We humans
are the crown of God’s creation, six billion years or 30,000 years, the truth
is the same. God made everything the way it is, the galaxies, the planets, the
forests and the fish in the streams. All
of we earthlings have been sourced by God. Our existence has layers of
complexity but the reality is that we were and are very simply staged in this
world. Who are we then?
“Then God
said (message), “Let us (eternity) make human beings in our image, in our likeness,
so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over
the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move
along the ground.” (Genesis 1: 26, TNIV)
We, all of
us, are here on earth having the image or likeness of God. Really? What foolishness is Genesis giving out? You and I know that any resemblance to God in
our lives is a very far off reality. We
know that all peoples of every flavor are but a goulash of the good, the bad
and the ugly. You and I qualify for either/or.
Maybe, that is not the point.
The point
that Genesis is making is that every human being is like God in that we are spiritual
message centers, we have spiritual ears.
God is bombarding our world constantly with messages for we humans. You doubt me?
The God “said” language in Genesis 1: 26 was a message, a creative message. The “us” of eternity is fascinating. Sometimes in a religious context messages are
received but, more often than not, religion stifles God’s messaging. Maybe, God’s
messages are being sent out at random, intended for anyone and everyone listening.
We are also like
God in that we have been given a spiritual caretaker mission. As humans we must have a mission, a purpose,
be it however small. Genesis 1:26 says
that we all have the God given mission of “ruling” all other life forms on this
earth. The word “rule” has a sour taste
but it is the correct translation of the Hebrew.
In the surroundings
of the messenger of Genesis, what did “to rule” mean to say? Authority given, yes, but more than that,
authority given to act in the best interest of the fish, the birds, the
livestock, the wild animals and the snakes.
We are to be leaders not despots, we are caretakers in the Garden, the Land
or the Forest of Mutual support called eternity.
This is who
God Is.
G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca