Thursday, December 28, 2017


The free exercise of our innate, individual, human spiritual potential is a reward unto itself, now and forever more.  Any dogma that usurps exclusive control over our innate, individual, human spiritual potential is a fraud and it's advocates are spiritual terrorists.  Jesus said, whomever and wherever you are, exercise.

G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanks be to God

To my delightful surprise, a little piece of Landers, California has been my abode since 2012.  Periodically, I get antsy staying in one place but these times pass and I rightfully remain grateful to all those who made my sandbox happen.  The weather is just a wee bit hot in summer and comfortably chilly in winter, no complaints.  The neighbors are few as my dogs and I hike our sandy roads.  One neighbor, Janet, stops by with her dogs every few days and we share a smoke on the front porch, mixing in a little intelligent conversation about world events, family and politics.  This is adequate socialization for this content senior life observer.
This past February I was told an emergency appendectomy was in my immediate future at our hospital on the hill in Joshua Tree.  Five or six hours later the surgeon arrived and I entered the never, never land of anesthesia heaven, trusting in the competency of hospital staff.  Upon awaking from my deep sleep, I slowly became aware of how close eternity had rubbed up against me.  In the recovery room, G. Goslaw began bleeding, an alert nurse recognized the situation and took aggressive action to get me back into surgery to stop the bleeding.  In her words, “I didn’t think you were going to make it”.  I am haunted by the realization that the end could very well have been in 2017, my last days on this earth.

Most of us live very busy lives but in times like these we should ask, when death does arrive, will we humans experience some sort of eternity?  If so, what will eternity look like?  The answer to the first question is a no brainer, there either is or there isn’t.  No eternity means that our lives are reduced to our circumstances and relationships through whom we hope for a future beyond death.  This believing in ourselves may be enough for some but it seems a bit superficial, life becoming all about me and mine.  This is the very definition of Godless secularism, get all you can while you can, every decision is only a pragmatic personal calculation but how that decision may affect others is less important.  Is it any wonder that our country has progressively become mired in selfish expectations and attitudes?  Should there be no eternity, a great many of us will be proved wrong, disappointed and unaware of the loss.

Let us, therefore, quickly dismiss that possibility.  The second question is more fun to consider, what will eternity be like?  What is the destiny of the human spirit?  Every few years someone rises from a near death experience to tell us what eternity is like on the other side, a light at the end of a long tunnel, an overwhelming sense of peace, the great judgement day.  Our religions deposit supposed truth upon the people, whether it be something called nirvana, the fires of hell or 99 blessed virgins.  As for me, eternity without my dogs won’t cut it, which only proves that our expectations have an eerie way of trapping us in earthly drumbeats.  Listen as we must, these opinions are all different and may only be the simple winding down of our computer brains, none of us really knows.
In the recovery room, there were no lights, possibly I wasn’t dead enough to bring back any messages or I wasn’t worthy enough to be that messenger.  Others have, Socrates of Greek antiquity and King Solomon of Hebrew history each brought back unusual understanding.  The boy David, the twelfth son of a shepherd family found great courage under the stars of biblical times.  My spiritual background is from an evangelical perspective that has only one picture of eternity, the heaven and hell scenario.  One might wonder if this thinking (dogma) is intended to scare the faithful and sinner into submission to a man-made institution.  Sure, the Spirit of God operates in the church as he does among all of us but is the thinking of God the same as the thinking of the Church?  I trust not.

I can trust Jesus who came out of the desert with a message for the forgotten people, not the religious and proud crowds.  He said, your circumstances have no real power over you because this world belongs to the God of the galaxies and he has your back.  Eternity is here and now as well as beyond death. This was new news to the forgotten people, no one had talked to them before about eternity, as Jesus put it, the kingdom of God.  The forgotten people clamored to listen to this strange talk from Jesus.  Is this kingdom talk a new thing?  Is the kingdom really for me?  Why has no one else spoken of this kingdom?  Does this kingdom have rules?  Will this kingdom improve our daily lives?

Jesus told a little story recorded for us in the gospel of Mathew, this parable or “The story of the wedding banquet”, is a picture of eternity (Mathew 22: 2 through 14).  The story begins, “The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son”.  Fourteen little words tell us the size and shape of eternity more profoundly than a multitude of volumes written from human understanding and for a profit.  Eternity has one boss (king), we human beings are family (sons), eternity is a party for the ages (banquet), eternity is about the unification of we humans to God (wedding).  Which one of we humans would want to miss this eternal party?   Not I, nor any other honest person, most of all some of us believe that none of we human beings will miss out!

Surprise, surprise, this is not the small ball touted by the religious crowd but sounds much like universalism, which says that, to God everyone is a son deserving of an eternal party.  The religious crowd will question, don’t our choices in this life determine our eternal future?  If the individual is a part of the wrong religion or worst of all, no religion at all, surely these folks will be excluded post death, will they not?  In response to these seemingly logical questions, one might ask, do those who teach an exclusionary eternity understand the heart of God.  Jesus excluded no one from the love of God, not his enemies or his critics or those who nailed him to the cross, “Father forgive them!”.  Such words sound inclusive not exclusive.  Another instance, the two thieves crucified with Jesus, one repented in this life and he was told that this day the kingdom of God was his to share prior to death but Jesus never condemned the other thief to some other reality.  The love of God never gives up on any of his sons, he just waits, saying, your time will come (the lost parables).

Either God loves the world (John 3:16) or he doesn’t.  Divine love reduced to the religious few is the religion of the Old Testament.  To the extent that the New Testament enforces this understanding of spirituality, the N.T. has missed the revolution that Jesus began.  The hell advocates are certainly missing the revolution, no surprise, you see, most of us miss it most of the time.  The parable of the banquet says that the exact same thing, the Kings invitations to the party is ignored by the people, each preferring to actively pursue other things, “But they paid no attention and went off – one to his field, another to his business.  The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them (v.5).”  Have you ever wondered where violence originates, violence that always makes no sense and is self-destructive, could it be that to us, anything is better than accepting an invitation to spiritual accountability?

In response to our avoidance techniques, God (the king) directs his servants out into the streets to invite anyone and everyone they meet to the party.  “So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests (v. 10).” May I be blunt?  Does this story uttered by Jesus not teach that a heavenly destination is in the cards for all of us?  Moral standing may not be the primary qualification for eternity.  The shared human destiny is an eternity with God, who does not discriminate, by race, religion, wealth, sex, skinny or fat, ugly or buff or relative goodness.  And that there, in eternity, we all will discover what spiritual reality is truly all about, at the party.

About this time, I hope you are questioning my universalistic assumption about this passage.  When the invitations of the king are rejected by the people who kill his servants, the king takes revenge by sending his troops to murder and burn out those selfish subjects (v. 5)?  Is this divine intervention or a John Wick movie about revenge?  Can’t you hear that line, “they killed my dog”?  As if that injustice was to justify all the killing to follow in the movie.  Worse yet, this so-called God, who acts out with the sword, must be related to that other ancient religion that persists to this day.  Anyway, the biblical parable of the wedding banquet describes a very human deity who responds to injustice just as we do, with violence from a vengeful heart.  This venom can’t be the God of the galaxies, but the Bible, in this parable, claims this earthly behavior is a divine right, violence is a part of the character of God.  A simple question, how does this violent depiction of God square with the message of Jesus who said, love even your enemies? Jesus goes on to say, love your enemies so that “you may be the children of your Father in heaven (Matt. 5:45)”.  This is not the picture of a violent vengeful God.

The conclusion I have reached is that the red-letter edition of the Bible, the words purported to be from the lips of Jesus, are a mixture of his words and the succeeding generations of religion defenders and handwriting duplicators, who were not fans of the Jesus spiritual revolution.  The violent elements to the parable were added to water down the wide open message of Jesus.  In verses 13 and 14, the king, God, has an encounter with a man at the party without wedding clothes, the king feels insulted and passes judgement upon the man.  “Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  For many are invited but few are chosen.”  The religious few relate to these words but really, the ultimate reality, God, is he so easily insulted and apt to take revenge?  Is this parable Greek mythology or spiritual truth?  Sadly, the answer is that it has become both.

Heaven is a place for spiritual growth freed from the burdens and distractions of this earth.  Let’s play God a moment, how would you design such a reality?  The parable of the wedding party may be helpful to reduce the fog of some of our misunderstandings about eternity.  While all our spirits may have the same final destination, the seating arrangement at the eternal party may or will be different.  Some of us will be up close to the action around God, while others of us will be seated in the darker places.  Just possibly, as we get it together in the hereafter, those closest to the light will pass on into another reality.

Should this be the future for the human spirit and justice combined with love is the character of God, how will God determine the pecking order in heaven?  Who gets to proceed first to the light?  My own opinion is that those of us who had no chance at finding God’s Love in this earthly life, will go to the head of the line.  They will experience the blessed light and the next reality sooner than we darker souls.  The worthiest of all contenders for this priority are the millions of we humans that were aborted in the womb, their bodies torn apart before they had a chance at the life we take for granted.  This would-be justice!  Enough with the suppositions, the Ultimate Reality is the boss.

Landers, CA.  

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Inner Space

The starry, starry nights are spectacular in Landers.  It is impossible to stare at these stars for any length of time without becoming an amateur philosopher.  What does all that spectacle up there mean to me?  With a sense of wonder, we humans have been staring at the stars for 200 million years but it was only 600 years ago that we began to understand the workings of the stars when Nicholas Copernicus and Issac Newton ushered us into what has been called the scientific revolution.  The sun centered universe made the changing heavens predictable but the new culture resulting from this revolution wrongly assumes that science and the philosophers have all the answers.  These thinkers, at least most of them, would not make such an arrogant claim but they have inadvertently exerted undue influence upon us, influence that has driven us further from valuing our spiritual center.
As we look heavenward, outer space just keeps getting bigger and bigger while we feel smaller and more insignificant.  Outer space is composed mostly of nothingness but with an untold number of evolving rock systems sprinkled throughout the immeasurable blackness.  A frontier for man to explore, maybe, but despite our growing knowledge of the heavens our meaning among the stars has failed to be illuminated.  In fact, our looking up into the stars has made our place among the galaxies seem more and more tenuous with each new discovery.  Our ever-expanding insignificance has filtered down to our individual lives where we struggle with the enormity of our situation beneath the stars.  Could it be that inner space, the inner space of each individual human being, is the frontier that we most need to explore?  Could it be that staring into the stars is but one of those many earthly distractions we use to avoid exploring our inner space?

2500 years ago, Socrates was a stone mason and a courageous warrior for Greece who dared to enter inner space at around fifty years of age.  This experience propelled him to give the remainder of his years telling about inner space by questioning the accepted wisdom of outer space.  The Greek community of his birth was his mission field and daily he entered the markets and town square to engage the people in the wisdom of the ages, all the while denying that he was any smarter than anyone else.  He wrote no books, intellectual papers and sought no credentials or personal authority.  Avoiding the distractions of power, position and to a degree family, Socrates became a messenger for the wisdom of inner space.

At first the people flocked to his message and conversational methods but well into his eighties, the people turned on him.  What we hear most about Socrates today is that he committed suicide by drinking hemlock and therefore he died a failure. The truth be told, he was put on trial for upsetting the outer space status quo and given a death sentence by his own community.  Rather than run, which he could have done, Socrates drank the poison because that was the decision of his people.  Plato, the best student of Socrates, shared the wisdom of Socrates in his writings but scholarship is divided on how much of his book, the “Republic”, was his own.  In any event, together these two thinkers are credited with founding western philosophy.  Plato, however, cared little for the Socratic mission of communicating the inner space trek.  He did succeed, inadvertently, in burying the memory of Socrates in an ocean of philosophical group think. The inner space mission of the man, Socrates, was no more.

As did Socrates, just a few of us in every era have been roaming the deserts and crawling into caves to block out the distractions of our daily lives in order to find the wisdom of inner space.  They have been called hermits, prophets, monks, recluses and the like, their craziness was and is an attempt to get a glimpse at the inner stars.  These folks have emerged time and again to communicate to us the reality of inner space with marginal success for we, you and I, are prone to disrespect the inner space trek because it can only be entered with great personal discomfort.  Sadly, those courageous voices telling of inner space have been quickly drowned out and replaced by a group think that dilutes their message.  Modern philosophy, science and our many religions are the predominate group thinks that have spoiled the adventure of the few who advocate for the inner trek.  We, the people, have tried our best to bury the truth of inner space by burying the few.
Two thousand years ago Jesus, a mongrel human being like the rest of us, walked out of the desert and told the people about the kingdom of God.  The Jesus message was not for the religious folk who prized power and position above the wisdom of inner space.  The message was and is for those desperate human beings like you and I who seek spiritual survival amid conflict, failure, social disorder and daily drama.  After all, are not all these things our life realities, what else is there?  Jesus communicated to the people the “else” of life, the inner stars of life that can be had in the kingdom of God.  The people flocked to hear about the kingdom and the invitation to enter extended to all we interested unlovely human beings.  But as the people became aware that the kingdom message was not intended by God to relieve their immediate suffering and circumstance, they turned on Jesus just as they did with Socrates.

Jesus said our immediate circumstances are intended to drive us toward the inner stars and there, in inner space, we will find relief, reward, safety, nourishment and eternal peace.  Nowhere does Jesus promise everything we want in this world, he promises only that the inner trek will bring the reality we were born to experience and most need.  Plato gives us an illustration or parable of the meaning of reality, an illustration he probably got from Socrates.  In the parable of the cave, we humans are chained to the floor of the cave with our backs to the only light source, from our immobile position facing a blank cave wall, all that we can understand of the light is our own shadows against the cave wall.  The shadows are real but are they less than full reality?  Could this world be duping us into believing that we are only shadows?  Could this world be duping us into believing we are to be satisfied with the shadows of life, the survival priorities, friends, entertainment, family, race, religion, science or philosophy?  The few would say no way.

Jesus said, “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Mathew 6: 31-33, TNIV).  Some of us prefer translating the Greek word for righteousness in this context "God centered reality".

Jesus was not talking about a religious rightness dictated by top down dogma but the God centered reality of inner space, admittedly more difficult to define clearly.  The reality of inner space is the place we are all called to travel as humans but the place we avoid at all costs.  And then, upon entering inner space, you and I will be increasingly less bound by the shadows of life and find for ourselves what it means to be wholly human.
G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca. 


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Let's Dance!

This Landers resident is old school.  Be it music, movies, television, baseball or politics, the modern way seems divorced from reason and community.  This attitude places me in conflict with modernism, a conflict I try to ignore but it has a way of trying to force change upon we old school folk.  Music is a case in point.  In the 60’s one fun dance craze after another lite a fire.  One such craze was the mashed potatoes with ridiculous dance moves I never learned.  Fifty years later Dee Dee Sharp and Sister Act turned this tune into a craze for the gravy in life.  The gimme, gimme, gimme lyrics are now about getting all you can regardless of the cost to your own future and the future of others.
The valid women’s movement of fifty years ago similarly has degenerated into a gimme cubbyhole.  Today, the women’s movement is telling us that women are all about the right of the individual to dispose of any new life in the womb.  Please leave God out of the discussion or the legal abdication of the last fifty years, some of us believe that such an action is a sin against ourselves as human beings.  Which one of us has the right to determine who should live and who should die?  Which one of us is qualified to make that scary judgement?  Is an unintended pregnancy an automatic permission slip?  Forrest Gump lived by the wisdom of his mother, “life is like a box of chocolates', you never know what your going to get”.  None of us knows how our children will cope with life but it would seem that picking and choosing before birth is an animal decision that should be reserved for the farm yard.

The progressive left has largely captured the Women’s Movement because these political radicals value the movement only as another gimme voter block they can manipulate to advance their un-American agenda.  There are no rules or laws that the radical left respects, no agreed upon outcome to be honored, they respect only brute political power that translates into sneaky power over all the people.  The radicals within the Women’s Movement enforce this activism by bulling and threatening all who dissent from within and outside their ranks.  They would like to kill to advance their cause but whom they can’t kill, they will punish with slander and threats against family and careers.

