Saturday, August 21, 2021

Traitor in Chief


Barack Obama Jr., the 44th president of the United States of America is now our presidential puppeteer in chief. He pulls Joe Biden’s strings and will soon throw him under the bus.  Joe deserves much worse.  As the puppeteer in chief, Barack is the biggest traitor in disguise that our country has ever produced.  His loyalties are not to America, his first loyalty is to the memory of his deceased Muslim father, Barack O’bama Sr.

Barack has a love hate sickness for his black ancestry.  What other reason could there be for the traitorous debacle in Afghanistan, this was not incompetence, just willful blindness on orders from Barack, to give a victory to Islam and embarrass the white guy in the White House.  Afghanistan is intentional pay back to this country, the country that welcomed him and his family to a leadership role in the greatest democratic republic in human history. 

Oh, Barack, you naughty boy!


Landers, CA


Saturday, August 7, 2021


 If I were a religious man, I would trump my Muslim brothers and replace the 99 virgins’ theory for eternity with the grander propaganda that eternity is one constant and forever orgasm.  Wouldn't such a theory reap greater rewards for the religious establishment?  The key word here is religion as opposed to spirituality.  As outlandish as such a theory may be, it is not much different from the outlandish threat of the burn in hell scenario of Christian doctrine.  One is a reward while the other is a threat.  Go figure!

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Friday, August 6, 2021

Saving Souls


In our American culture war, where have all the leaders of the Christian Church gone?  You remained silent when the government closed your doors, you were silent as the government threatened you with prosecution or fines if you speak out from the pulpit with a political opinion.  You remain silent when your people and their belief systems are slandered by the government lefties.  You remain silent as the secular culture rips the next generation from the beliefs of you hold so dear.  You remain silent as your children are being taught to hate one another in their public schools. You remain silent as you are told to shut up and behave as if you were dogs.  Have you no inner fortitude? 

I have been away from the pew for a number of years, so I may be missing something, at least I hope that is the case.  The challenge we all face is to be a part of a spiritual faith movement rather than just another religion that hides when the going gets tough.  Jesus confronted the powerful and ministered to the victims of government and religious oppression.  These folks to whom he ministered were the rejects of the prevailing culture of his time.  To the rejected he preached, there is a God I call Father, my God has a place, an eternity planned for you where the terrors of your present circumstances will soon seem minuscule.  You, the rejected of this world, can weather all the storms of life, win or lose, because your all-powerful God has your back!

Speaking from the outside, please let me make one suggestion.  Every church in America should have a church school where all children of every color and creed could be educated in a faith-based classroom.  The public school that educates is no more, it is dead!  Church leaders, get off your butt and go to work saving souls.


Landers, CA

Monday, August 2, 2021


 The Gospel of St. John, Chapter One, 1 -13.  (revised by me) 

    1. In the beginning was the eternity message, and this message was with God, and the eternity message was God.

   2. The message was with God in the beginning.

   3. Through the message all things were made; without the message nothing was made that has been made.

   4. In the message was life, and that life was the light of all people.

   5. The light of the message shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not    understood it.

   6. There came a man who was sent by God; his name was John.

   7. This man came as a witness concerning the light of eternity message, so that all men might believe in this message.

   8. John himself did not bring the light to men, he came only as a witness to the soon to arrive appointed light giver of the eternity message.

   9. The true light of the message of eternity that gives light to every man was coming into the world.

 10. This light of the eternity message was given to one man who was in the world, and though the eternity message made this world, the world did not recognize the message that was with him.

 11. That one man with the eternity message of light for all people walked among us but we the people of the message did not receive him.

12.  Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his message, he has given the right to become children of God –

13.  children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but awakened to God.

G, Goslaw

Landers, CA

The Abusers


California public education teachers are child abusers.  Private schools have been learning in their school class rooms for up to a year without masks, so where has all the simple logic gone?  Where has my real estate taxes gone?  Teaching in our public schools used to be a selfless calling but in 2021 the Democratic politicians and their teacher unions are co-conspirators in abusing the children they are supposed to care about.  The teachers under forty years of age are primarily responsible for this abuse but all teachers are guilty because they cowardly hid as the abuse goes on under their noses. 

The bottom line for all of them is money, public education has become a welfare jobs program nationwide just as it has been in the inner city for decades.  How can parents stay silent? 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca