Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2011 NRSC Issues Survey

Part 2.
Government is grossly to big and is all talk. Show us that you can be serious about spending cuts and we may be with you. I am a Common Sense Republican who believes government to be in the way of the Republic. There should be a 25% cut in the public sector, ineffective departments shut down and regulations on business severely cut back. The pork is stinking up the country and I don't believe you have the guts to change. Wall street and the stock market own you and the Democratic party and neither of you are about the integrity of the American worker or the viability of the middle class. Balance the budget and stop the Federal reserve with it's Qe's. The war is evil and National Security as constituted is a farce. John Beaner's 5% House tax cut is laughable if not so paltry and mere lip service. You Good ol' boys are ignoring the Tea party priorities as if you the establishment Republican Party won the election. You were an unintended consequence to be dealt with in 2012. Donald Trump for President.
Part 5.
Cut spending, balance the budget, tax credits for hiring American labor, tax lazy wealth including capital gains, tax and Tariff imports,shut down overseas wars,play hardball with companies who ship out jobs, defund NAFTA and put the army on border to stop drugs and illegals. No Pain, No Gain!

Thank you for asking for my opinion but you deserve not a dime.