The radical left has given the Women’s Movement a bad name, spoiling their proud history.  The degrading of the movement is best exposed by their T shirt advertising, which ought to read, if the truth be told, “Nasty Girls”.   They are not women but nasty girls.  This is the sad news of the Women’s Movement but some of us believe that women are not a monolith, while the radicals are screaming on the corner, those women who want a reasoned approach to the life decision have been intimidated into silence.  Some women would like to stand for greater opportunity for themselves and their children but feel no need to trash their birthright.  This would be the good news about the Women’s Movement that the radicals are desperate to hide.

A pregnancy is an opportunity for both men and women to set their personal agenda on the back burner and contribute to the future of family, even our greater family.  Old school, you bet!  Is the measure of a woman all about the right to destroy life?  Are women one issue thinkers as the girls on the corner want us to believe?  Stay tuned Yucca Valley, we shall find out soon?


Landers, CA      

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Who are the Haters?

Mr. Bost, thank you for your response of July 13 to my guest box, “Lest We Forget”.  Your argument sounds rational but your history is scrambled, to say the least.  This may play with the under 40 crowd that has been educated by our failed educational system, but this old fart knows better.  Take the Civil War, I ask you, who were the haters, Abraham Lincoln, those Americans who died at Gettysburg?  My American history says that there are times in the life of men, when it becomes crystal clear that freedom for all is worth my dying.   Abe stood up among his fellow Americans, calling them and us to protect the freedom of all Americans, including those trapped in slavery and racial hatred.  It is a sorry truth that we won’t see this truth in our modern progressive history textbooks.  Can you handle the truth?

True freedom for all the people is worth the reality and finality of death for the few who are called.  Jesus is probably the best example.  Regardless of whatever else men may say about him, at least, he died to protest the inhumanity of men who rule over us, top down, for any reason, religious or political or sometimes both.

Landers, Ca   

Saturday, July 1, 2017

We can learn from the coyotes...

News flash!  There are coyotes residing in Landers.  The longtime residents of our community are not surprised by this news or the squealing in the night darkness, out there among the creosote bushes.  As the sun comes up the coyotes run for their hiding places and the security they crave.  Most coyotes dart away at the sight of we humans, they run scared, moving as fast as the jackrabbits.  Coyotes do not bother anyone for they are coyotes who fed off the scraps left by others.  Generally, this resident has very little respect for coyotes.  Then there is Donald.

This coyote is worthy of a name.  Donald is a coyote who is different.  Donald struts down the middle of the cart paths we call roads, he does so in broad daylight.  His strut is slow and deliberate, it could even be called a confident swagger telling us all that he is in charge.  Constantly looking this way and that, Donald runs off from no one, not even we humans, he only struts about his business.  Donald is to be respected and he earns it every day as the leader of the pack.
This resident of Landers is not a Donald for I am prone to hide among the bushes but that dog has my respect.  Would that the voters of America would learn to live out the Donald that resides in all of us.

Landers, Ca   

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Lest We Forget

Since rejecting and being rejected by the church world, this believer has missed only the great hymns of the faith.  Hymns like, “Lead me to Calvary”, remain in my bones.  Published a hundred years ago, the chorus cries out, “Lest I forget Gethsemane, Lest I forget Thine agony, Lest I forget thy love for me. Lead me to Calvary.”  We humans are best at forgetting for our selective memories fade so quickly.  The hill upon which Jesus was crucified was a dark unjust place and we, as humans, are prone to try and put such experiences behind us.  The author, Jennie Evelyn Hussey (1874-1958), was an invalid from rheumatism who was forced by her pain to focus inward finding a greater vulnerability, forgetting.  Out of her suffering came the words that will live forever even if they are ignored by today's “pop” religion.

Oh yes, I forgot, this is written for a political opinion page but are not politics and faith close kissing cousins?  Do both not involve trusting into the future?  The question is who do you trust, something greater than ourselves or do we trust government (politics)?  Or, quite possibly, is there a workable partnership?  Most of the framers of the American Constitution believed in such a partnership and their unique experiment in governance sought to give the people control of their own destiny.  It proved to be a success for 250 years despite constant pressure from the top down advocates.  In the last 25 years, we the people have progressively lost any hope of remaining that unique system and the bottom up governance that our forefathers envisioned, how soon we forget our heritage.

The killers of this heritage are the top down progressives who seek to divide and conquer America.  The progressive label has been adopted by such folk because it is less threatening than the labels of the past and present, labels like aristocracies, dictatorships, communism and socialism.  All these forms of governance consider the destiny of the people theirs to control top down.  Even the term democracy can be misleading, most governments like to use the term but the reality is the same old.  Holding an election does not make a democracy, the people who vote must be given a real choice.  The presidential election of 2016 was the first time we the people were given a real choice in decades and the people spoke loudly.  In electing Donald J. Trump, the people remembered who we are.

The praise and gratitude given to Mr. Trump will never be enough but our democracy is not saved with one election, the Trump Presidency faces dangers within and without.  The push back from the without forces, the progressive left, is obvious, they are fighting Mr. Trump viciously with every political trick in the book.  Some of us are bored with their antics but the threat from within the Trump camp is subtler, it is the perceived threat of our moneyed aristocracy.  The rich folk of American have been the only people to benefit from the stock market explosion under Obama and Trump as zero interest rates have propped up the market.  Will this sliver of Americans control Washington to enhance their portfolios?  Lest we forget the economic debacle of 2008, only eight years ago, the people must be vigilant.

Money is not a party issue, the power it brings separated the interests of the people from their elected political leaders of both parties.  It is why nothing gets done for us, only harm.  The Wall Street tycoons and politicians inflicted great pain on the average American in 2008.  No one has gone to jail; the Democrats did not pay a price for their push to recklessly extend credit.  Wall Street was fined pocket change and now it appears that they could be running the country.  The key word is “appears”.

We the people who elected Mr. Trump believe that he and his administration are for the little guy but a healthy skepticism is warranted.  The people have not forgotten.

Landers, Ca       

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Beware of the Dark Side

The best time of day in Landers is the early morning hours in the cool of the day when the summertime flies are still asleep.  It has become my retirement ritual to smoke a morning cigar and follow our national happenings on Fox and Friends.  This ritual has inspired me to write opinions about the national political debate on the opinion page of our local newspaper.  None of my opinions are really welcomed by the paper but to their credit, most are printed.  You see, I was before the election and am to this very day an avid Trump supporter who is, in my opinion, the greatest American hero of my lifetime.  His election by the people has given me great joy and a renewed hope that my country will return to being the land of the truly free.

Former President Obama has taken up residence in the Dark House of Washington to direct radical left politics.  I am sure our paper will call this term racist but it is really about morality, about honesty, about truth and fairness.  The term, Dark House, reflects the divide between good and evil, between the oppression of government and the interests of the people, it is the divide between Darth Vader and Han Solo in the Star Wars saga.  The dark side navigates the national interest by protecting those who are complicit with the dark agenda and punishing those who stand with the people of America.  This dark side small ball reduces the political discourse to hate mongering when the function of our government should be to protect and facilitate people opportunities.

The dark side ignores our laws, deceives and condones violence against Americans as necessary to further the dark agenda.  Our political system, our justice system, even the medical community are only tools to punish all who may dissent.  Our court system is about making political statements not the law of our land.  The Internal Revenue Service is about making political statements not administering the collection of taxes in a just manner.  Our intelligence services are about making political statements not protecting the security of the people.  Our foreign services before Trump have been about making political statements here at home and not making our world safer.

The dark side has only one creditable issue that must be addressed by our current Republican politicians.  Politicians of the left rightly disparage the wealth gap in America but wrongly champion the redistribution of wealth as the solution.  The so-called Affordable Care Act is not really about the health of the people but about further depleting the wealth of the middle class.  Redistribution from on high is a perversion of our world as it exists. Our world is a competitive place.  In biological terms, our world moves according to the survival of the fittest.  In economic terms, our world moves according to the effort personally expended to build a future for you and yours.  Effort does not always bring the results we crave but effort always results in a more fulfilled life.  America has always been about hard work and the pride it brings to the individual.

Instead of the middle class carrying the burden of healthcare for the poor and those with pre-existing conditions, let's be fair, our hard-working politicians should tax stock market transactions.  A $1.00 healthcare tax per transaction would bring $30 billion a month to the crisis.  This seems only fair but the swamp will resist.  Politicians of both parties, including Barack Obama, are in debt to the special interests of the few.
Landers, CA

Friday, May 12, 2017

Our Human Dilemma

We humans are either a byproduct of nothingness or our lives are about something else.  This is the human dilemma that is beyond empirical proof.  Those of us who have accepted the nothingness of this present life form are either very courageous or very stupid.  The nothingness life is simple, get all you can while you can and at the same time console your moral sensibilities with a few good deeds.  The nothingness life may be enough for some of us but what if life is ultimately about the something else?  Are we not looking over our shoulders, wondering and hoping that there just may be something more to it all?  Though we hope, most times the something or someone else seems to be a foggy vapor, our future vision clouded by a multitude of conflicting interests.
When our earthly aspirations come up short, when our expectations are crushed, when we prove to be our own worst enemy, even when we stubble onto a sweet spot in life, changing circumstances will return us to the dilemma of meaninglessness. Despite the progress of modern man to pull back the celestial curtain, we humans stuff our dilemma into a comfort coping cubbyhole, a cubbyhole with a prescribed group think, be it money, success, relationships, religion, politics, good works, the many varieties of excess or an approved ancient text.  Through history we have devised almost as many cubbyholes as there are those of us willing to think on these things.  Philosophers, theologians, writers, scholars and the scientific communities have debated and written a plethora of volumes, each claiming to have a semblance of understanding. 
Each of these thinkers may have something to say to us but none has a verifiable solution for our dilemma of meaning.  To the atheist we could ask, how does it feel to be a byproduct of nothingness?  To the agnostic, we could ask, where did your remote creative force go?  To those of us with a religious definition of the someone else, we could ask, where is your evidence except ultimate faith?  To those of us who champion an inherent human spiritual goodness, we could ask, why is this dynamic a vestigial appendage in so much of humankind?  There is no widely accepted fix for the dilemma of meaning and most of the world lives without the hope for a meaningful hereafter.  When it is our turn to die, what will each of us discover to be the eternal fix, if anything?
This is not an exclusively religious question but a universal human question we all confront, either directly or passively.  As young people, we take our chances but sooner or later the dilemma of meaning looms larger and larger.  The nothingness dilemma is ours to take to the grave while we search for answers in this life.  All we humans have this searching imperative, we want to know, all of us, regardless of age, sex, race, religion or national origin.  Will we experience illumination or black nothingness?  Will we experience a Utopian bliss or eternal hell fire?  Do we get to choose?  What are the qualifications for eternity?  Are there qualifications? 

The cubbyhole voices are out there advocating for their own understanding of what life is about but who shall we trust into the grave?  Where is the truth?  Who knows the truth?  Are we merely to be satisfied with making a small contribution to the flow of humanity?  These are just a few of the questions that bug some of us and to those of us who are profoundly sure of the future, cubbyholes and all, we envy you.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

A challenge to the High Desert Star

The new editorial page of the Hi-Desert Star is an improvement over the old mindless insult machine of the past.  The Word on the street section has a broader cross section of both local people and their sometimes-divergent opinions.  It would be helpful if the reader is informed as to the life work of those giving the opinion.  Are they plumbers or teachers, store clerks or truck drivers, government employees or small business persons, day traders or panhandlers?  Such a revelation would help the reader understand where opinion likely originates without further contributing to the political polarization that has infected America.   

The new “Our View” section has at last given the paper an opportunity to put meaningful local and national issues before the readers.  One would assume that in doing so, the paper hopes to stimulate intelligent feedback and an open discussion of possible fixes.  The January 26 “Our View” section is entitled, “It’s time to admit we have a problem”.  This opinion rightly calls the folk of our community to band together to positively address the scourge of drug abuse infecting both our families, the local community and the nation. 

OK, we have a monstrous problem, our children and young adults are dying and becoming virtual life vegetables.  My community is highly infected, rumors abound about our young dying amid mysterious circumstances.  The days of “just say no” and a war on drugs enforcement efforts seem totally inadequate solutions to our present problem.  If tragedy has found your family, this is not the time to hide in shame, it is time to stand up and demand change. 

Why are our law enforcement officers overwhelmed with this problem? Why is heroin as cheap on the streets as cigarettes?  Why are our public schools so ineffective educating our male students?  Why can we regulate smokes away from our young and at the same time open our borders to the drug peddlers of the world?  It makes no sense because our young are being destroyed by the open borders cartel of the political Democratic and socialist radical left.  They say to you and I, our politics is more important than the life of your son or daughter.    

Should you and I accept this bull, should the Hi-Desert Star?  Our paper must have an expanded view that is relevant to our everyday circumstance in real America and not some pie in the sky political theory.  Hi-Desert Star, are you afraid to be relevant and stand with your people?

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The America Haters International Union is exposed!

There is a new union in town, it is called the Donald J. Trump Presidency.  Since he has entered the political area, the other union, known as, the America Haters International Union, has had to come out of their closet and demonstrate to all of us their ugliness.  They accuse everyone, other than themselves, of hating when they are the ugly bigots who lie, cheat and steal the greatness of the American ideal to promote America hate.   They are the radical political left and their surrogates who will say anything and do anything to gain control and enslave America, from Washington D.C, New York City, Sacramento, California or the street corners of Yucca Valley. 

America Haters International Union has accomplished phase one of their plan by gaining control of the political elites of the Democratic Party including the House Democratic members who skipped the Inauguration.  The actions of this minority are organized America Hate.  They warped the special interests promoting the killing of babies in the womb to the many invasions into America from everywhere.  They send the IRS after their political enemies.  They invite black lives matter folk to visit the White House.  Former President Obama told illegals to vote illegally in the presidential election of 2016.  They send and fund their anarchist bullies to burn and riot in the streets.  They give tacit approval to the killing of police officers, remaining silent or they give obligatory written statements about the violence.  This organized ugliness is right out of the socialist, communist, big government playbook that is about enslaving the American people.

One man stood up for the people, President Donald J. Trump.  This message is from the people, we now know who you are, please, go stifle yourself!    


Landers, Ca

Monday, January 16, 2017

Letter to Jacob

Good morning Jacob.  This is your first day in your new surroundings so your grandpa is writing in support of your choice, I and the entire family are so proud of your decision.  Life is one gigantic learning experience for every one of us, we can learn from books, the testimonials of others but most of all from our decisions that bring positive or negative results.  All of us have experienced both circumstances.  There are no perfect lives in this family or beyond, those human beings that claim perfection are stuck in the denial of their own humanness.  Learning to navigate life is the task before us all at any age because we have the breath that gives us the power to choose our own way.

This power to choose is a unique blessing because all other forms of life are solely mechanical.  A marijuana seed planted in soil and watered will sprout a funny looking life form that will continue to grow at a predictable pace when placed in the sun.  That growing plant has no choice, it will either thrive or wither, depending upon the reality into which it comes to life.  We humans have the power to choose the circumstances into which we choose to live.  This is the challenge to all of us but especially to you, at this time, my grandson.  Trust your unique self, trust the power to choose and when you choose amiss, brush yourself off and have the courage to choose again. 

Fear should not drive your choices even though this world is a scary place.  Most people choose to live like sheep, looking for the safety of whatever group may be convenient.  By joining the group they may feel safer but they also become easily herded.  You have never been one to be herded but you have chosen your group a miss, resulting in a loss of your freedom to choose the future for yourself.  All the great calamities in human history began with a populace who chose to live by pleasing the wrong group or the wrong group think.  People whose first choice is to please a group loose the power to choose their own way and eventually, they will succumb to the power of the group.

Jacob, you have been gifted with so much good stuff to share with this world, discover who you are and then trust who you are!  Grandpa has always and will always believe in you, no matter what!

(Herbert laid his first egg, January 16, 2017, huge!  He has suddenly gotten very aggressive.)
