Sunday, December 30, 2012


Politics in our time is tiring.  After two years of presidential campaigning the voters of Americas have reelected Barack Obama, a far left ideologue.  His political opinion is that the government has the duty and the authority to determine all things for the people.   The government knows what is best and any opposition is considered evil to be oppressed.  The Tea party ideals of smaller government, less spending with accompanying money honesty are the current target.  Both the establishment Republican and all the Democrats want us who so believe to retire into oblivion.

America, let’s just go cliff diving off the physical cliff!  Our politicians do little else than play political games for political advantage while they ignore the devastation that is burdening regular America.  Our politicians are boobs in the pay of special interests.  Only one thing will convince the voters of the lunacy of higher taxes and slower economic growth.  That thing is a total meltdown of the economy,  so as the Beetles sang, “let it be”.  Tea Party believers, make no deals with the devil, do not abandon your just cause, take the blame and let the sure economic failure of far left politics be experienced by all the people, the pain is regrettable but necessary.

Landers, Ca