answer to secularism.  No longer can the Church hang on to the elevation of the flesh and blood Jesus to idol status, status as the son of God, whatever that may mean?  Does God have sexual relations, with whom?  This construct is foolishness to the modern world.  It made sense 2000 years ago when almost all political leaders demanded to be revered as God and man, blurring the obvious distinctions.  Only the Christian religion of 2022 hangs on to this duplicity.  Both terminologies are in the Bible, idolatry and sonship, but Christianity must clearly define these two words but to define is to offend.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA