Friday, October 8, 2010


E-Mail, Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 4:49 pm

Hi Bob, nice to hear from you. There has to be a job for an excellent experienced computer geek, somewhere in California. Aren’t such specialties always in demand? The safest move is probably to stay put. It’s Friday about 5 pm. I just got back from a trip… I really love being on the move and driving but this present situation is not working out, mostly my fault. Victorville is depressed like all of the rest of America. I’m totally disbelieving of all politicians, Dem’s, Rep’s, or whatever. No one is telling it like it is, you can’t be for jobs if you won’t enforce the border. You can’t be for jobs if your on the free trade payroll and they all are!

Brown and Boxer can only bring further disaster to California. Meg and Fiorina will bring some needed change but they are mega free traders. I thought I was all alone with my weirdo politics until I heard Donald Trump on the TV sounding off about this country. No war, no free trade and we should build it here and stop feeding China.

Of course our politicians are owned and operated by you know who, they get their own on the ballot and we have no real choice. Both sides are arguing from the extremes and no one really wants a working government for the people. I should be angrier, they are all traitors to the American way serving their corporate interests first once they get elected (Obama). Sorry you got me goin’. I’m tired , please let me cool down.