No one knows how history will record the Democrat Drama of the last four years unless the principal characters involved suddenly become honest. This is not a good bet unless one of the parties involved decides to write a best seller. The obvious fact is that the radical left communist heads have been the policy deciders controlling all democrats for the last four years. The policy deciders have not been President Biden, Vice President Harris or the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken. These folk and all democrats have been and are only puppets on a string who could not justify, before the people at election time 2024, any of their policies.
How did
winning a presidential election in 2020 by a few thousand questionable votes in
a few swing states give the new Biden administration permission to unleash blanket
radical change of any sort upon the American people? The answer can only be insane arrogance. The radical left assumption was that with all
the power of government trained upon all political questioners, all future
elections, as in 2024, are in the bag. Why should we worry, change is now? The slim
win was, in the understanding of the power brokers, more than an election, it
was a legal coup, an overthrow or undoing. Going forward the American electorate
will continue to be stuffed with easily deceived useful idiots who couldn’t
identify their own self-interest if their life depended upon it. And it will.
Then came Donald Trump and the people woke up. The mandate is, we want America as it has always been, the land of the free!
Maybe Barack will finally retire to his estate?
G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca.