Monday, May 31, 2010

Why Not?

The gulf oil disaster drags on. BP has failed to protect our way of life. This foreign company has repeatedly stumbled over itself since the April 20 fire and collapse of the Deep Water Horizon oil rig. The mantra sung by BP is that all that can be done is being done. Really? The Obama administration has picked up the chorus, kneeling to the self protective interests and double talk of BP and our government.

It is time to stop trying to save the well and blow it up. At least three weeks ago this suggestion was advanced as a nuclear option due to the gravity of the disaster. Voices have surfaced on the internet in the last few days that it is time to call our military to action. Surely our president has considered such a possibility. Mr. President speak up, why not?


Saturday, May 29, 2010


Let us assume for a moment that Meg Whitman has the guts to be our next governor. Her website and campaign play to the frustration of we common folk but if elected how will she accomplish the task before us? Is there a bigger plan than a grand kum-ba-yah moment that will bring all competing interests together?

These interests include the following:
1. The owner’s of California who provide the tax base, tend to be conservative and fiscally responsible. This interest group includes not only real estate owner’s but includes businesses large and small.
2. The renter culture that pays taxes indirectly but tends to be more liberal and see government as an enabler for upward economic mobility.
3. The union culture that uses the political money trail to grab all they can from our California economy and the taxpayer. Government is the employer of first and best resort.
4. The illegal aliens, their interest groups and the uninformed citizenry who ignore the devastating financial consequence of these folks and their crime.
5. The elitist progressive political minority who wish to enact their Robin Hood mentality of social and political engineering as the new California. Of course, the rich are the middle class not the truly rich.

Is it reasonable to believe that these divergent interest groups will rally to any personage, be they Arnold or Meg? They have not and will not. A middle ground is impossible even if such a compromise would address our ills, which it will not. The time has arrived for out of the box drastic action, our new governor must possess the will to accomplish what is best for California. Meg, the rhetoric is commendable and on point but you or Chuck will need leverage. Political leverage is real power to bring real change. You probably have already considered the leverage to be employed. It is the only powerful tool for change that has any possibility of restoring the historical California success model.

As a state, we need to file bankruptcy and start over.

Victorville, CA

Meg Whitman

May 29, 2010

Thank you for listening to my dribbles. As a native Californian and a long time resident, we both have witnessed the decline and fall of the California experience. There was a time when we were the best of the best, economic opportunity was everywhere and our school system was envied by all. As citizens we could take pride in the efficacy and efficiency of state government to enrich our lives. Taxes were an acceptable expense for the privilege of California residency. Sunshine was just an added benefit to being of California.

Our reality in 2010 is that California only has the weather to comfort us. The only economic opportunities are in the heath care system or some form of governmental dole. The average Joe or Jane can anticipate only a meager existence while the union fed hoards feed at our tax trough. Our state’s school systems have degenerated to the bottom of the heap while our politicians throw our money at a failed system that sentences another generation to ignorance. Our culture and our politicians are at the extreme poles of those whose style it is to take and those who resent being taken. Sacramento is not just broken, it is grossly dysfunctional.

The girly man came to town eight years ago preaching your optimism for the future of California. We signed on and have been greatly disappointed at his timidity. Our state’s circumstances would have been vastly improved if he had stuck to his guns. Now all California citizens are at risk. At such a critical hour, dare we trust your leadership to have a back bone? Are you just another political opportunist who will say whatever to win an election? Is politics a game or is it life and death? This hour is life and death for we citizens of California. Are you willing to step out of the political box of normalcy and risk being a pervert for the people, even when most of us don’t understand?


Ms. Donna M. Beiter, R.N.,M.S.N.

Acting Director
Department of Veteran Affairs
Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA. 90073

December 1, 2008

Dear Ms. Beiter:

Thank you for your letter of October 23, 2008. Eventually we would have a conversation, but my first correspondence was directed along the chain of command, whom I assume couldn’t be bothered. This is Thanksgiving time and at the outset I would like to express my gratitude for your health care services. You took the time to write me and that is very much appreciated.

Mr. Kevin Wright and the Patient Advocate Office, however, is a black hole of unresponsiveness, why would I want to communicate with your buffer? However, a few weeks ago a very helpful lady advocate in that office did help me procure copies of my various X-rays. The necessary confrontation in the radiology department was very heated but you and your personnel made it my only recourse. The machine wasn’t broken after all was it, thank you!

The message of your letter is very clear, you are circling the wagons. To that I would ask, why? Are you, that is the doctors and nursing supervisors, much to busy to communicate with your patient’s? Does the Congress provide inadequate funding so that its necessary to treat your patients in an obligatory manner? Or is the care I received an aberration, some individuals just “slip through the cracks” in every organization? Or are you hiding a negative consequence?

