Thursday, October 24, 2013


Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke is running for the hills.  The economic meltdown will not happen on his watch! After six years of printing phantom money to keep the economy afloat and with three more years of the Obama lordship, he knows the coming meltdown is not far off.

In addition, the ObamaCare fiasco is hastening the demise of what was once the best economy in history. The increasingly rich stock market players are selfishly pushing for continued money irresponsibility at the Reserve and in Washington.  They are enabling each other and will not stop.  All of these pressures will send the under $40,000 a year working America and the opportunity hungry young folk over the cliff in the name of fairness.  Fairness is in the eye of the most invested in the insanity, an insanity that will make America another nation of the rich and the poor.

Why should the economically self involved care?  They don't care! This is only one of many warnings, all of whom are more credible than this source.  All these warnings have been ignored and dismissed as political propaganda.  America will not wake up until the disaster comes and then some politicians will again try to manipulate the pain of others to their own advantage.

Landers, Ca