Monday, August 22, 2016

The Henhouse

The question has been raised about the conscious character of America.  Namely, is America a hen house as stated on this blog?  Our illustrious local paper calls this accusation discrimination.  We shall see as the women of America have a choice to express in this presidential election.  Is the vagina body part the most distinguishing qualification for the Oval office?  To this point in the opinion polls, the answer from the hen house is in the affirmative.
No other conclusion can be reached by any rational observer of the facts.  Message doesn't count, the future of all Americans doesn't count and the forked tongue of the lady candidate matters not at all.  Hillary is the most anti women candidate to seek the office of what has always been the most distinguished leadership position in the world.  

The clincher has surfaced that Hillary's closest confidant, Huma Mahmood Abedin, the long time chief assistant to Hillary in her post as Secretary of State and a fixture in the Clinton Foundation is a graduate of the Muslim ideology that sends all women to the back of the bus.  It should be noted that this privilege will only be accorded if there is a seat available that is not occupied by a man.  Go figure this if you can. 

How else can this insanity compute?  Hen house ladies use your brain this time and prove that this blog is in error.

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The election for the future of America

I have a secret admirer.  She sends me cards without a return address in response to my guest posts in the High Desert Star.  We were on the same wave length when discussing money in politics as she supported the brief candidacy of Bernie Sanders.  This last card begins, “Glen, you are such a dope!”  What has gotten her all riled up you ask?  Right, her boy sold out for a Hillary funded house on the lake and she is left with only Donald J. Trump as an alternative.

I get it, this is a female response of displaced anger but then she proceeds to recant the Democratic talking points against Mr. Trump.  “Trump is a trigger happy whack job and suffers from terminal adolescent arrested development.  He will not win, and he will withdraw before the election because his ego will not accept his tanking in the polls.  He won’t release his taxes because he has a great deal to hide.  Love your libertarian friend.”  One might question her thinking but most of all her definition of love that precludes considering an opposing opinion.

The American female, particularly the older white hens, disrespect Mr. Trump because he is an Alpha male, an old school alpha male type that has never shown his face in American politics for about forty years.  It must be a real shock to accept the fact that there are just a few left around.  The definition of an alpha male is a dominating character among a group of individuals.  We have coyotes out here in Landers and most are emaciated specimens in survival mode except for one good old boy who is the leader of the pack.  He is fat and happy with a swagger that refuses to run when confronted with a human foe.

My libertarian friend, America needs an alpha male in the White House at this historical hour to stand up for the interests of the little people, those of us without political power.  Yes, Mr. Trump fits the definition of an alpha male, he does have a very large ego but that ego is our only hope to change the hen house that America has become thanks to our predictable and precise politicians who have sold out America to every moneyed interest in the world.  No one who is not an alpha male could stand up against the growing fury from our domineering freedom robbing American political structures.

Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt said, “I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made.”  Please allow me to list the enemies that are confronting Mr. Trump, then judge him.  Possibly, Ms. Libertarian, you may discover an alpha male that is not really that offensive to your delicate nature.
These are the enemies of Mr. Trump because these are the folks who are enslaving the people.

1.    Big government Democrats who will need a greatly expanded tax base (taxing the rich won’t do it).
     2.    Big government Republicans who only care about their funding sources from the free trade lobby.
     3.    Minorities, red, yellow, black and white who have been deceived and as a result will make their America the land of the rich and the poor.
    4.    All politicians who get their paychecks from taxpayers, the Wall Street moneyed interests, corporations and the big banks.
    5.    Government bureaucrats, federal, state and local who are being paid by the taxpayers and want their kids on the gravy train.  
    6.    Stock market investors who depend upon unrestricted free trade.
    7.    The broad based 401K voters who prize their own self-interest.
    8.    A majority of the ladies of America who are offended by Mr. Trump, his male demeanor, no nonsense personality and fresh thinking.
    9.    The open borders political action crowd with their globalist intentions.
   10.     The mass media, every newspaper and almost every broadcast media are ganging up on Mr. Trump to try and slander him instead of his pro American agenda.

We might as well call Mr. Trump the ultimate underdog!  Only a very large ego that has been responsible for building a very large business in the private sector can and will stand for the people who have been left out of the decision making by our corrupt politicians.  Mr. Trump has never taken a dime from these folks and it scares them to death and they are reacting with predictable name calling fury. 

We voters, are we to be hood winked into a third world America?  Mr. Trump thinks not but should you decide to be stupid at the ballot box, remember, that vote ensured the demise of freedom in America.  Mr. Trump, will not quite, he will shoulder the abuse in order to give all Americans a more prosperous future.  Should the voters of America decide for the status quo corrupt politics, the election will have consequences (Obama words). 

Can you be shamed out of standing up for the future of America?  

Landers, Ca.   

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Sitting on the front porch and watching the sun rise over Goat Mountain every morning is the best of each day. The wonder of the rising sun, day after day, year after year, century after century, why should it be so?  It is quite impossible for we humans to fathom the meaning of that little eternal word, every.  Can the rising sun be that consistent?  Such a question leads to others and we are forced to think beyond our petty limitations.  Perhaps, Burt Bacharach was searching the “every question” when he penned the tune so many years ago, “What’s it all about, Alphie”?

The lyrics of this song say the answer is love toward our world and humankind but is this not, in at least one important way, an answer based upon our limitations?  Is it not an earthbound answer?  There was a time in my life when such thoughts or questions were understood to be nonconsequential to this seemingly significant human.  There was a time in my life when it seemed prudent to shift into that comfortable place, the God scenario of heaven and hell as an excuse to never have to ask such questions again.  There was a time in my life when I gave up asking or thinking about the eternal question because there were no answers that seemed appropriate.  The asking was pointless and so far removed from the daily grind.

This time in my life, the “every question”, remains the only question without a full blown answer.  Could this not be an answer?  Our limitations were meant to leave the individual, every individual, without an answer.  As humans we are meant to freely search the hinterlands for the consistency that the sun brings every morning, to search without success in this world.  Life is either that pointless or our search was meant to teach us the meaning of something.  If there be a God, an architect of this unknowable seemingly immoral existence, the word that he would have us swallow is freedom.  We are free to make our limited world whatever the individual reckons to be most rewarding. Freedom cannot be the exclusive possession of the few.  Freedom was designed to be the highest order of this world.  Freedom is for everyone, it is meant for everyone and we depend upon every other human to achieve that freedom.  Freedom is the life value most desired by humans whether we acknowledge the desire or bury it.  Yet, freedom is the most difficult value to give to another.  Now that is a long term goal that makes sense.

The evil in this world says just trust me.  Evil says don’t search, don’t think, don’t question, just trust me.  The mother goose of religion says just trust me.  The mother goose of political government says just trust me.  The mother goose of social order says just trust me.  The mother goose of wealth and privilege says just trust me.  The mother goose of human allegiances gives comfort to life but it also says, just trust me.  The mother goose of violence says just trust me.  Each claims to have our future best interest as their motivator but the claims are a lie.  Self-interest is at the heart of their message.

There is only one messenger from whom I would take counsel and from whom I have failed to emulate.  Jesus of Nazareth never used the word freedom but he lived the word on this earth for a few short years.  He was truly free from the political intrigue of his time and place.  He was truly free from the religious dogmatism of his ancestors and so-called leaders.  Jesus condemned no one but encouraged all to endorse and embrace  the eternal value of the rising sun, the freedom of another day or days.

Landers, Ca.