Thursday, September 13, 2012

Playing Nice

Some time ago the our household received a phone call from the principle’s office.  We were informed, “your son has been fighting on the playground and we need to talk”.  The talk involved a lecture about fighting with no concern for the cause which was bullying and the establishment of a schoolyard pecking order.  The school administration was reacting in the same way as the Obama administration in the face of the slaying of four, supposedly diplomatically protected Americans, including our Ambassador to Libya.  The Clinton state department and the President say, “we must take the long view despite the evil intentions and actions of the Muslim Brotherhood”.

A now famous LA video star asked a question from the city courthouse steps,  “can’t we all just get along?” The answer to that question and the continuing dysfunction in the Middle East should be a resounding no, we can't!  Somewhere there has to be an American leader who will admit that politically and religiously motivated humans will never just get along.  There will always be bullies on the school yard playground, eventually we will have to stand up like a man.  Instead, this cow tailing president insists on playing nice with those who wish us and ours dead!

Landers, CA.