Saturday, July 13, 2013


This is the message I would like to hear on Sunday, July 14, 2013.  We all have heard a hundred sermons on the Good Samaritan through the years (Luke 10: 25-37).  The relgionist’s want us to believe that being good, money, prayer, worship and a hundred of other do’s, will proved us to be acceptable to God.  Will the very best character of religion win us any points with the God of the galaxies?  Not according to Luke, God does not expect obedience, he knows us to well. 

The God of the galaxies is about mercy, dispersing mercy and he or she would like us to do mercy toward one another.  Who will be acceptable to God?  No one, for we all stand and die needful of divine mercy!  Let us, including all of life, rejoice in the promise of the soon coming merciful arms of the Almighty.  Even those of us who find it difficult to embrace them in this life should be rejoicing.

Landers, CA