Saturday, February 25, 2023


The thinkers say we humans cannot prove there is a God, therefore, there is no God.  How is it that such intelligent people can be so dumb? 

Is it provable that there is no God?  Surely, if a no God proof existed, we would have been bludgeoned over the head with said proof.  Because the God or no God issue will never be decided by the thinkers, we normal folk can choose to have faith in the God of the galaxies.  

G. Goslaw,

Landers, CA  


Saturday, February 18, 2023


Mr. Graham, thank you for all the good your organization, Samaritan’s Purse, is accomplishing.  I would like to contribute regularly but your generosity seems to conflict with your advertised understanding of the Bible.  In your commercial, you say that you do not understand everything in the Bible but you, Franklin Graham, believe every word.   

Question, do you believe that God directed Joshua and his people to kill every human being in their “promised land” as they took possession of it?  ( Deuteronomy 7: 1-6)  Was the fall of Jericho a God directed massacre?  (Joshua 6: 17)  This verse says that all the inhabitants were to be “devoted” to the Lord.  They must all die to make the Jericho a supposed holy place.  This sounds like God is directing his people to make human sacrifices.  Was God doing the talking or was religion doing the talking?

Tell us again, why you are in Turkey?   Please, tell us the motivation for your good deeds?  Do you serve at the behest of the God of the galaxies or the God of biblical religion?  What, pray tell, is the truth?


Landers, Ca. 


Friday, February 17, 2023



Human distinctive: “he can put himself in the place of another”.  Feuerbach, Essence of Christianity, page 2.


Landers, Ca


God is not dead but America sure is dead.  The country is dead because we the people no longer are alive to grant liberty to our fellow Americans.  There is no morality, no ethical standard that defines we the American people.  Our nation has become all about politics, the Democrats are about feeding their own and trashing all other Americans.  The more appropriate word, rather than trashing, is killing because killing is the Democrat agenda for their chosen enemies.

Three hundred Americans are killed each day by Democrat fentanyl border policy.  One million Americans were killed by the Democrat funded lab leak in China.  The Democrat federal government refuses to give FEMMA aid to a Republican Ohio district devastated by a train wreck and chemical spill.  The unspoken word from the Democrats is, if you are not for us, we will kill you with cancer.   

As a people, why are we not ashamed of ourselves?  Why are we silent? Are we much too busy?  Are we worried about being sued?  Are we scared of the FBI?  The only reality that may change us is the death of ten voting Democrats for every fentanyl overdose death.  

Fear not, for even that reality would stir the soul of America for we are dead. 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca


Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Nietzsche was right, God on the cross is a monumental assumption.  Jesus was on the cross and religion put him there.  

Nietzsche was wrong, the Jesus ethic of turning the other cheek is not weakness, it is eternities power.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA    

Monday, February 13, 2023


Nietzsche was right and he was wrong.  Have you ever been there?  I have but the older I get, the more right I get!  Ha!  Life is a choice, pass the time playing solitaire or take on a good read like Nietzsche.  The man could write.  Some philosophers put out wordy stuff, the point of which is camouflaged beneath all the bushes, not so Nietzsche, he is in your face from start to finish.  The style is truly combatant, maybe he felt he had no choice because his thinktank of one was at odds with every other philosopher and the entire God-fearing world at the tender age of 24. 


Landers, CA 

Saturday, February 11, 2023


Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was stuck on a dead-end road.  Mr. Ego, as I have come to call him, was a gifted musician, scholar, professor, philologist, philosopher and writer.  Reading his stuff, one comes to just accept the fact that he agrees with no one about anything.  Every other thinker, every other philosophical tradition, these folk have led the world astray, they got it wrong and he gladly shares their failures with us.  How did he get so adorably opinionated?

Please allow me to make a guess.  Walter Kaufmann, who is the expert who translated all his German stuff, gives Nietzsche’s birth circumstances only a passing note but to me they are pivotal.  Freddy, (no disrespect), was a preacher’s kid, born to a Lutheran clergyman.  We preacher’s kids always have a marked father issue, some of us fit into the mold and others of us throw the mold in the garbage.  Freddy possibly rejected the spiritual priority of his birth family because his father died when his only son was five years old.  Without his believing father, whom he probably resented for dying, Nietzsche never got to see a workable faith in God.  

Loosing his father, the second factor came into play.  Freddy was raised by a cackle of females, mother, sisters and aunts, the only rooster in the henhouse, so to speak.  In this family Freddy would either become an effeminate social butterfly or take on the strong opinionated male role, the leader of the household in the making. Nietzsche chose to be a man to the max.  Growing up he excelled at his studies and one might consider his thought patterns mature at age 24, when he began the duties of a university professor.  

Both these factors were to push him, gifted as he was, into a Godless world view and a power hungry natural life motive for we humans.


Landers, CA





Saturday, February 4, 2023


The more open to eternal spirituality one becomes, the more that one appreciates all of earthly life and understands that death is not a solution to the fragility of life.


Landers, CA

Friday, February 3, 2023


Jesus was a man of his time.  Jesus was the man chosen and empowered by God to deliver a salvation message from eternity to all humanity.  That’s it! Everything else is a point of discussion.  We 21st century believers ought to be able to grant the other guy or gal the freedom to expand this understanding in whatever direction the believer deems justified.  Too often, the wagons are circled and the bullets fly.

The Bible is the central issue when discussing any expansion of fundamental beliefs.  Is it enough to say, the Bible said it, end of discussion?  Are we Bible readers to accept the words of the Bible as a sort of video recording of everything said or every happening two thousand years ago?  Or are we to consider time and place, the multiplicity of languages, the verifiability of speakers and the culturally defined belief systems of the hearers and recorders? 

Just quoting the Bible is too easy.  That is, just quoting the Bible is too easy for this believer but if it works for you, great.  However, to shoot bullets and question the spirituality of those who may disagree with your narrow perspective is the kind of spirituality that is extra-biblical.  That kind of spirituality has stopped at nothing through history and will stop at nothing to maintain control.  That is why this blog has compared some religious advocates to spiritual terrorists.  Their brand of spirituality gives no room for discussion.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA