Thursday, March 3, 2011


Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
Victorville, California

We Californians are a strange breed. Common sense has nothing to do with how we treat each other. The latest example is the split vote by the Victorville City Council to hire seven more deputies for the Sheriff’s Department. Capt. Cliff Raynolds, department commander, seems not to be pushing for more deputies beyond current levels. So why the push to hire, why only the seven and not the missing eleven? Council, what don’t you understand about being broke?

Safety is a code word for union influence in politics. When our politicians cry “safety” the taxpayer is being manipulated. The unions and their politicians must think we are defenseless scaredy cats. They are playing to this new American culture of victimhood. Life is so dangerous that we will say anything or pay anything, or even surrender to a lobotomy to feel more safe. There was a time not so long ago when we Californians were better than this.

The newly elected, Miss. Valles is the chief union pusher in residence on the City Council. According to her, we, the city, must fill more union billets “even if it means cutting other services (Daily Press, March 3, 2011)”. Please let me rephrase, “even if it means cutting the jobs of nonunion city workers”. The rephrasing is more truthful about her intent and priority. Nonunion city workers have suffered repeated cutbacks and setbacks in the wake of the irrational votes of the City Council and the mismanagement within City Hall. These are not just city services, they are people. The selfishness of this union priority in these times is beyond any semblance of fairness.

Victorville, Ca