Sunday, July 25, 2021

the henouse


We the people are responsible for this American henhouse.  It is convenient to blame the few radical leaders and our largely silent leaders but in the final analysis we the people are at fault.  We have become a national henhouse willing to give up our personal freedoms to the mob because we are scared chickens.  It is much easier to go along to get along. 

I have a friend whom I personally respect but his bottom line is the almighty dollar, if it works for him financially, it is good.  If the government gives out checks, the government is good.  America will only be America again if we the people step up and take personal risk, financially or otherwise.  Our country is over the cliff and loosing our freedoms faster and faster, never to experience them again.  Our loss is to those few radicals whom we outnumbered ten to one.  We should be ashamed of our own personal cowardice! Are we?

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA