Message to Moses from the burning bush that would not be consumed, “I am, who I am” (Ex 3:14). What was God saying to Moses in the face of such an inhuman challenge (let my people go)?
Rice, ‘Biblical Support for a New Perspective’: “The Openness of God”, Pinnock,
Rice, Sanders, Hasker, Bassinger, InterVarsity Press, 1994, p. 49.
according to Wolfhart Pannenberg, it asserts that God “will show himself in his
historical acts.” In effect, God says, “I will be there for you.” Or, to risk
putting it too colloquially, “I am the one you can always count on.” At any
rate, the text points to the dynamic (drama driven, gg) quality of God’s
activity rather than to the static quality of the divine nature.”
human/divine life drama without a script. gg
G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca