Tuesday, January 23, 2024


It was never about the Promised Land; it was always about the Promised Forest.  The life of Abram was not about land, it was about the forest where there was no forest.  The Promised Land or Forest was the longed-for place to be found where Abram believed God could be touched.  The place where to awaken every morning was to awaken in the midst of the divine.  Abram’s decedents called this place a land flowing with milk and honey yet not understanding.  It would have been more appropriate, perhaps, considering the local, to name this place the desert flowing with milk and honey.  The contrast is stark.  Oh, the bondage of the literal!   

In either case, we normal humans would say, Abram was a little touched, to set off with family and flocks on a road trip towards eternity land. 

Talk about touched, what is our road trip about?

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA

Sunday, January 21, 2024


We deserve nothing while alive on earth and we deserve nothing in eternity.  Eternity is not ours.    

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Religion of every flavor, by definition, is a lie or a falsehood.  Religion makes the lie socially and culturally acceptable to the point that the lie is no longer a lie.  At least to a specific collection of peoples it is not a lie. You know how this world operates, if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, it will be believed and become the truth.

The religious lie is that there exists in and out of our world, a supreme being or power that is aware of the existence of every individual earthling.  This God is ready to take action to benefit the individual person in this world and the next, a sort of buddy God.  Religion then becomes the gatekeeper and the toll collector.

Jesus did not tell that religious lie, in fact, that religious lie put him on the cross.  Religion kills to insure and further its own survival. Jesus said, if you want to know our Father God, follow along with me, have faith as I do, that he, she or it is available and wants to make himself or herself known to us.  Nothing in this world is of equal importance and if we seek we will find.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA  

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


This one is tough, Matthew 5: 38-42.  “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth’ (religious Law of the O. T.).  But I (Jesus) tell you, do not resist an evil person.  If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.  If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two.  Give to the one who asks you and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”

Spirituality is a very practical everyday choice.  Are we living to impress this world or the next? Could it have something to do with selflessly storing up treasures (respect) in eternity?  Ouch!

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Monday, January 8, 2024


Dear Dr. Larry P. Arnn

President Hillsdale College

Thank you for sending my 2024 Benefactor Card.  I am glad to make a contribution to help with your educational efforts to counter the secular agenda that is destroying our country and faith in the Almighty.  I am a fan and agree that there is no greater need in America.

Politics is not the answer, as you say, freedom is the answer.  The freedom to think and speak your own personal beliefs whether or not anyone else may agree.  Every freedom believer, young and old, must be able to give a reason for their faith in God and their faith in America.

Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to share in a small way.


Landers, CA.


Saturday, January 6, 2024


The flies have gone as the temperature dips to freezing.  This has been a terrible year for sitting on the porch because of those pesky little scavengers. There must be a relationship between the flies and the moisture that comes to us from the heavens, our water reserves have returned to normal in southern California.  Draught is no longer newsworthy. 

The fly is associated with death and rightfully so, they process the dead. Flies have this positive mission or purpose in nature but that knowledge is little comfort when they make the out of doors uninhabitable. Fly swatting is a daily endless chore in summertime Landers.  When not swatting flies, we retirees also have some free time to ponder the certainty of death. It kind of goes along with old age as our death awareness factor reaches for the heavens.

The Egyptian Pharaohs 5000 years ago had only one fear, losing their unearned status as kingmakers when they die.  Death was the only adversary they could not slay.  Claiming to have all powerful God status they forced the people to build for them huge buildings of stone to house their remains after they die. These were the pyramids of the Pharaohs.  So certain were these God Pharaohs about their future reign in eternity that trophies, riches, spirits, food, servants and wives were entombed along with their lifeless remains.

This is a sad way of dealing with death but is it not understandable?  Is our heavenly language not a scheme to avoid the certainty of death?  Do we not expect and anticipate a heavenly reunion with the choir, family and friends?  I know, we are in uncharted territory here and to some extent any scheme is open to criticism.  As much as we would like to believe, no one has come back from death to tell us what is on the other side.  Yes, there are claims of near-death experiences but these understandings seem very familiar.

Death is the end. That is the truth.  Death is the end of dealing with the uncertainties and the injustices of our world.  Death is the end of the survival at any cost imperative.  Jesus was just as blunt when a prospective disciple begged for time off to bury his father.  Jesus said. “Let the dead bury the dead”.  One can criticize Jesus for a lack of empathy toward the prospect but Jesus knew that as much as death is an ending, out there in this world and beyond is a reality more important than nursing ours or others endings.

As unpopular as this three-letter word may be, no other word fits our near-death life experience.  God is here now and God is eternity.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca





Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Spirituality is in the eye of the beholder.  There are countless definitions, some are God centered and others are about what it means to be a spiritual human being.  Every month it seems a book shows up on the best seller list claiming to give us an accurate picture of our spiritual potential.  Religions of every flavor claim to have their own inside track to authentic spirituality.  Where or to whom is the serious seeker to go?

The message and teachings of Jesus answer this question.

Boundless …. freedom from the ties of this world.

Brokenness …. freedom from self-rule.

Blessedness …. freedom gifted from the beyond of eternity.

If you know your Jesus message, fill in the blanks.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca