Thursday, December 12, 2024


Christian doctrine dumped on us so long ago, can have shaky grounding in the Bible. Who was Jesus? Was Jesus also God? Is the one God of scripture also the confusing triune God of three persons?  Some of us say that the life and death and resurrection of Jesus was and is only a God powered testimony to the spiritual reality of the one God among us. This being said, the biblical Jesus record does not include the assumption that Jesus was also God.  This is the obvious conclusion asserted by Forrest Maready in his little book, “why Some Christians don’t Believe in the Trinity”.

The book is neither a deep dive into a biblical theology nor is it a thought-out theology. The book is a plain verse by verse, common sense, summary of all that the Bible says about the nature of God, from Genesis to Revelation. No where is the Triune nature of God in three persons to be found. The biblical, so-called scholars, will make excuses for the absence of such an understanding in the words of the Bible but all of them have jobs to protect, they can’t state the obvious. Mr. Maready, whoever you are, thank you for stating the obvious.

Despite this minority opinion, the author rightly considers himself to be Christian, clinging to the remaining Christian doctrinal orthodoxy. Some of us, if only me, believe that another Christian doctrine is even more perverse and makes the Christian label, if defined by the “Creeds” of doctrine, quite impossible. There is only one God and we humans have never been angels sitting around heaven smoking a peace pipe with God. We humans are and have always been highly competitive, self-centered creatures existing for only a moment in this dog-eat-dog world. The nature of God is an issue and the nature of mankind is an issue.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.