I can’t answer those questions but I too would like this to go away. Why was I doped up in the ICU for two weeks, that’s 14 days? An adequate explanation or an apology is the only way to end it. If I am wrong and your care was “timely and appropriate” as stated in your letter of 10-23, I will profusely apologize. My hope is that this is the final outcome. Possibly its my skeptical nature but no one has been willing to look me in the eye and speak with authority. Circling the wagons is your choice not mine.

My wish is that the L.A. Healthcare “system” have a wondrous holiday season and you have my thanks.

Glen L. Goslaw
7983 SVL Box
Victorville, Ca. 92395

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dr. Dean Norman

Chief of Staff
Veterans Administration Medical Center
11301 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90073

September 25, 2008

Dear Sir:

It is with undivided loyalty to this country that this veteran is placing this matter at your door. You have my apology for doing so, but I must explore every avenue available to me. This matter has been communicated to Dr.’s Gonzales and Steiner a number of times (3), and Dr. Frazee has ignored my requests to speak with him. Therefore, the next step in the chain of command is to share both my gratitude for the services of the neurosurgery department, along with the medical issue at hand.

The medical issue centers upon the care I received in the ICU, following successful surgery to resection a posterior fossa meningioma. Prior to surgery I was informed that if everything went well, a two or three day stay in the ICU would be expected by all concerned. The craniotomy was performed on May 15 and I was the guest on the third floor until the 28th being discharged to home the next day. Understandably this was a miserable experience, due to my helplessness at receiving morphine and who knows what other drugs for the 14 day stay in the ICU.

The question I must have answered is what didn’t go well? My doctors are unable to field this question in an understandable way, referring primarily to pain avoidance and the hallucinations that resulted from the drugs. Well, if the drugs are the problem……STOP the drugs! So why was I drugged for two weeks? Prior to surgery I had “O” pain, despite my other symptoms. Possibly the morphine prevented pain post surgery, this explanation makes no sense to this veteran.

In an attempt to get these questions answered, I procured my medical records on June 17, 2008. At the suggestion of Dr. Gonzalez, I wrote and gave to the patient advocate office a letter detailing one of my “recollections”, was this a reality or an hallucination? I shall remain in the reality mode until someone has the courtesy to discuss why my “recollection” could not have been reality.

Instead, despite all my efforts what I have experienced is a “Grand Silence”. I will not be bullied and slink away ! I shall continue to be the fly in the ointment, at least until it becomes obvious to all that we all put our pants on in the same manner. Please, I request your assistance in ending these negative vibrations. As they say, the ball is now in your court.

Respectfully yours,
Mr. Glen L. Goslaw
(This letter was without response.)

BP and Others

May 28 Comment in Response to Huffington Post article by Robert Reicht, “How Conservatives Made the Case for Increased Regulations”.

Mr. Reich is rightly wrong. Rightly, the present regulatory system is a failure. Regulation has failed because it is a political football that the Washington screw ups use to enrich themselves. There has never been true regulation, only a self serving bureaucracy. Case in point BP. The politicians have given this oil giant limited financial liability in the name of regulation, or is it deregulation? They have little dollar incentive to be safe. The inevitable result has been and will continue to be catastrophic, be it Wall Street, the border, Fannie and Freddie, the banks or BP. This is only the beginning.

Wrongly, the cure is not more corrupt regulation. The only possible cure for this evil is the maligned Libertarian approach to governance. Full blown deregulation whose only regulator is the marketplace. There should be no such animal as “too big to fail”. An entity will operate responsibly or it will be an unqualified failure to be junked, period. Government only need require private insurance to protect the people’s interests. These insurance companies will demand and enforce their own regulation. If an oil company cannot operate safely enough to get insurance, that company will not drill. That’s the way it works with my commercial driver’s license. That’s the way it works for we regular folks, are you listening Mr. Reich.

Victorville, CA

Friday, May 21, 2010


Editor Don Holland
Daily Press

Has there been an editorial policy change at the Daily Press? Today’s (May 21)High Desert section has two bylines mentioning serious crimes perpetrated by “illegal’s”. Am I wrong? Is this a new Daily Press that has decided to call a spade a spade and disregard political correctness? This is a welcome and long overdue editorial decision, thank you.

Victorville, Ca

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Winners

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press

Re: “Welcome lesson” (Stan Brown, Letters May 20)

Thank you for your letter Mr. Brown. You manned up and admitted that your historical vision pertaining to the Move Cross was a bit askew. This “WWI” memorial to our fallen veterans stood in practical anonymity since being raised in 1934. For 65 years the cross was an affront to no one. I can personally speak to the fact that this is a long time, a life time. We slow learners say that the Mojave Cross is not about winning, it is about justice or fairness.

The ACLU started the confrontation with a legal challenge in 1999. Admirably these folk have a right to their own vision of justice or fairness as do each of us. Thankfully we live in a country that encourages all it’s citizens to defend their own vision in a nonviolent manner. Anonymously, cowardly, violently and probably under the cover of darkness, the thieves stole the symbol of the cross to make a political or religious statement. The thieves need to be taught that if it isn’t legal, it isn’t fair. Crime even in a seemingly “just” cause is still crime and an injustice to some other of our brothers. This is the Americanism that surely you support.

Please allow the possibility that your historical interpretation of Christianity may also be somewhat askew. The 2000 year old Church of Jesus Christ has never been so homogenous that a blanket summary as you suggest could possibly be accurate. We Christians are not looking for a fight, just justice. Some of us are convinced that there is a loving God who will bring order out of chaos and fairness out of unfairness. The timing isn’t ours and death will only actualize the justice our hearts seek. That being said, none of us are perfect, as Christian folk of every stripe, we need to hear and evaluate every critique for our goal is not to win but to more fairly represent Him who brought justice by losing. Winning is a human sport.

Victorville, CA

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If I were President....(repeat of first posting)

May 27, 2009

This is the ultimate what if. Pardon my delusions of grandeur, the method of my madness is to make a point. Surely there must be a best possible way to navigate the politics of 2009. The goal is a healthy America that stands up for the ideals of our founding fathers and brings the possibility of a shared good life to all the people. Dream along with me and contemplate the road ahead. The plan is:

1. Bring our soldiers home … we no longer desire to be the world’s cop. We can’t afford it, stand up for America, let’s spend the money on Americans. Osama Bin Laden is winning the economic war.

2. Move from free trade insanity to a fair trade partnership focus. A partnership is about balance, cheap products are not the catchall. Trade must also work for the people. Let’s reward business to do their thing here at home.

3. Enforce and extol the necessity of citizens first, medical care for Americans based on citizenship, jobs for Americans based on citizenship. Education should be based on citizenship. The immediate deportation of all illegal immigrant violent criminals. Borders are patriotic and should be enforced by the military.

4. Jump start the private sector economy in true capitalistic fashion. This private sector tax base, provides the monetary resources for the public sector. We will downsize the public sector, respecting the private sector as the employer of first resort. We will return to the truly capitalistic economy that once existed. Deregulation has proven to be more dangerous than all other threats.

5. From my bully pulpit, a true publicly financed campaign reform bill would be passed and implemented, returning Washington to the people. In addition, I would refuse to fund all government without line item veto power given to the president. All legislation’s content must be made visible and time given for debate.

6. From my bully pulpit, meaningful term limit reform would be made law. Politics should be a part time, short term calling to public service. Career national politicians would be outlawed because power corrupts and getting elected corrupts. Enough with business as usual.

Retro America! This plan should keep me busy for the first few weeks. Our criticism of Mr. O Bama’s plans are not met with bipartisan respect. The retort is always, where is your plan? Well Mr. President, this is a plan that will work because it has worked in the life of our country for generations. There will be pain in the short term but if we switch to this plan, our children’s children will respect us. Dream on America!


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mr. No Name

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
P.O. Box 1389
Victorville, CA. 92392

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mr. No Name

Earthly justice hides convenient self deceptions in the bushes of the Law. That was the gist of the article in Sunday’s Daily Press, May 16, 2010. At least it is the gist of Judge Lemkau who protests his public censure by hiding in the bushes. True he acted within his authority as judge in the custody case of Ms. Tagle, he acted in accordance with the judgments of others, he acted within accepted bounds of legal restraint but he failed to protect the little life in question. That failure is what bothers the people.

We “Law and Order” fans have a question, could not the judge have ordered a temporary retraining order requiring a mental examination for Mr. Garcia? Would not that action have been in the best interest of justice? If he had there is a possibility that the judge would have saved two lives. Instead, the Judge arrogantly and outrageously called Katie Tagle a liar and dismissed her request for a restraining order. This is human justice at it’s best.

Justice for that little life is no longer subject to human hypocrisy. What was his name Daily Press? You know, the 9 month old son of Mr. Garcia. Why do you not mention his name? Was he merely a mass of protoplasm to be without standing in Judge Lemkau’s court or the court of public opinion as defined by the Daily Press. Does the difficult life situation into which he was birthed preclude “Mr. No Name” from all justice or protection under the law? That arrogance also bothers the people.

Jesus told of the Unjust Judge in Luke 18:1-8. It is ironic that the nagging seeker of justice before that Unjust Judge is a women like Ms. Tagle. We the people must keep nagging at our earthly fallible justice system, including it’s judges, to progress toward the best definition of justice possible here on earth. We naggers will not be so easily dismissed. Politics be damned.

Thankfully custody is no longer a legal issue for little “No Name” for he has found complete justice in the protecting arms of Jesus Christ, the Just Judge.

Victorville, CA.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Thomas Jefferson was born in 1743, the son of a wealthy Virginia family. He was a good student who studied long hours, graduating in two years at the top of his class. His father owned a farm called Monticello which had slave labor. Britain ruled our early colonies from across the sea, heavily taxing the people and taking the money to England . The colonies were upset and wanted their freedom.

Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence of 1776. This document said to England and all of the American colonies that the people wanted to be free. The guiding principal of this document is that all men are created equal. Jefferson wanted a “no slavery clause” in this document but the southern colonies protested and the freedom of slaves was ignored. One hundred years later this failure would result in the Civil War.

England and the American colonies fought the Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1785. As a result of this long struggle the American colonies won their freedom from the King of England. George Washington was our military leader in this war and became our first president. From 1785 to 1789, Thomas Jefferson served as minister to France for President Washington.

In 1796 he ran for president against John Adams but lost. At that time the loser became vice president and so he served until 1800. He ran again for president in the 1800 election, winning after a very ugly and hard fought campaign. President Jefferson served in that office for two terms until 1808. While president he was guided by four principles. He stood for free speech, peace, expansion and exploration. Great progress was made in each of these areas over his eight year presidency. After 1808 he retired to his Monticello estate.

In my opinion Thomas Jefferson was one of our great presidents. His wisdom in shaping the early years of our republic was of great importance. Every generation has him to thank for our freedoms and we must work to preserve these freedoms for the next generation.

Preston .......... with a little help from the internet and grandpa.
April 18, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010


May 14, 2010

Faith in God can be an excuse not to think. Human frontiers are dissolving before us and to often we believers would rather bury our lives and our heads in an ancient dogma. The Bible is quoted to proof text this codified Christian dogma. Notice the method is not to arrive at a biblical theology but to anchor dogma. A thought out biblical theology is a balance of all scripture, as difficult as that may be. When we all stand before our maker, surely he shall ask us if we believed the correct dogma? I think not. Someday the Church will trust God enough to let dogma bend for it will not break.

Victorville, Ca


Mr. Glen Goslaw
7983 SVL Box
Victorville, CA. 92395

Mr. Wayne E. Teece
Transportation Manager
Dispatch Transportation LLC
14032 Santa Ana Ave.
Fontana, CA 92337

May 7, 2010

Dear Sir:

Thank you for the settlement statement faxed to me on 4/29. You have been open to agree that the outstanding balance was due me from Dispatch Transportation by contract on 4/26. Our phone conversations have been testy at times, at least on my part, because of how you dealt with this truck contractor.

Having invested money to upgrade my truck, you failed to provide a fuel card that is a part of the contract. On 3/29 I stopped believing the promises of a forthcoming card. Unable to fund the operations without it, I returned the trailers to your yard on 3/30. An inquiry from Je’Neanne Henry Love, bottom dump dispatcher, asked of my intentions. Again she was informed that this contractor could not operate without the promised fuel card. She and you made no attempt to comply with your own contract.

At the time I assumed that you either didn’t want me to be one of your pullers or were financially unable to execute your end of the contract. In either case, working with a company such as yours would not happen.

As of 5/7, your company has proven at least the latter assumption to be correct by not paying my only settlement balance of $1,385.09, due on 4/26. In view of the size of your operations, not paying this small amount of money is difficult to understand. It would appear to this truck contractor that you are providing services by bleeding your contractors. I hope I am wrong. However, there are no regrets about curtailing the services of my truck with your company.

Though a small amount of money relative to your operations, the overdue balance is important to this contractor. At this point in our contractual relationship, I find it necessary to recite our history and ask in writing for the overdue balance. It is my hope that your company is a creditable entity.

Please pay as soon as possible, it is my understanding from our last phone conversation that it would be a matter of days. That happening would be great.

Glen Goslaw

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tea Leaves (Second Posting)

May 4, 2009

Our President finds it necessary to minimize the intentions of the Tea Party crowd. They are portrayed as a radical fringe movement that is a step away from being terrorist. The veteran label has gotten thrown into the mix. Guns owned by the good guys is, in government circles, a threat to order and stability. Visible protest is only acceptable if the signs are politically correct. Where is this leading?

It doesn’t take an Einstein to answer that question. The new world order is being dumped upon us. Big government includes our international ambitions. Secretly the first bailout package under President Bush went to prop up the world economy. Murder and mayhem is to be continued in Iraq and Afghanistan. National pride is out of fashion. An apologetic and submissive posture in diplomacy is the politically correct motif required for progress toward world unification.

Mr. President, we are reading the Tea Leaves. Your supposed hero President Lincoln is turning over in his grave because his sacrifice is being betrayed. He loved the union of the United States of America! Your leadership as well as that of George Bush, abrogate the special significance of America. Patriots value freedom and fairness. Neither is a remote possibility amongst the governments of the world.

The WWII, the baby boomer and all subsequent generations have increasingly succumbed to the love of money. The love of spending money is the back side of the same coin. Spending is the overriding concern of the tea party crowd because taxes will inevitably rise as a byproduct. Ballooning interest rates are sure to follow within months. Runaway inflation will follow closely behind.

Our freedom will be further in hoc to the deep pockets of the world, our children’s future is dismal. We shall soon be just another banana republic governed by the few. It is time to stop blaming George Bush when your spending is a whopping 8% of GDP. (Daily Press, April 16, 2009, Tea Parties)

This increase of almost 50% is unprecedented and it is all yours. Your intent may be for this level of spending to be temporary but this is an extreme gamble. Our greed ridden politics has never been successful in cutting costs. The tea leaves say that this level of spending is doomsday for all time.

President Barack Obama, you won the election and therefore set the agenda. The Democratic majority in Congress will make your agenda the law of the land. We former Republicans who dared to vote Democratic, did not vote for this change. We voted against the failure of Republican liberalism. You appear to be peddling only an even more liberal flavor. What will be your legacy?

Please Mr. President, read the tea leaves for yourself!

Victorville, CA. 92395
(How far we have progressed in one year)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Doctor Friends

Mr. G. Goslaw
7983 SVL Box
Victorville, CA. 92395

Dr. Natasha DeMattos
Loma Linda University Health Care
11370 Anderson Street, Suite 2400
Loma Linda, CA. 92354

May 10, 2010

Dear Doctor DeMattros,

Thank you for the clinic appointment of April 14. This patient is grateful for the thorough neurological exam but my concern about a constant noise in my ears was not adequately respected, at least to this patient. In the last 30 days the noise has gotten louder. In the 60 days waiting for the appointment there was also an increase in volume. The volume has steadily progressed from about 5 months following surgery for the resection of a benign tumor, May 16 of 2008.

Your only suggestion was a referral to an ear, nose and throat physician. I have had two hearing exams at the VA in the last year. I do not have a hearing disorder, I have a neurological condition that must have a causation in my head. I will accept that you found the films presented were not instructive but it would seem that a 10 minute inspection of two sets of MRI exams to be slightly superficial. This patient is telling you there is a noise in my head and that it is post surgery. By your diagnosis you seem to be questioning my integrity. Are you this disrespectful toward the concerns of all your patients?

Going forward I would like an appointment with another neurologist, a second opinion. Possibly, he or she would be able to tell me that there is no way the noise could have a brain causation. I will never accept that as fact but I will try to exert additional patience with my Dr. friends. I am a novice at navigating the health care system so I would appreciate the advice of your office.

Kindest Regards,
G. Goslaw
Victorville, Ca.


Patricia Gonzalez
HR Manager
Daily Press
P.O. Box 1389
Victorville, CA. 92392

Glen Goslaw
7983 SVL Box
Victorville, Ca. 92395

May 6, 2010

Dear Ms. Gonzalez,

Good morning, this note is an inquiry. I am semi-retired with some free time. Late in life I have discovered a desire to write and attempt to express my weird opinions. Some of my amateurish scribbles have been submitted to your editorial department over the last few years and all are recorded on my blog, ( I am not a professional writer but write because it is fun.

Your add in the help wanted section for a general assignment reporter for the Desert Dispatch has tripped my curiosity. This is not an application for such an obviously professional staff position. However, are there special assignment positions available on a contract basis with your paper or within your industry? Contracting is familiar territory for I have many decades of contracting experience in the trucking business. If I provide a marketable product, I expect to be paid.

I am a college graduate with a life long interest in science, politics and religion. My only agenda is to promote a conservative view point but reserve the right to define conservatism. I am not a puppet or mouth piece for anyone else, especially any potential contractual relationship. Independent is the key word and one that I treasure.

Thank you for any advice that may be forthcoming.

Victorville, CA.
(This letter has never been acknowledged)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cost of Craziness

Letter to the Editor
Daily Press
P.O. 1389
Victorville, CA 92392

May 10, 2010

Re: “It’s Not Race” (Dan Tate, Letters, May 10)

Mr. Tate, thank you for the excellent letter detailing the economics of illegal immigration. What you say is absolutely correct, our country can’t afford this craziness. However, immigration law has never been about race. Protecting the citizenry is the motive for every nation’s immigration law, including our own. Please desist from even suggesting any false connection to race.

Victorville, CA.


May 7, 2010

Rev. Wallis, your challenge to Glenn Beck on the Huffington Post May 7 sounds very confrontational. Yet, the confidence you want us to consider as genuine is only documented by a hodgepodge of liberal lip sink. There is no overarching rational that would be foundational for a debate, just a series of bleeding heart sympathy generators from a predominately Democratic ideology. Glenn Beck would be foolish to waste the time of his viewers by giving you access to his program.

You are correct that our political leadership has sent out mixed messages to the rest of the world for the last 30 or 40 years. The Republicans say come on in we want your cheap labor irrespective of our immigration laws. The Democrats say come on in and let us pander for your votes while both dangle goods and services paid at taxpayer expense. This is neither equal justice nor social justice. Do citizens who have been paying the bill for so long have a right to justice by some definition?

The Arizona law is an attempt at American justice. It has been enacted because state authorities must enforce law and order for Arizona citizens simply because federal authorities cower from their responsibilities in order to gain political advantage. We the citizens of this great country are rising up to hold our politicians accountable. The political games have to end. Their deceptions and those of the many interest groups must be exposed. The call for social justice is one of these deceptive interest groups for whom you speak Rev. Wallis.

If and when a comprehensive immigration plan is enacted, it would immediately legalize the presence of all illegal aliens in this country. Immediate citizenship no, but going forward no authority could question how and when any person arrived in this country. In affect it would seem to cancel most of our immigration law. Our border patrol would be given signs to invite all peoples to come to America. The illegal flood would turn into a tsunami. The middle class would be decimated and in just a few years there would be another 20 million or more people seeking a better life at someone else’s expense, at our expense, at citizen expense. This is social justice?

It is the plan that John McCain trumpeted in the recent past. The amnesty bill failed then and it will not succeed now until the people see present law being enforced. This really isn’t complicated. Our politicians must secure the border first, prosecute illegal employers, build the fence, expand enforcement capabilities and use the national guard as necessary. Enforcement of our immigration law, which protects we citizens, is the constitutional, legal and moral job of our political leadership. Once we have immigration boots on the ground, then we can talk about a path to citizenship for illegal aliens already in this country.

The present administration refuses because enforcement is counter to the planned progress toward a one world government. It refuses because enforcement is counter to the socialist Robin Hood mentality of the non contributors to our economy. We suspect Rev. Wallis, that your social justice agenda, your trumped-up outrage and the cries of racism are merely deceptive maneuvers at the behest of our Democratic brothers in order to whip up it’s voting base in an election year.

Your’s is the Washington Gospel, so who really has Christian motives?

Victorville, CA

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gray Matter?

May 5, 2010

TNT ….. this is giving you notice that this one basketball fan will no longer watch NBA games broadcast on your network. In fact, this fan is boycotting all of TNT programming and as many of your sponsors as possible. Your elitist ballplayer announcers should stick to basketball instead of mouthing off about a law they know nothing about. Each was an incredible ballplayer in their day but obviously they never have had much between their ears. They insult every hard working fan who struggles to pay high gate prices but remains loyal to the game they love. Now, a few basketball elites, who have no skin in the game of life, tell us we are racists.

The arrogance is repulsive. Of course, you pay their salary and they are puppets for TNT, paid on this occasion to mouth off into liberal political speak. This avid NBA viewer has no respect left for these ballplayers or TNT. In November the voice of the people will speak at the ballot box, guaranteed.


So Where's the Beef?

Letter to the Editor

May 5, 2010

Mr. Rainy, your letter (Letters, May 5) about the Arizona immigration law is at least alarmist. Let’s not speculate as to your motivations but your purported fears are illustrative of the point Mr. Irwin was making in his letter of April 30. Should you be stopped for speeding, should you not have a California driver’s license, should your vehicle have no valid registration, should your wife have no license or identification, should neither of you speak any English, then I would suppose the officer would have grounds to question the legal immigration status of you and your lady companion. The law is not a racist dragnet but a reasonable tool for we citizens to deal with a very difficult situation. So where’s the beef?

7983 SVL Box
Victorville, Ca. 92395

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Border Race Baiters

May 3, 2010

These folks will say anything to get their way. The May Day rallies waved signs with Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in a Nazi uniform. This reader is offended by the dishonesty of the no border folks. The childhood response to name calling was and is, “it takes one to know one”! Allow me to modify this response slightly by saying, “it takes one to accuse others”! Yes, the border race baiters are flaming racists.

The byline of the sign reads, “History repeats itself”. Please allow me to return to my high school history curriculum to attempt to place that truth in it’s honest context. Take for example the Roman Empire of the Christian era some 2000 years ago. Historians ask and teachers ask today, why did the 500 year Roman Empire disintegrate?

Many factors are cited by historians as possible causes, they include: excessive taxation (Vegatus), prosperity (Gibbon), combination of historical events (Bury), technology of the horseshoe (Richt), a corrupt governmental system that included no real budget and overspending (Toynbee), a growing percentage of the population became takers of the governmental dole (Toynbee), the politics of the day made ever increasing promises, raising expectations and dumping of these expectation on an ever depleting tax base (Toynbee), creeping socialism was at fault (Bartlett), a dependence on slave labor to prop up a failing economy by chasing the family farmer to the city (Diamond), Muslim spoilers (Pirenne), endless political infighting and civil wars that depleted the national identity (Goldsmith), fracturing societal good by organized labor, unions and guilds(Bartlett). Doesn’t all this sound familiar to our country in 2010? History is repeating itself.

America is not so blessed that our future is secure. Let us reject the anti God secular propaganda, our country is gifted by God to be a beacon of freedom approximating His reign over mankind. Most of our founding fathers wisely considered themselves designers and builders of a governmental system that would give we self centered Americans a chance to function together honestly and wisely, free to explore life possibilities.

National justice was to be ensured by three branches of the federal government cancelling each other out in favor of the people. Since the federal government in the 60’s intervened into state civil right affairs, Washington has increasingly grabbed more and more power to change the will of the founding fathers. The will of the people is being snuffed out. The action taken by the federal government through the courts was absolutely necessary but the unintended consequence was and is a creeping and ballooning federalism that dictates to the people.

We Americans have experienced political and economic success unknown to mankind. Yet we are turning the corner into a predominately selfish mentality. History teaches us that this mentality has been the end of every man made political entity, why should America be any different? We are becoming spoiled children, a sense of entitlement controls an increasing number of us. Our future is quickly disintegrating and we shall join the garbage dump of the Roman Empire. Our only hope is for the people, the citizenry, lover’s of freedom, to get engaged and at least slow the process down.

Victorville, Ca 92395

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Theological Importance of the Book of Ecclesiastes

Many of us are prone to disregard the book of Ecclesiastes. The author was, at least in part, King Solomon. Ascending to the throne of his father David at the age of twelve, he asked God for an extra measure of wisdom to rule his people. This request seemed to strike a heavenly chord. Some would say it was because of this gifting that Solomon experienced an explosion of good fortune, others would say that he landed in this world at the right time and place. Both opinions had an influence upon him and his kingdom.

In the Book of Ecclesiastes Solomon speaks to us from the balcony of excess over his later years. Divine wisdom had gradually melted away and Solomon, as God’s man, seemed to have become hardly recognizable. He increasingly taxed the people mercilessly and prioritized the pursuit of a self inflating grandiose kingdom. Solomon succeeded in almost everything meaningless. Wealth, power, fame and all the toys were his, however no longer was he God’s man.

Does this scenario sound familiar, is it wisdom? As individuals we can relate to Solomon’s struggle to find and maintain integrity with God. Like him we are sinners or failures who misuse our God given blessings in the mistaken attempt to cement our place in this universe. Like him we tend to prioritize our earthly circumstances to the extent that our God given potential is snuffed out. Morality by any description is not the issue, are we wise enough to live in but unattached to this world? That is the story of our days, that was Solomon’s story and he failed.

This failure should not diminish what Solomon has to say to us. He speaks from the pinnacle of excess and he would warn us that all of life, including success, is meaningless. What does being alive mean? Does it mean social, economic, religious or political success? We all answer that question in the decisions we make every day. We expose the condition or intent of our hearts and reject our inbred desire to reach beyond this world by our daily decisions that prioritize our circumstances.

At this point in our discussion it would be easy to make the Book of Ecclesiastes a morality play on the evils of success. Let’s don’t. Success is not evil but it is extremely dangerous, it is a hook that will attach us to this world and inflate us with overwhelming self importance. That self importance mentality will eventually humble us whether in this world or the next. It will humble us all on a personal level, our families, our friends, our politicians, our sport heroes and our nation.

In my younger days, full of the idealism that our world could change, a saying hanging on a seminary wall was a cause for upset. The plaque read, “the more things change the more they stay the same”. I thought, this world cannot be so predictable. But the years have wised me up to the reality that we are limited by who we are. We are sinners, failures and spoilers who will eventually write a story that is all to familiar to all of us.

A case in point is the Roman Empire of the Christian era, 2000 years ago. Please check out what winnetka on the internet has to say about the decline of this empire. Historians credit a number of factors. They include the following: excessive taxation (Vegatus), prosperity (Gibbon), combination of historical events (Bury), technology of the horseshoe (Richt), corrupt governmental system that included no real budget and overspending (Toynbee), a growing percentage of the population became takers of the governmental dole (Toynbee), the politics of the day made ever increasing promises, raising expectations and dumping of these expectation on an ever depleting tax base (Toynbee), a creeping socialism (Bartlett), the dependence on slave labor to prop up a failing economy by chasing the family farmer to the city (Diamond), endless political infighting and civil wars that depleted the national identity (Goldsmith), fracturing societal good by organized labor, unions and guilds (Bartlett). Is this not similar to the turmoil in these supposed United States of America in 2010?

What are we to do? Are our lives together to be so limited? Is the progress of humankind an impossible dream? Will our propensity for overwhelming self importance rule all our days? Solomon would say yes. The less excessive question would be, will the propensity for overwhelming self importance influence all our days? To this question all of us should be able to acknowledge the above human weakness as a life long struggle. Solomon’s theology, his word’s and life, help us to confront this weakness at two pivotal points.

First, in our life process we must accept our place in the universe. Solomon declares over and over that all things on earth are meaningless, plenty or famine, success or failure, slave or free. To the starving African it is practicably impossible to regard the next meal as having no meaning. Yet, whether food is there or not, whether the individual lives or dies, the world will go on as if he or she had never been. Regardless of how connected we are to others, in 100 years we will all be a distant memory, most of us will be completely forgotten. As the Bible states, as Solomon states, we are just the dust of the earth. This is the humility factor, do we know our place?

Solomon sees humankind as another animal, we all live and then we die. The similarities in form and function, let alone DNA, are striking. This observation was Solomon’s alone for upwards of two thousand years or 100 generations. Even today there are those who would dispute the obvious but dogma can be a crutch for some to bolster their self importance. For them it is more comforting to snuggle up to the attributes of God than to be who we are.

Some in the church believe that even the punctuation marks of the King James version of the Bible are directed by God. To these folks, may I suggest you examine the long avoided passage of Ecclesiastes 3:18, “As for human beings, God tests them that they may see that they are like the animals”. The seeing has come slowly, it has been a long ugly struggle but modern science has returned us to the observations and testing procedures of Solomon.

Second we need to acknowledge what Solomon was not wise enough to treasure, our one unique life gift. Early in the book and probably early in his life he believed “God has set eternity in the human heart (3:11)”. This is the unique potential of the human animal, it is what God has done for us not what man has done for himself. It is that part of the human animal that cannot be explained by DNA, at least not yet. Solomon neglected this gift. Before we get too self righteous, none of us have ever been as sorely tempted and we fail mightily.

The path that Solomon chose brought him to a place of extreme disappointment, overwhelmed by the meaninglessness of life. Toward the end of his days he was to reduce our response to our God given uniqueness by encouraging us to enjoy life as best we can and do our religious duty out of the fear of God’s judgment. He deposits this supposed cure in chapter 12 but Hebrew scholars, including a number of conservatives, question whether this answer came from Solomon. It sounds like a religious suffix of later authorship, out of character with the rest of Solomon‘s words.

The authorship should be questioned but the directive itself is boring and insulting. Of course, there are those who are comfortable complying with the church and it’s dogma. However, some of us prefer mining for truth, as Solomon mined, from experience to tested dogma. Religious duty is as old as time itself, it is an example of the reductionism that has plagued the church both in it’s Hebrew and Christian contexts. It explains the great sin of the church, that is making science an enemy.

The Church says that God’s gift of eternal possibilities can only be explored or envisioned through compliance with the Church and it‘s myriad of authority figures. This overreach has been a two thousand year disability that has plagued man’s quest for God and turned off the curious to the truth of the bible. The Church cannot in any form at any time say, “look at me and you will see God”. The church can say, look at me and you may see glimpses of God amidst all that other earthly stuff, of course you and I have the same opportunity to so advertise.

May 3, 2010
Victorville, Ca