Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Yes, Yes, sympatico Paul Tillich (Courage To Be).  The God above God, that is the quest. The God above all religions. This is the God that Abram chased across the desert, it is the “I am” God that Moses discovered as an eternal burning fire on the mountaintop. 

This God is the God that Jesus the Nazarene called his Father.  This Father God sent Jesus to Jerusalem to confront the narrowly defined religious orthodoxy of his day.  Confront he did, not with words or violence but with his mere presence, infuriating said doctrinal orthodoxy.

Because Jesus knew who he is, knew he had a shared being with the God above Gods, he confidently, ignoring the chaos and certain death, proved that shared expected destiny by willingly submitting to the ugliness of the cross. This shared being is available to all of us, in and out of religion, who climb the mountain, join the chase or follow the way of Jesus.

What a holy death!  A death that is worthy of resurrection and reunion.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca