Monday, April 29, 2024

October Surprise

Another pandemic from China is the Democrat October surprise.  If all else fails, the chaos on the streets, the chaos on our campuses, the chaos at the border or all the racial strife, the evil Biden cabal will not hesitate to scare voters and kill more Americans.  It worked against President Trump five years ago, if they are about to lose control of America in November, there will be another lockdown.

Why are all the Chinese coming into our country across Bidens open border?

Connect the dots!

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


All of existence is a dialectical dilemma.  Dialectical because there are only two opposing possibilities, God or Nature.  It is a dilemma because, within our existence, there can be no absolute certainty. Everything between these two poles is someone’s opinion.  However, all the opinions of the philosophers, theologians and scientists are based on faith in one or the other.

The extreme poles are uninhabitable just as the north and South poles of our world are uninhabitable.  One pole says that God did the deed and left the created existence to fend for itself.  One pole says that Nature is a never-ending force unto itself that can only be measured in progress toward the whatever. 

All of us live, think and hope for the best somewhere between these two poles or possibilities.

Where are you, equator?  

G, Goslaw

Landers, Ca 



Monday, April 22, 2024


The college experience should teach us humility. One should be convinced not of how much one knows but how much one has yet to learn.  Without humility, there is no education.  Our college campuses have become just a place to join a club and buy their talking points. 

Columbia University is but the worst of the worst in America.


Landers, CA


Saturday, April 20, 2024


We humans are the crown of God’s creation, six billion years or 30,000 years, the truth is the same. God made everything the way it is, the galaxies, the planets, the forests and the fish in the streams.  All of we earthlings have been sourced by God. Our existence has layers of complexity but the reality is that we were and are very simply staged in this world.  Who are we then?

“Then God said (message), “Let us (eternity) make human beings in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”  (Genesis 1: 26, TNIV)

We, all of us, are here on earth having the image or likeness of God.  Really? What foolishness is Genesis giving out?  You and I know that any resemblance to God in our lives is a very far off reality.  We know that all peoples of every flavor are but a goulash of the good, the bad and the ugly. You and I qualify for either/or.  Maybe, that is not the point.

The point that Genesis is making is that every human being is like God in that we are spiritual message centers, we have spiritual ears.  God is bombarding our world constantly with messages for we humans.  You doubt me?  The God “said” language in Genesis 1: 26 was a message, a creative message.  The “us” of eternity is fascinating.  Sometimes in a religious context messages are received but, more often than not, religion stifles God’s messaging. Maybe, God’s messages are being sent out at random, intended for anyone and everyone listening.

We are also like God in that we have been given a spiritual caretaker mission.  As humans we must have a mission, a purpose, be it however small.  Genesis 1:26 says that we all have the God given mission of “ruling” all other life forms on this earth.  The word “rule” has a sour taste but it is the correct translation of the Hebrew.  

In the surroundings of the messenger of Genesis, what did “to rule” mean to say?  Authority given, yes, but more than that, authority given to act in the best interest of the fish, the birds, the livestock, the wild animals and the snakes.  We are to be leaders not despots, we are caretakers in the Garden, the Land or the Forest of Mutual support called eternity.

This is who God Is.  

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca





Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Message Power

In the beginning God (the Message) created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.  (Genesis 1: 1 and 2) TNIV

In the beginning was the Word (Logos or Message), and the Word (Logos or the Message) was with God. He (Logos or Message) was with God in the beginning. Through him (Logos or the Message) all things were made; without him (Logos or the Message) nothing was made that has been made.  (St. John’s Gospel 1: 1 and 2) TNIV

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA



This is how all communist countries maintain their power and win elections.  “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.”  Sounds familiar, right?  Familiar like in Manhattan.  America once was the land of the free touting the goal of blind justice?  No more.   

The future of all Americans is doomed with grandpa Joe as president and the progressive, radical, extremist, government first democrats writing the script. The Presidential election this November is freedom's last hope for America, our last chance to be free once again. Let's send Barack and friends to the bleachers where they belong!   Better yet, let's send Barrack's fundamental change to Hell!  

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA


We humans are burrowing animals, especially gifted burrowing animals formed of the dirt of this earth but animals non the less. Just like all other burrowing animals, we burrow into this world seeking a safe, comfortable space only to be forced to dig another tunnel.  At age 30, Jesus would have none of it.  Jesus was all about burrowing into the next world, the reality of eternity.  Sooner or later, all of us will be making that dig, intentional or not.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca



Monday, April 15, 2024


Why are some of us so intent on dragging this world’s bounty and corruption into eternity?  Have we not experienced enough of this world, it's blessings, divisions and vicissitudes?  Some of us believe that eternity must be ruled by the vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.  "Free at last!"

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Rev. Dr. Drew Sams

Bel Air Presbyterian Church,

Los Angeles, California

Dear Rev. Sams,

Thank you for your TV teaching ministry every Sunday morning. This Sunday your message was on the Kingship of Jesus as the leader of our lives here on earth.  This is all well and good but I have a question that you artfully seemed to avoid.  Are we talking about personal piety or national politics or both?  This listener got a mixed message, whether it was intended or not.

