Tuesday, December 28, 2021

From the Top

Uncle Joe cries Uncle, I quit, I surrender, Monday, December 27, 2021, the China Virus has won!


Landers, CA

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Original Sin


Dragging the kicking and screaming God of the galaxies into our world to do our bidding.


Landers, CA


Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Let us fight fire with fire.  Republicans, stop playing nice.  Every Republican state should restrict all FBI operations and refuse to co-operate in any investigation.  Ignore the legal stuff, make the Democrats sue in court, that is how they operate time and again.  

The FBI has been weaponized by the leftist Obama Biden administrations to terrorize their political enemies, primarily Republican politicians and anyone who stands against their agenda.  Playing nice is a loser.

Justice at the hands of the feds is gone, this new FBI is the worlds most influential terrorist organization.  And influence they will exercise, beware!

G Goslaw

Landers, Ca



Sunday, December 19, 2021

Dammed Democrats

 Beware America of those Dammed Democrats.  If you refuse to go along with their vaccine agenda, their last resort is to withhold all deserved medical care.  No emergency room access, therapeutics are being made scarce so that  non believers will die off.  Are we living in Dr. Fauci's Nazi Germany?  The left is desperate, Biden falsely promised to rid our world of the virus in order to get elected President and everyone now realizes that the virus, in one form or another, will be among us forever, vaccinated or not.  Thank you China.  Out of political desperation, the Dammed Democrat devils are saying, get the jab or die. 

Pick your poison America, the uncertainty of the jab or being left to die in the emergency room that is full of the vaccinated sick with the China virus. 

We are the land of the free no more.


Landers, CA



Wednesday, December 15, 2021



One who concludes that God nailed Jesus to the cross has to push biblical facts to the point of absurdity.  Religion killed Jesus.  No wonder religion has to come up with another schtick.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Tuesday, December 14, 2021



Bible, preferred translation, ASV, in which I began my journey.

The Inescapable Love of God, Thomas Talbot, 1991.

The Kingdom of God, John Bright, 1953. (1908-1995)

Moses, Martin Buber, 1946. (1878-1965)

The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1937. (1906-1945)

The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker, 1973. (1924-1974)

The God Chasers, Tommy Tenny, 1998. (1956)

Soul Survivor, Phillip Yancey,2001. (1949)

Penees, Blaise Pascal, 1995. (1623-1662)

Fear and Trembling, Soren Kierkegaard, 2003. (1813-1855)


If you know these books, you know I have a problem with authority.


Landers, CA


 The American Safari of 2022 will target, Democrats and the investor moneyed class.  Forget about race.  The coming revolution in America, will be much like the French Revolution, it will be about the haves and the have nots.  As the interests of those of us on fixed incomes, small business entrepreneurs and independent contractors are ignored, we will be without a viable future except on the government dole.  You know, the half of America that may believe that such a circumstance would be worse than death itself.

The Democrats will be targeted because they are enabling the soon to be the worst inflation our country has ever experienced.  We are not there yet but unless the spending stops and the fed takes charge our current 10% inflation will seem like a bargain.  Inflation is at 8.6% this calendar year and after December, it will surely be at 10% or more.  How many of us can make do, or even plan a budget while prices for everything are spirally out of control?  A national tornado would be a preferred disaster, a tornado would be quick. 

Democrats seem to have no qualms about inflation, hence the Build Back Better Bill.  President Biden lies about the cost when all credible estimates are in the 4 to 5 TRILLION-dollar mark over ten years.  The investor class is equally unconcerned about the certainty of inflation because they are riding a bull market firing on all cylinders by trading with China.  Together the Democrats and the investor class are pressuring the Federal reserve to keep interest rates insanely low.  Some of us have lived long enough to know that the only solution to inflation is for the interest rate on our debt must be raised. This Fed Chair, however, is a coward who is letting the fat cats have their bull market, the inevitable interest rate rise should have begun six months ago.  Meanwhile the investor class is lining their pocket as they rob the little people of their financial wellbeing, their savings and retirement.  Justice in America have never really been blind but the democrats have a new more perverse definition, Justice is for me and not for thee.  

Is this post hyperbole, I pray that it is just that, an exaggeration?


Landers, CA 

Monday, December 13, 2021



Is that all you got?

G. Goslaw



Friday, December 10, 2021


 At one time, not long ago, the civil rights movement had heroes.  Now America has Jussie.


Landers, CA

Thursday, December 9, 2021


 The solution to all the abortion debate and fuss is in your court, ladies, where it belongs.  As some of you so readily say, my body, my decision.  It is interesting that this principle doesn’t apply to taking the vaccine, may I ask, why not?  This hypocrisy aside, look in the mirror ladies, you, as irresponsible females are the cause of your own so called unwanted pregnancy.  When you spread your legs, the male gender of every ilk will beat down your door, no surprise.

You were insanely naïve to believe that a pregnancy couldn’t happen to you when humans and animals have been having babies for millions of years.  You had, in most cases, unprotected sexual intercourse, naive and stupid.  You refused to take a morning after pill, just in case.  Again, this is naïve and stupid.  You flittered away the early days of your pregnancy hoping that the male depositor would come to your rescue, again, naïve and stupid.

How can you go on after having your own flesh and blood ripped screaming from your womb for the sake of your convenience?  Let’s call it what it is, murder!


Landers, Ca



Not my words


Everlasting torture is intolerable from a moral point of view because it pictures God acting like a bloodthirsty monster who maintains an everlasting Auschwitz for his enemies whom he does not allow to die.  How can one love a God like that?  


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

State of Affairs

In rough numbers, 80% of believing Christianity as well as 60% of the clergy are biblically unaware and convinced that what they have been taught about the Bible, is what the Bible says. This may or may not be the case.  In order to take the Bible seriously, one must do the deep dive.  Those of us who have been so driven have had no choice but to filter all of life through the lens of the scripture. The journey is ill-advised, exhausting, fraught with doubt and anguish. If you can avoid the deep dive, if you can remain comfortable with the pat answers, do so.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca


Monday, December 6, 2021

Death Certificate

The Democratic Build Back America Bill is the Death Certificate of America.  If the radical left succeeds in getting this socialist leverage through Congress it will surely mean that our country will not survive as a free republic, the middle class will cease to exist and the America we inherited will be dead and gone forever.  This monstrous lie is the point of no return, it is upon us and should it happen, the people will have no choice but to take to the streets.

We old folk who know our American history can attest to those past moments when America only survived by the shedding of blood, good fortune and the grace of the Almighty. This moment, our now moment, is twice as critical.  The America that we inherited is on life support just awaiting our final goodbyes.  


Landers, Ca


Thursday, November 25, 2021

A Definition


Eternity is absolute reality.  

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Biden's Burden

 Biden’s Burden has dumped dung on our national expectations this Thanksgiving 2021.  It is impossible to believe positively about our American future since our President, without popular support, has given the crazies the green light for what he and they call fundamental change.  Fundamental it is, hardcore socialism at minimum but sure to lead to a top-down communist takeover of everything and everybody that is American. 

A narrow group of traitors will soon rule over we the people, all the while claiming to be changing America to benefit the people.  It is the lie without equal in American history but has been used to further fundamental change in places like Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and China.  All of these political structures want to call themselves democracies but that is another lie made easier to believe since the first lie was so effectively swallowed.  Gullible we are if all we care about is our own narrow self-interest.

Ninety million voters chose (maybe) this crap in 2020, so we all deserve to wallow and suffer.  Saying I told you so means so little; some say just wait until 2022.  Even if the Republicans take the Senate and the House in 2022, Biden will still be president.  This means no new legislation but he has already proven that he doesn’t need legislation.  Our country will be so trashed inside and out in the four years of his presidency that there will be no going back. We are effectively doomed.  Thanksgiving is now only history.


Landers, CA



Monday, November 22, 2021

Hell No!

 The sketchy lie of Christian theology is the doctrinal insistence on the hell scenario.  In the eyes of the church, all peoples who live outside the bounds of their religion will be forever damned by God to reside in the fiery torment of hell.  Over the centuries there have been additions and subtractions from this doctrinal premise but it has remained fundamentally the same for 2000 years in Christianity. The assumption of this theology is that Jesus preached hell so the church, speaking for Jesus, must warn the people of the eternal danger they may soon experience.  The problem is that this assumption is a fraud without biblical support and is merely a top-down religious group think intended to support the power of the Church over the people.  This group think has no scriptural integrity except one possibility.  

The preaching of Jesus consistently encouraged his hearers to activate their God given spiritual potential but he never threated his listeners with the hell scenario.  The exception is the spiritual thrashing he gives to the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees.  These so-called religious leaders were harassing him because the message of Jesus did not fit their narrative.  Jesus said, God is my Father encourager, my mother sustainer, my advocate, my defender and my provider just as he is your encourager, sustainer, advocate, defender and provider.  Any of us can approach God one on one, there is no need to go through the religious hierarchy from Jerusalem to approach God.  This infuriated Jerusalem.      

There are two Greek words for hell that the writers of the Gospels credit Jesus as using.  One Greek word is HADES, meaning the unseen state of being or ghostly world down in the depths.  The other is GEHENNA, taken from the name of a place outside Jerusalem with a ghastly history that became the community dump.  The word HADES was used by Jesus in the Gospels of the New Testament only four times (Matt. 11:23; 16:18; Luke 10:15; 16:23).  Gehenna was spoken by Jesus only nine times (Matt. 5:22 & 29; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15 &23; Mark 9:43 & 45 &47; Luke 12:5). One might wonder how such a hellish doctrine could be based on so few scriptural annotations but let’s look closely at these scriptural passages.   

Every usage of these few hellish words by Jesus was in response to attacks by the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees.   The religious law that was given to Moses was never the answer to the spiritual need of the people, it was only a substitute, a temporary fix awaiting the words of Jesus.  Long before the time of Jesus, the spiritual Law of Moses had degenerated into a sadistic legalism that was intended to strip the people of all spiritual courage.  And by doing so, this gave the religious leaders the authority over the people that they craved.  The Pharisees were a radical group of God seekers who believed that the only way to approach God was by the strict performance of every minutia of the Law of Moses that had been continually “improved” by the religious leaders over the centuries.  These folk were legalists on steroids. 

Jesus would have none of it.  An angry Jesus is difficult to picture but he had his moments.  Turning the collection tables in the Temple was one such moment and turning the doctrinal tables on the religious legalists was another.  Consider the response of Jesus toward his antagonists in Matthew 23.  This sermon by Jesus directed at the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees, was devastating.  Talk about an altar call!  It is a seven-point warning or condemnation of their religious practices and presumptions.  Seven times Jesus gives the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees a warning, six times he calls them hypocrites, two times he calls them blind spiritual guides, once blind men, once he calls them blind fools.  This wasn’t just a name calling session, Jesus goes on to tell them the facts, the why of their hypocrisy.  The words of Jesus in verse 15 are especially devastating, “You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and then you make that convert twice as much a child of hell as you are.”  Ouch!

The hell raising theologians are gleeful, see, it is in the scriptural record, Jesus was a hell raiser as we are because he called us children of hell.  In verse 33, Jesus concludes, “You snakes! You brood of vipers!.  How will you escape being condemned to hell?” Jesus was, indeed, angry, we can all agree on that, but are these threats a reason to accept the reality of hell?   You be the judge, was Jesus just reacting to their negativity or are the fires of hell for real?

While you are thinking about the question, I’ll give you, my opinion.  Most of us at one time or another have gotten ourselves into a heated argument that is taken to a personal level by condemning the offender to hell. The retort, “You go to hell”, is common language, at least in my world.  Another retort might be, “when I go to hell, I’ll be riding on your coattail”.  This is a perfectly human response, is it not?  Jesus was not condoning or in any way acknowledging the facts of a possible hell scenario, he was slamming those who would burden others with such a falsehood.  

The proof is in the pudding, Chapter 23 and verses 37,38 &39.  Ever since Moses came down from the mountain a second time with the religious tablets of the Ten Commandments, the people of the exodus from Egypt have been at war fighting other peoples and themselves. In the time of Jesus, the fight could be summed up in one word, Jerusalem.  The religion of Moses fought and killed the many purveyors (prophets) of authentic spirituality sent into their midst by God.  Jesus would only be the latest to die.  Because the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees were passing on the long tradition of killing, Jesus holds them responsible for all the blood, from beginning to end. 

Matthew 23:  37,38 &39.

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those who are sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers he chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.  Look, your house is left to you desolate.  For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. (39)’”

Our gathering God tells it like it is, we are a stubborn people who take spirituality for granted while we do our own thing.  We are not willing so we experience the desolation of our earthly destiny but even the worst of the worst, the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees will, according to Jesus, before or after death, come to be blessed when they and we see aright and then will be willing to be sheltered under the gathering wings of our God.

 G. Goslaw

Landers, CA 






Wednesday, November 17, 2021



The Great North American Safari of 2022!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Fox News Huckster

Picture for a moment the old western movies as the huckster wagon rolled into town to sell his magic elixir that he claims will surely cure all that ails you.  Of course, when the demand goes flat for the elixir, the huckster will bring out anything and everything else to sell to the gullible people.  One-hundred-dollar pillows to start and then God is also for sale.


Landers, CA.

Friday, November 12, 2021

God in Camo

 If you believe in God and if you believe that your reality is somehow within the bounds of his will, then God is everywhere and in all things.  Why does such a powerful pervasive God hide from us behind a cloak of camouflage?  God is hidden, so says Martin Luther who believed God stays hidden to reveal himself in Jesus Christ.  This understanding may speak to his theological musings but could not the answer to the why question be simpler?  God values seekers not necessarily saints.

The best John Wayne movie was “the Searchers”.  For an hour and a half of the movie John Wayne is searching the plains for a girl child captured by the Indians.  He searched for years with laser like focus, never giving up.  The last few minutes of the movie, the girl, now a young adult, is found and a cultural confrontation ensues.  The time numbers may be exaggerated a bit but the point is that the searching was more important to the movie than the finding. 

We, as children of God, are called by God to be searchers first and foremost.  Religion maximizes the finding language giving the new believers a place to land and stop searching and stop questioning.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA      


Monday, November 8, 2021


 The Biden administration and his progressive directors are EVIL because they are insisting on making all Americans poorer.  They are saying, our green agenda is more important than your financial welfare just as the cost of everything keeps climbing, particularly the oil related infrastructure.  

Biden's Energy Secretary was on the TV shows over the weekend telling everyone listening an abject lye, she said that Biden is not responsible for the extradentary increase in the cost of gas and heating oil for our homes.  Anyone with an ounce of brain power knows that Biden and the green agenda have everything to do with our energy debacle.

Their agenda is more important than yours America, therefore they are evil and you must suck it up!  Really?


Sunday, November 7, 2021


 Well, it’s Yellowstone time again, the modern-day Montana, “shoot’em up”, returns for a fourth season tonight.  Over the years we routine and mostly normal viewers have been shocked at the number of violent murders per episode.  There appears to be no guilt or regret and least of all, no justice.  According to the philosophy of the show, killing is a necessary human condition to protect the life interests of your own folk, self-interest personified and radicalized.  The prize always in question, in every episode, is the Yellowstone, a large cattle ranch in Montana that has become extremely valuable today’s market.  The ranch is more than a business to the family owner, the ranch is a family legacy and a promise to those who lived on the land before this present hour.

The show itself gives credit to philosopher Fredrick Nietzsche (1844-1900) for the thinking behind the chaotic storyline. Most of us recognize him as the God is dead theologian.  This moniker is an absolute contradict in terms for how can anyone be a theologian if such a person believes there is no God?  The truth is that Nietzsche was only a philosopher, who espoused a Godless situational ethic based only on the efficacy of relative human circumstances.  According to this ethic, we should ask ourselves when facing a life decision, how will this decision work out for me and mine?  We can expect nothing but chaos if everyone is guided in their decision making by Nietzsche and we get chaos in Yellowstone. 

Nietzsche was right thinking as well as wrongheaded.  The only God he had experienced was the religious God, the top-down authority personified through the established church, that thought of God is indeed dead.  However, to assume that there is no other worldly presence available to we humans is wrongheaded as well as shortsighted.  All well rounded thinkers should be aware of the historical track of the spirit world’s interaction with we humans with varying results.  They are documented in the Bible and secular history books.  The only consistent result is that a spiritual awaking always turns back into a top-down religion within a few short years but when an awaking happens, the me interests take a back seat and God is in control.

Yellowstone struggles at this point by limiting itself to Nietzsche thinking but our modern cultures are just as vulnerable.  The question comes from every corner, in every circumstance, can violence be a righteous option?  Nietzsche would say “yes” but every spiritual awakening that has entered our world has entered on the absolute condition of a “no” answer.  If a spiritual awakening had a voice it would say, “I so believe in God that what happens to me is of no earthly concern.”


Landers, Ca



Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 What’s it going to take?  Allow me to throw a wet blanket on all the Republican fire over the state wide victory in Virginia and the yet to be decided close election in New Jersey. In both cases, the margin of victory is so incredibly small.  In Virginia, approximately 70,000 more voters chose the Republican future out of the 3.3 million total votes cast.  That is about 2 / 100th of a per cent margin.  New Jersey is a virtual tie with mail in ballots to determine the winner in the days or weeks to come.  The victory celebrations are pathetic! 

After all that the woke Democratic left has revealed itself to be, how can any American who has the slightest loyalty to God and country, vote for a Democrat?  They are either dumb, asleep of a traitor!


Landers, CA


Sunday, October 31, 2021


 There is a hole, a Grand Canyon of missing words in scripture.  Because of this hole of missing words, we are left with a confusing picture of Jesus, who he was or who he understood himself to be.  On the religious holiday of Passover, the twelve-year-old Jesus walked with his family to the big city and the religious celebration in Jerusalem.  As the family began the return walk home, they became aware that Jesus was nowhere to be found.  Panicked, they returned to Jerusalem to search for him but after searching for a few days, no Jesus.

On the third day they found him, where?  Jesus was and had been hanging out at the church of his time, the Temple in the city.  Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 2, verses 41 to 51, records the events surrounding Jesus at the Temple.   Verse 46 tells us that he was “sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions”.  We can surmise that Jesus was listening to the religion of his ancestors, the Jews, as they experienced the ups and downs of their historical search for spiritual credibility.

The hole in scripture occurs right at this point, what questions was Jesus asking the teachers of Judaism?  The Bible does not give us a single question nor any possible answers.  Without the questions we have no knowledge of what was in the head and heart of Jesus.  All we know is that “everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers (47)”.  Again, amazement tells us nothing.

Bible commentators have long assumed that this was a cumbia meeting of the minds, the religious leadership of the day and Jesus.  Somehow, they must have been on the same team yet there is no reason to make such an assumption.  The verses in question do not tell us if the meeting was mutually supportive or a vailed criticism of the religious method in Jerusalem.     

Why do you sit in this religious gathering spot and expect the people to come to you for spiritual guidance?  Why do you expect believers, who were born into this religion, to travel here to Jerusalem once a year and do homage and pay their dues?  Possibly to Jesus, the obvious answer, this is the way it has always been done, was just not good enough.  We shall never know for sure about the conversation between Jesus and the religious leadership but Jesus showed us how spiritual evangelism eighteen years later should be done.  The Jesus way is well documented in the next chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  

Jesus did have the spiritual chops to ask just such questions at age twelve.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA  


Sunday, October 24, 2021

Spiritual Freedom

 All of us have had tunes buzzing around in our heads for days or months, they just seem to linger.  My head gets tunes with perfect melody’s but when they come out of my mouth, not so much.  I was gifted with at least one gene from my father.  The tune, “Open my Eyes, that I Might See”, has been banging around in my head for months.  Being a committed dunderhead that I am, I finally had to look up the lyrics as given to you in the preceding post.  

The personal faith expressed by Clara H. Scott in 1895 is the same faith that inspired the fire of the Reformation, three hundred years earlier.  As we all know every fire will burn itself out as did the Reformation which quickly cooled as the movement descended into petty partisan religious politics.  As the twentieth century and the spirit of Clara H. Scott broke upon us, a new fire was ignited in America which some have named the Evangelical Movement.  Our country, as did others, experienced revival fires as individual people became seekers of spiritual truth in an atmosphere of freedom but the camp meetings and street evangelism also cooled as the Great Depression and World Wars distracted the faithful.

The power of every establishment to influence the affairs of humankind cannot be understated.  Through the twentieth century spiritual freedom has been progressively replaced by religious orthodoxy. All spiritual fires are extinguished when the people are told what to believe and to think about God, Jesus in particular.  Jesus did not have the DNA of God because he was and is the appointed messenger of God who preached and is calling all of us to the homeland of eternity.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA            

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Number One Song

Open my Eyes, That I May See,  written by Clara H. Scott, 1895

The theology is in the lyrics.


Open my eyes that I may see,

glimpses of truth though Thou hast for me.

Place in my hands the wonderful key

that shall unclasp and set me free.

Refrain # 1

Silently now I wait for thee.

Ready my God, Thy will to see,

Open my eyes, illumine me.

Spirit divine!

Open my ears that I may hear, 

voices of truth thou sendest clear.

And while the wave notes fall on my ear,

everything false will disappear.

Refrain #2

Silently now I wait for Thee,

ready my God, Thy will to see.

Open my ears, illumine me.

Spirit divine!

Open my mind, that I may read,

more of Thy love in word and deed,

what shall I fear while yet Thou dost lead?

Only for light from Thee I plead.

Refrain # 3

Silently now, I wait for Thee,

ready my God, thy will to see.

Open my mind, illumine me.

Spirit divine!

Open my mouth, and let me bear,

gladly the warm truth everywhere.

Open my heart, and let me prepare,

love with thy children thus to share.

Refrain # 4

Silently now I wait for Thee,

ready my God Thy will to see.

Open my heart, illumine me.

Spirit divine.


G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca



     "What is best for me is best for thee."



     Landers, CA

Saturday, October 16, 2021


 If one of my kids died from the Fentanyl scourge from across the border that has been made worse by Biden open border policy, I would do something.  I don't know what but it won't be pretty!


Landers, CA    

Friday, October 8, 2021


 My apologies are extended to President Donald Trump.  Please forgive me for not sending you money in response to your many email requests.  I am a loyal supporter of your leadership and the MAGA code but deftly disappointed in the American voter who supposedly voted the other way in 2020.  These voters asked to be led by politicians who trade what is good for the average American citizen for short term dollars, their system is fundamentally corrupt from top to bottom. There are those whom I never believe and lie repeatedly without remorse and then there are those who lie just some of the time.  Their coyness is obvious to anyone really listening. There’s the rub, most Americans are not really listening or thinking, 79,000,000 are only signing on to a group think because they have been dupped or manipulated.   

Nothing can change for the better until a large sloth of American voters start listening, thinking for themselves and questioning the motives of all those who consider themselves fit to lead.  This will not happen solely by sending money to the Donald Trump political action fund.  There may be a time for that but it will not happen until the voters of America are hit over the head hard enough to wake up.  We are being assaulted every day for over eight months by a tyrannical big government groupthink that destroys rather than builds.  Only the mislead voters can say when enough, is enough? 

I have little confidence that these lesser American voters, even as they are being bludgeoned to death, will ever admit that they were wrong or dupped! 

G. Goslaw


Monday, October 4, 2021


 Kids (under 40) will and are destroying America.  They are either poorly educated so as to be fixed on taking from others instead of being a producer or they are highly educated and looking to big government to fund their expectations (lifestyle).  The old way will be gone soon or it has already left the station!


Landers, CA

Friday, October 1, 2021

Another Way

The God appointed mission on earth of Jesus was to be an evangelist preacher for the grandness of eternity.  As humans we are all fragile and faulted but we can choose to live our lives with faith in the eternity that awaits our demise.  When we so choose, we can live confidently, doing what’s best for others instead of just for self.  This is opposed to the me and mine of religion, all religions.  This eternal message of Jesus was made more believable as miracles seemed to follow his walk-through Palestine.  In the words of Jesus, faith can move mountains.

G. Goslaw 

Landers, CA






 The Greek word “christos “, is the word used to translate the Hebrew word “mashiach” in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament. The word “mashiach” consistently meant God anointed.  However, the word also came to be broadly understood as the ‘messiah” during the O.T. prophecy period of about 500 years before the birth of Jesus. According to this popular theology, this expected “messiah”, would be God appointed and sent on a mission to rescue the abused Hebrew people.  The messiah would restore the Kingdom of Israel as the preeminent world beater among men.  Their God of justice, the Hebrew God, would finally set things right.

When Jesus appeared on the scene both words, Christos and Messiah were familiar labels for that expected God event that was celebrated with palm branches in Jerusalem as Jesus rode into town on a donkey.  For a few short moments, Jesus was thought to be that God appointed savior of the Hebrew people.  The moments lasted three days.  When Jesus did not gather an insurrection or claim the title of the messiah of the Jews, the people and the religious hierarchy, for different reasons, turned on him.  Both the people and the Jewish leaders then conspired to eliminate this supposed messianic pretender.  Did Jesus get his mission wrong or did the people get the mission of Jesus wrong?

Mathew, Mark and Luke each paint slightly differing recollections about the identity or title of Jesus, recollections that are frankly, confusing.  One point of confusion is that “Jesus never openly claims to be the Messiah (J.Y. Campbell, M.A., D.D, Article “Christ”, A Theological Word Book of the Bible, edited by Alan Richardson, 1950. P.45)”.  Jesus asks his new disciples who they thought he was, various opinions are expressed but Jesus never acknowledges the correct answer.  His only response is to instructs them to say nothing (Mk8:29, Luke 9:20).  The Gospel of St. Matthews (16.13-20) records a similar questioning of his disciples, after repeating the standard opinions, John the Baptist, Elijah or Jerimiah, Peter blurts out, “You are the Christ (Messiah), the son of the living God (16:16, NIV)”.  In the next verse Jesus blesses Peter for this opinion saying it could only have come from God. The following verses seem to give Peter scriptural authority to lead the church that is not even a church at this point.  The words of Jesus seem contrived for latter events, did he say them?

The confusion continues.  Dr. Campbell states in his article on the Christ, “It is difficult to understand how Mark and Luke could omit this part of the story (Matthew’s account) if they knew it, or how they could have failed to know it if Jesus really did reply in this way.  But as they stand, Jesus’ words to Peter indicate that he himself had not yet given any indication even to his most intimate disciples that he was in fact the Christ. (p.45)”

The confusion continues. The only other time that Jesus had an opportunity to state his mission by identifying himself as the Jewish Messiah was after his arrest as he is questioned by the religious leaders.  Mark 14:61 “Again the high priest asked him (Jesus), ‘Are you the Christ (Messiah), the Son of the Blessed One?”  62. “‘I am’ Jesus said.”  This response of Jesus is clear in Mark but what is it that he is confessing, being the Messiah who would restore Israel to its former greatness or to being the new religious icon of the Blessed One.  In any event, both Matthew and Luke tell us that Jesus remained silent instead of confessing as Mark records.  Needless to say, the recorders of the synoptic gospels seem to be somewhat confused.

The confusion continues in the Gospel of St. John.  The fourth gospel is a top-down religious document that assumes from the get go the other worldly, inclusive mission of Jesus to all people. The gospel is thought to be the last of his writing and he lived into his Nineties. This new inclusive mission for Jesus required a new definition of Messiah.  John the Baptist says, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” V. 29   Also, John the Baptist testifies to seeing the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.  In verse 34 John again labels Jesus, “I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God”.   Andrew, one of the first disciples, spends a day with Jesus at the direction of John the Baptist and then goes and tells his brother Simon Peter, “We have found the Messiah. (That is, the Christ)” v. 41

So which Jesus is in scripture, the savior of the few Jews or Jesus the savior of the many and a religious founder, icon? Jesus did not claim the religious messiahship of the Jewish people neither did he claim to begin a new religion called Christianity.  The biblical record is at the least very confused, whom should we believe, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, these biblical writers were there, listening to Jesus yet all accounts are fractured having radically different accounts of the words of Jesus.  Why the confusion?

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA  




Monday, September 27, 2021

Assumptions II

A familiar axiom reminds us to avoid talking about politics and religion at the family or social dinner table.  Why do such discussions quickly escalate into fiery rhetoric and hurt feelings?  These conversations are avoided because both politics and religion first begin with an accepted assumption, facts don’t really matter.  We say to family and friends, please do not challenge my owned assumptions or you will pay a price.

The reality is that the benefits of wisdom can only be discovered by those of us who are willing to have our own assumptions challenged as well as challenging the assumptions of others. 

Is this not the very definition of freedom?


Landers, CA     


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Despicable Joe

 By hook or by crook, you democratic voters got what you wanted, President Joe Biden.  How is Joe working out for you after only six months?  You were either duped or you wanted open borders and the doubling of inflation.  With the soon to be added democratic spending agenda, inflation will trash all of us, democrat or republican, unless, of course, you are a rich democratic politician.  All of these policies are intended to make America poor and dependent upon the government dole. 

Then there is foreign policy, as expected by all free-thinking adults, Joe has willfully trashed the exit from Afghanistan, leaving American citizens behind to be hostages, thousands of Afghans who served the prior government and as many Christian believers.  Our generals even gave the Taliban a kill list of names and addresses of these folks.  What fate do you suppose awaits them dogged by the Taliban bullies?  The question we all must ask ourselves, who are we as Americans?  In Joe’s world, under Joe's morality system, out of sight is out of mind.

Despicable Joe and despicable you!


Landers, CA

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Traitor in Chief


Barack Obama Jr., the 44th president of the United States of America is now our presidential puppeteer in chief. He pulls Joe Biden’s strings and will soon throw him under the bus.  Joe deserves much worse.  As the puppeteer in chief, Barack is the biggest traitor in disguise that our country has ever produced.  His loyalties are not to America, his first loyalty is to the memory of his deceased Muslim father, Barack O’bama Sr.

Barack has a love hate sickness for his black ancestry.  What other reason could there be for the traitorous debacle in Afghanistan, this was not incompetence, just willful blindness on orders from Barack, to give a victory to Islam and embarrass the white guy in the White House.  Afghanistan is intentional pay back to this country, the country that welcomed him and his family to a leadership role in the greatest democratic republic in human history. 

Oh, Barack, you naughty boy!


Landers, CA


Saturday, August 7, 2021


 If I were a religious man, I would trump my Muslim brothers and replace the 99 virgins’ theory for eternity with the grander propaganda that eternity is one constant and forever orgasm.  Wouldn't such a theory reap greater rewards for the religious establishment?  The key word here is religion as opposed to spirituality.  As outlandish as such a theory may be, it is not much different from the outlandish threat of the burn in hell scenario of Christian doctrine.  One is a reward while the other is a threat.  Go figure!

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca

Friday, August 6, 2021

Saving Souls


In our American culture war, where have all the leaders of the Christian Church gone?  You remained silent when the government closed your doors, you were silent as the government threatened you with prosecution or fines if you speak out from the pulpit with a political opinion.  You remain silent when your people and their belief systems are slandered by the government lefties.  You remain silent as the secular culture rips the next generation from the beliefs of you hold so dear.  You remain silent as your children are being taught to hate one another in their public schools. You remain silent as you are told to shut up and behave as if you were dogs.  Have you no inner fortitude? 

I have been away from the pew for a number of years, so I may be missing something, at least I hope that is the case.  The challenge we all face is to be a part of a spiritual faith movement rather than just another religion that hides when the going gets tough.  Jesus confronted the powerful and ministered to the victims of government and religious oppression.  These folks to whom he ministered were the rejects of the prevailing culture of his time.  To the rejected he preached, there is a God I call Father, my God has a place, an eternity planned for you where the terrors of your present circumstances will soon seem minuscule.  You, the rejected of this world, can weather all the storms of life, win or lose, because your all-powerful God has your back!

Speaking from the outside, please let me make one suggestion.  Every church in America should have a church school where all children of every color and creed could be educated in a faith-based classroom.  The public school that educates is no more, it is dead!  Church leaders, get off your butt and go to work saving souls.


Landers, CA

Monday, August 2, 2021


 The Gospel of St. John, Chapter One, 1 -13.  (revised by me) 

    1. In the beginning was the eternity message, and this message was with God, and the eternity message was God.

   2. The message was with God in the beginning.

   3. Through the message all things were made; without the message nothing was made that has been made.

   4. In the message was life, and that life was the light of all people.

   5. The light of the message shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not    understood it.

   6. There came a man who was sent by God; his name was John.

   7. This man came as a witness concerning the light of eternity message, so that all men might believe in this message.

   8. John himself did not bring the light to men, he came only as a witness to the soon to arrive appointed light giver of the eternity message.

   9. The true light of the message of eternity that gives light to every man was coming into the world.

 10. This light of the eternity message was given to one man who was in the world, and though the eternity message made this world, the world did not recognize the message that was with him.

 11. That one man with the eternity message of light for all people walked among us but we the people of the message did not receive him.

12.  Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his message, he has given the right to become children of God –

13.  children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but awakened to God.

G, Goslaw

Landers, CA

The Abusers


California public education teachers are child abusers.  Private schools have been learning in their school class rooms for up to a year without masks, so where has all the simple logic gone?  Where has my real estate taxes gone?  Teaching in our public schools used to be a selfless calling but in 2021 the Democratic politicians and their teacher unions are co-conspirators in abusing the children they are supposed to care about.  The teachers under forty years of age are primarily responsible for this abuse but all teachers are guilty because they cowardly hid as the abuse goes on under their noses. 

The bottom line for all of them is money, public education has become a welfare jobs program nationwide just as it has been in the inner city for decades.  How can parents stay silent? 

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca  

Monday, July 26, 2021



Suburban women, how is your vote for the Democratic progressive agenda working out for you and your kids?  Are you OK with teaching you’re your elementary children to judge and despise one another bases on their skin color?  Are you OK with teaching your six-year-old that there is such a positive possibility for their lives as transgender normalcy?  Did you expect that your children would be undervalued in public education to prioritize the under educated masses from all over the world?

You have reaped what you have sown.  Is your prejudice against a successful alpha male, Donald Trump, worth the damage heaped upon your children?  You have chosen amiss and we all shall be suffering for decades, if not forever!    


Landers, Ca

Sunday, July 25, 2021

the henouse


We the people are responsible for this American henhouse.  It is convenient to blame the few radical leaders and our largely silent leaders but in the final analysis we the people are at fault.  We have become a national henhouse willing to give up our personal freedoms to the mob because we are scared chickens.  It is much easier to go along to get along. 

I have a friend whom I personally respect but his bottom line is the almighty dollar, if it works for him financially, it is good.  If the government gives out checks, the government is good.  America will only be America again if we the people step up and take personal risk, financially or otherwise.  Our country is over the cliff and loosing our freedoms faster and faster, never to experience them again.  Our loss is to those few radicals whom we outnumbered ten to one.  We should be ashamed of our own personal cowardice! Are we?

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA 

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Conspiracy Theory


What if the China virus was not an accidental release from the Hunan laboratory?  What if Communist China hatched a plan to spread this man-made virus around the world in order to create economic chaos among all their competitors, particularly Trump’s America?  What if Uncle Joe knew about the plan and co-operated with the China virus plan in order to set in place emergency voting alternatives that would make cheating easy and his victory inevitable?  What if the Democratic leaders, the Obama, Biden and the Clinton folks, weaponized the contagion to shut down expected criticism of their radical socialist agenda?  What if the Delta variant is not a naturally occurring mutation but a subsequent additional release from the China laboratory?  What if all this turmoil is not solely ideologically motivated but more about our Democratic leaders cashing in for themselves by killing Americans?


Landers, CA


Friday, July 16, 2021



Assumptions are conclusions reached or taken for granted as true without the factual basis to support such conclusions.  An assumption is a top-down intellectual process as opposed to building a conclusion from the bottom up with a structure of proven facts.  Uncle Joe on a presidential campaign visit to the Iowa State Fair on August 8, 2019 said, “We choose truth over facts”.  This self-revealing statement was largely written off as nonsensical Joe speak but not so fast. Joe dropped into the lap of every fact-based thinker, a confession of the fundamental flaw among the Biden crazies.  Facts don’t really matter only our lies, spin and dare to say “truth”.


Landers, CA


Getting Personal


Why doesn’t this 77 year-old get vaccinated?  It isn’t because of the experimental status of the vaccine or some big pharma conspiracy to neuter America.  The only reason that matters to me is that the Biden administration refuses to give President Trump credit for his miracle push to save America from an even greater catastrophe of epic proportions.  The President Trump vaccine foiled the Democratic expectation that they could control America for years by blackmailing the people with four or five years of executive actions and tyranny.  Thank you, President Trump, you are a hero to we who love America and the opportunities this country has given to our citizenry.

So Uncle Joe, tell him thank you and I will get the vaccine!

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA


Monday, July 5, 2021


 The crazies are running the asylum!  Thanks, Uncle Joe.

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Jesus was ....


