Thursday, June 26, 2014

to the dogs

I love dogs but Pit Bulls do not qualify.  The problem with the breed is not their aggressive character but the people who own them, so many are just irresponsible dog owners, assuming that the loyalty and affection they receive from this breed can be loosed on the community.  They, the owners, are the criminals and a real danger to others, these owners should be reviled by all, no sympathy.  I hate Pit Bulls but I hate their owners even more.  This extreme selfishness is the state of our nation in the America of 2014.

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Stand Down

When is enough, enough?  How long are we the people going to let Hussein Obama trash our military?  How long is the military going to hide in foxholes when it is under attack?  When is the officer core of each service going to stand up for their people who are being bombarded with disrespect?  Caring about your men is fundamental to military leadership.  When the job or the rank is more important than the welfare of your people, there will be no leadership and we now have none. Officers, can you live with yourself in the foxhole?  A 5 foot 6 inch black Marine drill instructor, R.J Washington, modeled that caring leadership principle for me some years ago and I regret not being man enough to pass the principle on to others.

Senior officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines…. Stand up by standing down!  Do your duty, Stand Down!  Retire and then go on every bully pulpit and tell the country why you made the sacrifice.  Say it out loud!  No longer will I serve a President who lies and deserts our brothers under fire as in Bengazi.  No longer will we bleed and die for a president who will soon give the victory away to the enemy.  No longer will we trust the lies of the man who refuses to reform the Veterans Administration death trap.  No longer will I serve this weak kneed president who is comfortable being pushed around by every tyrant in the world.  No longer will I serve a president who leaves his people behind in Mexico but repatriates an antiwar deserter in exchange for five enemy officers.  No longer will I serve a president who is accountable for nothing and throws his people under the bus so that he can slink away.  Stand down my brothers, are you not a proud soldier?

Landers, Ca              

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Line in the sand

It is time to stop being nice to illegal aliens.  It is time to stop putting our heads in the sand with our asses in the air and getting fucked!  We don’t have to give all humans free medical care and a free education and free housing and a free paycheck.  Go figure, American citizens, born in this country, don’t get the free bees.  Americans have to be the stupidest people in the world and our politicians of every strip are even more brain damaged for enabling the insanity.

Landers, Ca

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Board of Directors
Bighorn Desert View Water Agency

After two years, the Goslaw household has become familiar with the desert community of Landers.  Our early fascination with the desert has not waned but increased as my dogs and I have gotten to know the people of this community.  Getting to know you, the Bighorn Desert View Water Agency has taken almost as long but with each contact I have become increasingly thankful that such good folk are in charge of our water resource.  My only experience has been with those big government operations so I had a great deal of skepticism to overcome.  Thank you Directors and the staff for your patience, you are, indeed, special.

Landers, Ca

Saturday, June 7, 2014


                                               Dead or Alive

                          $ 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000  Reward

                            All traitorous liberal progressive politicians
                          who are saving the world by killing their own
                           American citizens in order to keep power!
                                      Citizens for the American Way

                                              Landers, Ca

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


There is a moral argument for the existence of God.  Evil will be punished and goodness will be rewarded in this life and probably the next.  Why  can’t we just accept the truth of his argument?  It would seem that this is a truth that we humans were created to test as if we were lab rats.  Why do we have to prove it over and over again?  If we are honest, each of us can recognize the moral argument in our own lives for it is what we try to teach our kids, when you choose the good it will come back to you.  We humans universally know that it works and we universally, to one degree or another, put this truth to the test daily.  In effect, we are advertising the God of the galaxies by our rebellion.  God can take the credit when we do not sin and God can reap the advertising when we do, sounds like a win, win …….. for God!

Landers, Ca