Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Day 61

The Republican political establishment that recruits and finances new politicians for Washington has never had the middle class working taxpayers in their radar.  As Lou Dobbs has stated for thirty years, politics for them is all about pleasing the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Round Table.  Therefore, keeping middle class wages low or lower is their sole, honest interest of the Republican Party led by Senate Majority leader Mitch “the Hitch” McConnell.

The hard working lower third of American income earners hate the Democratic open border policy but we should hate the Republican political leadership even more.  Politicians of both parties have given the country power puff immigration laws that have invited the invasion from the south.  The invasion is here and all our politicians are, understandably, sitting on their asses.

The result is that they are punishing us for their get rich greed.  They are robbing Peter (we taxpayers) to pay Paul (the business establishment).  The Democratic and Republican politicians are exposing us to crime, drugs and educational and financial burdens that do not reach the rich folk.  They are immune and the villains.

President Trump is our Robin Hood and our only hope for economic justice.  Trump policies have raised our wages and put more of us to work contributing to the well-being of our families and the country.  However, Washington is doing a good job of hog tying his efforts to bring economic equity to America.
My opinion, there are no good politicians, self-interest is their only concern and as a result, the America we love is doomed just as the Roman Empire committed economic and political suicide 600 years ago.  Déjà vu!
Landers, Ca