Signing off, some say signing off at last, after 939 blogs and fifteen years it is time to shift gears. It has been fun and I have discovered abilities that have been dormant for a life time. Many thanks are extended to those few readers who have been patient with my dribble. The radical left of Soros, Obama and Biden have been given a gut punch that will sideline their treachery for years to come. Our country is now in the capable hands of President Trump with a great future before us. I will be flying our house American flag tomorrow and watching all the festivities. History will record tomorrow as a pivot point; the people shall reign.
As for the
God stuff, I have arrived at a God understanding that is not traditional
Christianity but it is at least for me viable going into the future in this modern
world. All religion is a no go. Agree or disagree, time will tell.
You have my
best wishes and to all a good night.
G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca.