Friday, March 7, 2014


Are you a conservative believer?  The CPAC convention is happening in Washington this week and deceptively claiming support for conservative principles.  This supposed conservative happening should in truth be renamed the Republican Political Action Committee.  Only one winner of the convention’s straw pole since it’s beginning in 1976, has been a widely accepted conservative man of the people.  Yes, Ronald Reagan was that man.  There has been no other conservative to win the CPAC straw pole, go on to win the Republican nomination and then win the presidency.  George W. Bush did all of the above but he was never a conservative and his policies while in office did damage to conservatism.

If the members of the CPAC convention are so ignorant about the truth of conservatism, should we be surprised that our everyday brothers and sisters fail to understand?  Some of us assert that we do understand that political labels of every description have never benefited the people.  We don’t need political labels that may or may not reflect the man, we desire a principled man to lead us.  Those principles should be above politics, truly conservative and more important than winning.  Free enterprise, lower taxes, smaller government and physical responsibility are the home of true conservatism.

Where are you man?

Landers, Ca