Monday, February 10, 2014


To be precise, a zygote is the term used to refer to the cell as a result of the fusion of two haploid nuclei during fertilization until the first cleavage.  When the zygote starts to divide and multiply it is called an embryo.  (as defined by biology on line)

Each one of us were at one time a wondrous zygote.  Everything that is you is sculpted from this beginning when the genes of mom and dad combine in unpredictable ways.  The one celled zygote is a person, a like human being with great potential and possible great liabilities.  This person is within minutes of a dividing process that creates an embryo baby person, then a fetus baby person and after birth, a baby person.  So who is qualified to judge any of these persons without giving them a chance to choose their journey, isn’t that called discrimination?  

The abortion rights lobby believe that they and the mother have that right to judge.  If the mother is at all uncomfortable with a pregnancy, if the pregnancy is an unwanted complication for the mother or the state, it is better for the zygote, embryo or fetus to be killed.  They call it a termination but the medical definition in the Miriam Webster on line dictionary states that an abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy and cause the death of a fetus.  Try as they might, this fact cannot be spun to hide the truth unless we will not handle the truth.

ObamaCare has made the hiding in the bushes tactic of the Church untenable.  Our new unhealthy care system makes everyone directly complicit in the killing because each of us are now paying for all abortions.  This concern was never raised when the Law was being debated or voted upon by the people.  The church has been silent but we can no longer feign ignorance.  Now that the Law is being implemented we have to wake up to the travesty but except for a few Roman Catholic protests and the Hobby Lobby folk, Jesus believers are still hiding in the bushes.

Did Jesus hide in the bushes?  No, He fearlessly spoke truth to religious power.  If we assume that God takes a personal interest in each one of us, how can we condone, either actively or passively, the killing of another person’s shot at life?  How can Jesus believers now stand by and claimed no responsibility before God for these deaths?  We can no longer sing the prison refrain, it wasn’t me Oh Lord!  God is counting the lies, they have totaled at least 52 million lives and lies perpetrated upon our fellow Americans by Americans.

Landers, Ca