Monday, April 26, 2010

Rev. Jim Wallis

April 26, 2010

Rev. Jim Wallis would have us believe that God wants our immigration laws broken. Shame on you Rev. Wallis for perverting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the biblical record. What don't you understand about rendering unto Caesar what is Caesars? Jesus came to change men’s hearts not necessarily their societal standing. By changing men’s hearts we are better able, hopefully, to love all our brothers but social justice is your gig not God’s.

Every nation on the face of the earth has immigration laws to protect it’s own citizens and their jobs. Any elitist theologian who preaches social justice probably hasn’t scratched for a living in his life. He hasn’t felt the sting of watching his children suffer because of the greedy few. Sure, life is terribly unequal both at home and abroad but what, pray tell, is evil about maximizing the opportunities that hard work presents to we Americans.

Really preach Rev. Wallis, condemn the greed of our times, defend the weak and the aliens, but desist from calling immigration laws evil. To so state is a bald faced lie, for these laws defend our jobs when and if enforced. We, the people, will accept enforcement help from whomever is willing. Thank you Arizona!

Sir, your message smells of self interest. I do not recognize the church for whom you claim to speak, dare not speak for me.
