Sunday, May 22, 2011


Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
Victorville, Ca

Re: “It’s not envy, it’s anger”, Rick Benefield, Daily Press, May 20.

Thank you for your reasoned response to the opinion of Steve Williams (“On Ignorance”, May 12). Your assessment of the mood of our citizenry is absolutely correct, we are angry. We are angry because the America out there ahead of us is not the America that will be good for our children. Rush Limbaugh is no more the problem than is Barrack Obama. Mr. Limbaugh, one of many media stars, does not represent the filthy rich and works very hard in the entertainment niche he has created. He has earned his millions as do sport and pop culture stars who earn millions for what some would consider much less effort. Our President, as does the left, plays the class warfare card to score political points but the criticism and taxing of the rich will not solve our national problem. The defense of either the rich or the poor is all camouflage.

So what is the national problem? One opinion rarely cited is that America has a spiritual problem. Selfishness rules our land, the Almighty Dollar is our God. Self interest will be forever with us but there must be an overriding national interest with a consideration of the interest of others, at times, above our own interest. May I suggest that this has been the historical American way even though we have often struggled at this point. Today is a new day, there is no more struggle, it is culturally O. K. to demand our own way and get what we want regardless of the cost to others. Today, America has few facts that engender national pride, much less a positive future.

Why can’t we be America?

Victorville, Ca.