When Jesus rightly directed us to love our enemies, does that mean we should no longer love our friends or our country?  Hopefully, we can love selflessly both relationships but this world, at times, makes it highly unlikely.  The difficulties multiply when the Christian gives into the bullies of this world, claiming some higher or more creditable spirituality.  The bullies will always want more. 

As you know, Rev. Dietrick Bonhoeffers found himself in this dilemma.  How can I love the Jews who were being roasted in the ovens of Nazi Germany, my homeland, and still live according to the words of Jesus?  Is love passivity?  Rev. Bonhoffer made the decision to participate in a plot to kill Hitler.  The decision was agonizing.  Every self-righteous scheme to qualify our spirituality will be tested in our world and found to be dust.

Preaching the love of God in the whirlwind of our California environment must be difficult but trying to remain neutral in the face of evil is impossible.  Sure, when we take sides, it will be costly but how can we look the other way in the face of evil? 

The new Democrat Party under King Joe Biden and the radical left present the exact same choice that faced Bonhoeffer. The evil of this Democratic cabal has killed seven million people worldwide with the covid virus. Hitler exterminated seven million Jews. The Hunan lab in China that dumped the man-made virus on the people was partly financed with our taxpayer money.  Dr. (Mengele) Fauci, the deranged bureaucrat of our NIH, who, knowing that this kind of research was dangerous and illegal, found a way around the law by funneling the money through a non-profit entity.

And the evil just keep on coming. King Joe’s open border has dumped tons of illegal drugs, fentanyl being the most dangerous, killing over 100,000 Americans. King Joe’s Democrat supporters in Michigan are shouting “Death to America”.  Crime is only a social disease not to be controlled. King Joe has weaponized our legal system to ruthlessly take down anyone who has the courage to speak the truth.  There is now no place for honesty in America. God has been replaced by the power of our own government.

Do you believe I am exaggerating our national disgrace?  It is past the time to pray for our country but pray we must. Personal piety is a worthy topic that we all need but when it is only a foxhole, we shall all answer for our misdeeds.


G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca






Friday, April 12, 2024

Why Not?

God created our world and all the galaxies.  Our world was created just as God had planned and wanted to happen, ours is the planet of dreams and disunity, the green spot of boundless dreams and fractured reality.  Designed and gifted with freedom from this creative process, we are here to experience the price of that freedom, irrecoverable or irreversible disunity.  Salvation, then, is the acceptance of this divine order and the undertaking of an eternity search that will be unifying. Evil is merely the under side of the two sided coin of freedom. 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca  


Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Sin is disunity.  We can invent a host of other definitions for the word sin but all seem to be religiously or culturally bound. The definition of sin as disunity seems to have a much broader reach and it still fits the biblical story.  God is in a covenant (written) relationship with we humans and that relationship, from God’s angle, has a dual focus. The agreement is to be worked out with the individual and the covenant becomes a promise to all that God will accomplish pure unity for the human species. As God sees it, there can be no exceptions. Unity is total inclusion.

What must 100% pure unity feel like?  Who knows?  We only know personal, religious, political and cultural disunity.  Ours ancestors will never live in a sinless world. Like it or not, every relationship on this earth is fraught with compromise, therefore, we shall ever be a ship out of the water.  This qualifies as a pessimistic understanding of who we are and the truth does hurt, however, let us buckle up and take it like a man (adult).   

Could it be that we will never recognize Unity until we have experienced disunity?  If this be the case, God has created just the right environment here on earth.  Welcome aboard.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca



Sunday, April 7, 2024


St. Mark’s Gospel says that Jesus became God at his baptism as he begins his earthly mission.

St. Matthew’s Gospel says that Jesus became God at his birth cementing the new Jesus gospel with the historic Hebrew divine revelation.

St. Luke’s Gospel says that Jesus became God at his resurrection opening the non Jewish world to also hear the Jesus good news.

St. John’s Gospel says that Jesus was and is the always God.

Pick your poison, can they all be true?

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA



Saturday, April 6, 2024


Sin is disunity, our fractured reality. How does it work for you and yours?

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA


Mixers Stew

Some people accept as truth just what they are told.  Some people accept as truth nothing they are told. Then there are the mixers, those of us who find the ingredients everywhere, mixing them together with a little heat to cook a hopefully tasty truth stew.  These are the interesting people but they tend not to fit our popular labels.  It is so with Jacob Boehme, medieval mystic theologian and cobbler who found God in everything.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA


“The Key, or Clavis & Confessions”, Jacob Boehme, 2018, p.7. 

“He (God) is the eternal unmeasurable Unity.” God is the only original.

If all things began in Unity and if this Unity is all powerful, does it not follow that all things will be eternally united again?  Unity is the very definition of eternity. May it all be so. (Jacob Boehme does not project to this possible eventuality) gg


Landers, Ca