Sunday, January 29, 2017

A challenge to the High Desert Star

The new editorial page of the Hi-Desert Star is an improvement over the old mindless insult machine of the past.  The Word on the street section has a broader cross section of both local people and their sometimes-divergent opinions.  It would be helpful if the reader is informed as to the life work of those giving the opinion.  Are they plumbers or teachers, store clerks or truck drivers, government employees or small business persons, day traders or panhandlers?  Such a revelation would help the reader understand where opinion likely originates without further contributing to the political polarization that has infected America.   

The new “Our View” section has at last given the paper an opportunity to put meaningful local and national issues before the readers.  One would assume that in doing so, the paper hopes to stimulate intelligent feedback and an open discussion of possible fixes.  The January 26 “Our View” section is entitled, “It’s time to admit we have a problem”.  This opinion rightly calls the folk of our community to band together to positively address the scourge of drug abuse infecting both our families, the local community and the nation. 

OK, we have a monstrous problem, our children and young adults are dying and becoming virtual life vegetables.  My community is highly infected, rumors abound about our young dying amid mysterious circumstances.  The days of “just say no” and a war on drugs enforcement efforts seem totally inadequate solutions to our present problem.  If tragedy has found your family, this is not the time to hide in shame, it is time to stand up and demand change. 

Why are our law enforcement officers overwhelmed with this problem? Why is heroin as cheap on the streets as cigarettes?  Why are our public schools so ineffective educating our male students?  Why can we regulate smokes away from our young and at the same time open our borders to the drug peddlers of the world?  It makes no sense because our young are being destroyed by the open borders cartel of the political Democratic and socialist radical left.  They say to you and I, our politics is more important than the life of your son or daughter.    

Should you and I accept this bull, should the Hi-Desert Star?  Our paper must have an expanded view that is relevant to our everyday circumstance in real America and not some pie in the sky political theory.  Hi-Desert Star, are you afraid to be relevant and stand with your people?

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The America Haters International Union is exposed!

There is a new union in town, it is called the Donald J. Trump Presidency.  Since he has entered the political area, the other union, known as, the America Haters International Union, has had to come out of their closet and demonstrate to all of us their ugliness.  They accuse everyone, other than themselves, of hating when they are the ugly bigots who lie, cheat and steal the greatness of the American ideal to promote America hate.   They are the radical political left and their surrogates who will say anything and do anything to gain control and enslave America, from Washington D.C, New York City, Sacramento, California or the street corners of Yucca Valley. 

America Haters International Union has accomplished phase one of their plan by gaining control of the political elites of the Democratic Party including the House Democratic members who skipped the Inauguration.  The actions of this minority are organized America Hate.  They warped the special interests promoting the killing of babies in the womb to the many invasions into America from everywhere.  They send the IRS after their political enemies.  They invite black lives matter folk to visit the White House.  Former President Obama told illegals to vote illegally in the presidential election of 2016.  They send and fund their anarchist bullies to burn and riot in the streets.  They give tacit approval to the killing of police officers, remaining silent or they give obligatory written statements about the violence.  This organized ugliness is right out of the socialist, communist, big government playbook that is about enslaving the American people.

One man stood up for the people, President Donald J. Trump.  This message is from the people, we now know who you are, please, go stifle yourself!    


Landers, Ca

Monday, January 16, 2017

Letter to Jacob

Good morning Jacob.  This is your first day in your new surroundings so your grandpa is writing in support of your choice, I and the entire family are so proud of your decision.  Life is one gigantic learning experience for every one of us, we can learn from books, the testimonials of others but most of all from our decisions that bring positive or negative results.  All of us have experienced both circumstances.  There are no perfect lives in this family or beyond, those human beings that claim perfection are stuck in the denial of their own humanness.  Learning to navigate life is the task before us all at any age because we have the breath that gives us the power to choose our own way.

This power to choose is a unique blessing because all other forms of life are solely mechanical.  A marijuana seed planted in soil and watered will sprout a funny looking life form that will continue to grow at a predictable pace when placed in the sun.  That growing plant has no choice, it will either thrive or wither, depending upon the reality into which it comes to life.  We humans have the power to choose the circumstances into which we choose to live.  This is the challenge to all of us but especially to you, at this time, my grandson.  Trust your unique self, trust the power to choose and when you choose amiss, brush yourself off and have the courage to choose again. 

Fear should not drive your choices even though this world is a scary place.  Most people choose to live like sheep, looking for the safety of whatever group may be convenient.  By joining the group they may feel safer but they also become easily herded.  You have never been one to be herded but you have chosen your group a miss, resulting in a loss of your freedom to choose the future for yourself.  All the great calamities in human history began with a populace who chose to live by pleasing the wrong group or the wrong group think.  People whose first choice is to please a group loose the power to choose their own way and eventually, they will succumb to the power of the group.

Jacob, you have been gifted with so much good stuff to share with this world, discover who you are and then trust who you are!  Grandpa has always and will always believe in you, no matter what!

(Herbert laid his first egg, January 16, 2017, huge!  He has suddenly gotten very aggressive.)
