Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sin has many flavors

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
Victorville, CA.

Re: “Call it something else”, Michael F. Burt

The legal status quo in our country says that marriage is first and at least a civil legal matter. If the participants want that civil marriage to also be a religious exercise, say in a church, that is their right. The problem arises when our civil laws qualify the participants by requiring two persons of differing genders. If marriage is an American civil legal right, then the laws, to be American, should not be written to enforce any religious or supposed moral qualification for the participants. Civil marriage should be available to all Americans regardless of gender or intended life style. That legal standing should be an American civil right.

The Church can qualify the participants any way it so chooses because it is an available option. The point being is that if the laws were fairly written, there would be no problem. New York has just accomplished such a fair update to there marriage statutes and other states should follow suit. That we as a country are so slow to wake up to this reality can only be explained by American bigotry against gays. Bigotry condoned and supported by the Church and church folk like yourself. Bigotry akin to the racism against the black man that has so defined our culture and is also condoned and supported by the church. Mr. Burt, you claim not speak for God but then you do speak for God, we are confused.

Sin has many flavors.

Victorville, CA.