Friday, April 2, 2021


Chucky Shumer, the Democratic Senator from New York and majority leader in the Senate, says that it is time for bold change in America!  Change you say?  What is your real motive for change Mr. Shumer?  You don't care about progressive ideology, you have sat in Washington for four decades, suddenly you are a spokesman for the new political winds for change.  We don't buy it!  You are a political chameleon, changing your spots as you divorce your agenda from any concern for all Americans, not just the new guys.  In our time, your sudden rebirth as a progressive socialist says that your first concern is for Democratic political power, regardless of the costs that you dump on we 75 million. There was a time not long ago when politicians at least mouthed a loyalty to country above party.  Where has the loyal opposition gone?

The new agenda from the radical left is a very old agenda.  The radicals are pushing upon us an autocracy, a body politic that rears it's ugly head in many forms.  Simply put, it is the top down rule by the political elites or one elitist, over the lives of we little people, which means to the elites, all the people.  The power hungry elitists of our American moment are the Democrats, primarily the Democratic Party leaders such as Chucky.  Their only agenda is to change America into their fiefdom, where the sole viable political party has absolute control over the people.  I will not bore you with examples from history and the present worldwide conflicts but America has been the body politic, that has had the most success at avoiding such top down authoritarian control.  That is, until 2020.

Now, in Schumer's changed America, after cheating their way into power by insisting on no name voters in the wake of the China virus, the new politics of our time is taking drastic actions to cement their control.  Cementing control is best achieved, in their world, by making America Poor.  They say to themselves, governmental control of our national means of production should do the trick.  The new American "elitists" shall decide or authorize economic winners and losers, as long as they pay their fair share to the government and pledge allegiance.  People of both parties, Democrat and Republican, wake up, you have been duped. As an example that will foreshadow the future, don't you see how Democratic leadership has twisted the Covid 19 response in so many Democratic states?  The biggest lie of the 21st century is, "we are all in this together"! No way!  The government decides who will be paid to sit at home and who will have their lives destroyed economically by closing only certain businesses.  

Flooding our country with the very poor illegal "refuge seekers" is plan "B".  These folk will surely repay national openness with their votes to Democrats well into the future, so goes the Democratic elites playbook.  It is of no concern to the elites that an invasion of the poor and uneducated will bloat our welfare system and drive down the wages of working people.  Our taxes will skyrocket as we all become poor, except of course, those of us who are feeding on the government. Can an open borders policy be anything other than another Democratic ploy to Make America Poor and thereby make opposition to the government nigh unto impossible?  To those simplistic voters who voted for Biden in 2020, to those voters who believe an open border will not affect them, the Democrats and their trickle down poverty economics will come for you next!

Then there is plan "C".  Socialism as the ultimate authority in our lives is only popular among the few.  To gain and perpetuate socialist control, the power brokers must paint themselves as the good guys while painting anyone who disagrees with them as evil conspirators to be feared. Their reliance on childish name calling, character assassination, racial warfare, class warfare and income inequality are a natural fit for scaring big questions out of a dubious populace.  The deployment of 20.000 troops in Washington also sends the same ready message.  Soon the threats will escalate to enforcement, fines, imprisonment or the Schumer agenda may employ poisoning as they do in Russia. Who, pray tell, are the extremists?  Are our free speech advocates really the extremists?

How about plan "D"?  The Schumer, Democratic Party, Socialist plan is to trash our traditional democratic priorities, the American Constitution and our national elections. America now smells!  The Constitution has been under attack for decades, particularly since Roe verses Wade. Our new elites care not to understand the priorities of the Constitutional Congress, only to make adjustments and additions to fit their social and political norms.  Anyway, the Constitution is irrelevant, so they say, a mere ancient text written by and for a bunch of racists, how can it be valuable?  So goes the new leftist rational, to them, tradition is an evil to be purged.          

As unjust as this change may be, as tragic as it is, the Schumer agenda for change is working and America will probably be doomed to wallow in the feces of a totalitarian autocracy forever. Gone are the priorities of our ancestors who prized liberty above all else!

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA    


Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Critics

 Critics of universalism espouse three arguments used to silence anyone who should believe in something other than the religious heaven and hell scenario.  These arguments are primarily misunderstandings of what they think is being said.  The first argument is that universalism is not biblical. This argument can only be arrived at by avoiding the totality of scripture to focus on a few passages that, rightly understood by the religious powers that be, give a distorted picture of eternity.  Bluntly, these folk are guilty of lazy reading of the Bible. This is not entirely the fault of the people in the pew on Sunday but is a result of the proof texting that goes on in the pulpit. A verse or a phrase easily becomes a junping off point for a religious tirade.   

The second argument is that universalism is anti God when nothing can be further from the truth.  A universalist believes in a bigger God than the kinder garden understandings of eternity given to us by the Church. How big is your God?  Is your God as big as infinite space with it's billions of solar systems ever changing?  Why is the spiritual expectation to forgive regardless of the offense here on earth but God will punish most of us with brimstone and fire for an eternity?  The religious answer is that God is a just God and this God must punish we wicked ones but it just doesn't square with reality. Is the blessing of life some kind of test to qualify for a positive eternal future?  If this is your understanding of eternity, no one on earth nor in the Bible ever passed that test. We all are the most miserable.

The third misunderstanding is that universalism dethrones Jesus Christ as a religious icon. This is a valid criticism of universalism but inadequate. Religions and the many religious icons are merely second rate to the magnificence of eternity. Who was Jesus, you ask?  Jesus was a God chosen messenger and prophet of eternity who appeared among us at the appointed hour.  This messenger preached to us about the God of eternity, accomplished miracles and was raised to eternal life, confirming his message.  For the first three hundred years after the resurrection, this Jesus was not labeled by any believer as a religious icon. Jesus only led us and them toward eternity.

One man's opinion.


Landers, CA