Thursday, October 31, 2024


The God of the galaxies somehow lives for us as the God hidden among us.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.


God awareness is spirituality as individually defined.  This is the state of our experience that John Courtney Murray in his 1964 book, “The Problem of God”, calls the scandal of particularity.  On page 13 he explains this scandal as follows.

“Through all the sweep of space, in all the course of time, along all the train of humanity, why is God present here and there, now and then, to this nation or man and not to others?  There is indeed a scandal for intelligence here.”

We humans have no intelligent, plausible or consistent answer. One may ask, why Billy Graham, why Jacob Boehme, why the Buddha, why Muhammed, why Mahatma Gandhi, or even why Jesus?  The best we can do is to guess. Guessing is generally a function of religion but religious guessing is merely a circling of the wagons.  Some of us would like to hear some guesses from the world-wide congregation of souls.

On what basis does the God of the galaxies, who lives among us, decide to break through into our consciousness? How does this God choose the who, the what and the where? What are the God rules? Are there any God rules? 

You got me? For now, all that can be said is that God appears to choose from those who somehow become available.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.           



The nutshell may be deemed crazy by most in the year 2024 but hold on to your hats.  In 2125, the nutshell will be the only God understanding left standing. gg

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.


Tuesday, October 29, 2024


I am a radical monotheistic free will believer in the hidden God among us who has and is recruiting volunteers to populate the unfolding new world order in our short term now.  In the long term, all of us of every past generation and every succeeding generation, as we are convinced, alive or dead, will volunteer and find the goodness and acceptance of the compacting unity of the God of eternity.

I believe this to be the God wise understanding of Jesus and is the universal heart felt desire of all we mortals. This universal God implanted desire has been buried and is being buried within every form of religion postulated by humans. The only universal qualification for this new and unfolding world order is to be available, believing and listening for the messages being sent to us indiscriminately. Sharing is the fun part.

In a nutshell, this is what I have experienced and come to understand.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca. 


Monday, October 28, 2024


Most professional theologians down through history of the Christian Church to this present age have been victims of their own perverted thinking about the God they purported to worship. Self-delusion has been epidemic resulting in widespread demonic fear mongering.  gg  

G, Goslaw

Landers, Ca.

Sunday, October 27, 2024


Is there a cure for our cosmic competitive circumstance? God says yes and God says no. We can freely respond to the divine offer to be loved timelessly in this life, that is a yes. This God love means that we commit and are empowered to move our lives toward unity with God and our fellow humans. We are, then, no longer restless wanders, our ever-real destination is in sight.

God also says no, our cosmic competitive circumstance will ever remain for us to navigate in this life, however, survival is no longer the motive of life. Just being alive is not enough. We now live to hear and respond to the eternal matrix that beckons all of us, the good, the bad and the ugly ever homeward.  This is the Gospel of God.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.     


Our world is all about competition. From the beginning, call it sin or competition, we are in a fight for survival. We are living the Roman Area’s life and death games. We should rename that tree in the Garden of Eden, the Winners and Losers Tree for almost immediately, in a jealous rage, Cain kills Abel. The consequence visited upon Cain is the truth of our cosmos, the destiny and history of all of us. Devasted, Cain complains to God, “I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me. (Genesis 4.14)”. 

So it is.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.


Monday, October 21, 2024

Get it?

Peter J. Gomes, “The Scandalous gospel of Jesus”, Harper Collins, N.Y., N.Y., 2007.

“The problem of perception is at the heart of a serious hearing of what Jesus has to say, and most people are smart enough to recognize that their immediate self-interest is served not so much by Jesus and his teaching as by the church and its preaching.  Thus, it is no accident that although Jesus came preaching a disturbing and redistributive gospel, we do not preach what Jesus preached. Instead, we preach Jesus.” P. 41.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Why does all the God talk have to be so damned complicated? Every God thinker/ talker has something to say to us but when the many voices are congealed, as in 6000 years of tradition, there is much confusion and wasted energy.  Few of us have the time or the inclination to sort out the supposed truth so we just accept the party line, whatever that may be. Is there not a simple kind of God talk?

As has been previously discussed, let us assume that there is a hidden God among us. One might ask, where or how can this God be found? Maybe this is the wrong question. Maybe, this hidden God among us will first, find us!  Our only place is to be available.  Maybe, being available to the possibility of God is the only qualification for experiencing the hidden God among us. How can one ponder the stars among the vast darkness and not be available?

If this is our reality, we don’t have to try sorting out all the many earthly voices, we just have to listen for the other voice and then respond positively when and if called upon. No human or institution has control over or can dictate to the hidden God among us.  As humans we are receivers, the first issue for us is, what messages are we getting from God?  Then one must choose to volunteer or not. It is in the volunteering that we experience the presence, power and healing intended for us. It is in the receiving that we gain certainty.

The biblical and historical cases in point are fascinating.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.




Monday, October 14, 2024


The only, the real or the actual God is the hidden God among us. The hoped for God of every religious expression, the God out there, somewhere, enthroned in the heavens, timelessly pulling strings in every world, is a horrible historical excuse for God thinking. This is the Sunday School God; the God target of Plato and four thousand years of the great minds in search of understanding. All such intellectualizing or believism about God has proven to be pointless and has taken us nowhere when the God search is simply about listening. Listening to the point of experiencing a walk with the hidden God among us.

G. Goslaw

landers, Ca. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


The only racists left in America are the black ones who are being lead by the racist in chief, Barack Obama.  gg

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


God, as the giver of personal freedom to all of us in our moment, must, therefore, have a reunion (salvation) awaiting all of us in eternity. Two plus two equals four.  Our good God would not burden all of us with all the negativity (evil) of freedom, if God did not also have a blanket cure. We all matter to God.  Any other understanding is only divisive religion. 

In our moment, in this moment, our world is organized to convince and direct us to the God appointed freedom path or way for which we all urn, whether or not we acknowledge this urning.  We are free now to search it out. We are free to be all that we can be.

To all of us who have freely chosen another path, sooner or later, you will volunteer.  The God who accepts us all is a good God. gg

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.  

Monday, October 7, 2024


God as the giver of freedom for all of us, in our moment, must, therefore, have a reunion/union awaiting all of us in eternity. No freedom means no evil and no eternity for any of us. God's long term inclusive plan operates in an earthly atmosphere of freedom to say yes or no to God.  God rejoices in the yes decisions, the volunteers, and God can handle rejection without threats of eternal punishment. However, such rejection means that we miss out on the true joy of earth bound life, the acceptance of God that all of us are born to experience. 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.  

Friday, October 4, 2024


America is a field of useful idiots or the Obama, Biden, Harris Democrats are skewing the poles as they have skewed everything else.  After the last four years, how can America still be half sane and half crazy?  How can anyone vote for more of the same?  How can this election come down to a few thousand votes in the swing states?  We are the ugly, spoiled and selfish Americans who deserve to suffer the inevitable consequences of our possible choice for endless chaos.

Some of us may assume that some of us are somehow insulated from the chaos. Should the radical left win this election, no insulation will protect anyone for the leftist pollical elites have no friends, just temporary useful idiots. 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.  



I don’t have to be nice.  I have no reputation to protect.  I say, all the God thinkers, including most of the supposedly great ones, if they are humankind condemners with a cosmic disciplinarian concept of the divine, they are profound fools.  God is bigger than their evil ways. 

Worse yet, they are the most useful as demonic weaponry, scattering more people and their spiritual potential than those they dupe. 

God is asking for free will volunteers, that is all.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.