Jesus was and is a divinely appointed, planned and proven messenger of the good news that eternity is for real, it awaits each of us despite the ugliness of our present circumstances on this earth.  Eternity is our universal positive final destination.  Further, he encouraged us to welcome this eternity by now putting into action the fundamental principle of eternity, namely the respect or love for all of life.  We all have a final destiny in God!


Landers, CA


Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Dr. “Mengele” Fauci

Monday, May 31, 2021

America is sick unto death!

 President Biden’s America is sick unto death.  Forget COVID.  America is now sick for the following reasons.  1. We are now a Godless country.  2. Politics is about spreading the next big lie for the next news cycle. 3. Political power is the new economy.  4. A politics that promotes self-interest as a tool to build a constituency is promoting eventual doom for all.  5. Sick leadership begets the spawning of sick voters.  Congratulations Joe.

Another great politic of history, began as a small democracy in Italy in the 6th century BC and began expanding into the 3rd century BC.  As it expanded beyond the Italian border it ceased to value democracy, rather, the people chose to be ruled by one man, the all-powerful Emperor.  The empire quickly expanded through the know Mediterranean world and enjoyed two hundred years of prosperity and growth, then divisions within and without gave way to three hundred years of chaos, decline, defeat and dismemberment. The history of these last three hundred years of the Roman Empire are not pretty with failing leadership and a populace obsessed with the blood sports.  In totality, the empire lasted five hundred years.

America is at a similar crossroad in our history.  We began as a rare bird in this world, the democracy established in 1776 and 245 years later we are looking down over the cliff that can only lead to disaster for all, every man, women and child.  It is simplistic to blame our leaders for the coming carnage because too a large extent, political leaders gain and maintain their control by offering but never extending to the people the security and goodies the people want.  The people are easily duped. Like catnip dangling on a string, the power hungry manipulators turn the ignorant masses and against their own best self interest, real democracy, not the fake version touted by the power hungry Democrats.  

The easily manipulated folks are us!


Landers. CA

Friday, April 2, 2021


Chucky Shumer, the Democratic Senator from New York and majority leader in the Senate, says that it is time for bold change in America!  Change you say?  What is your real motive for change Mr. Shumer?  You don't care about progressive ideology, you have sat in Washington for four decades, suddenly you are a spokesman for the new political winds for change.  We don't buy it!  You are a political chameleon, changing your spots as you divorce your agenda from any concern for all Americans, not just the new guys.  In our time, your sudden rebirth as a progressive socialist says that your first concern is for Democratic political power, regardless of the costs that you dump on we 75 million. There was a time not long ago when politicians at least mouthed a loyalty to country above party.  Where has the loyal opposition gone?

The new agenda from the radical left is a very old agenda.  The radicals are pushing upon us an autocracy, a body politic that rears it's ugly head in many forms.  Simply put, it is the top down rule by the political elites or one elitist, over the lives of we little people, which means to the elites, all the people.  The power hungry elitists of our American moment are the Democrats, primarily the Democratic Party leaders such as Chucky.  Their only agenda is to change America into their fiefdom, where the sole viable political party has absolute control over the people.  I will not bore you with examples from history and the present worldwide conflicts but America has been the body politic, that has had the most success at avoiding such top down authoritarian control.  That is, until 2020.

Now, in Schumer's changed America, after cheating their way into power by insisting on no name voters in the wake of the China virus, the new politics of our time is taking drastic actions to cement their control.  Cementing control is best achieved, in their world, by making America Poor.  They say to themselves, governmental control of our national means of production should do the trick.  The new American "elitists" shall decide or authorize economic winners and losers, as long as they pay their fair share to the government and pledge allegiance.  People of both parties, Democrat and Republican, wake up, you have been duped. As an example that will foreshadow the future, don't you see how Democratic leadership has twisted the Covid 19 response in so many Democratic states?  The biggest lie of the 21st century is, "we are all in this together"! No way!  The government decides who will be paid to sit at home and who will have their lives destroyed economically by closing only certain businesses.  

Flooding our country with the very poor illegal "refuge seekers" is plan "B".  These folk will surely repay national openness with their votes to Democrats well into the future, so goes the Democratic elites playbook.  It is of no concern to the elites that an invasion of the poor and uneducated will bloat our welfare system and drive down the wages of working people.  Our taxes will skyrocket as we all become poor, except of course, those of us who are feeding on the government. Can an open borders policy be anything other than another Democratic ploy to Make America Poor and thereby make opposition to the government nigh unto impossible?  To those simplistic voters who voted for Biden in 2020, to those voters who believe an open border will not affect them, the Democrats and their trickle down poverty economics will come for you next!

Then there is plan "C".  Socialism as the ultimate authority in our lives is only popular among the few.  To gain and perpetuate socialist control, the power brokers must paint themselves as the good guys while painting anyone who disagrees with them as evil conspirators to be feared. Their reliance on childish name calling, character assassination, racial warfare, class warfare and income inequality are a natural fit for scaring big questions out of a dubious populace.  The deployment of 20.000 troops in Washington also sends the same ready message.  Soon the threats will escalate to enforcement, fines, imprisonment or the Schumer agenda may employ poisoning as they do in Russia. Who, pray tell, are the extremists?  Are our free speech advocates really the extremists?

How about plan "D"?  The Schumer, Democratic Party, Socialist plan is to trash our traditional democratic priorities, the American Constitution and our national elections. America now smells!  The Constitution has been under attack for decades, particularly since Roe verses Wade. Our new elites care not to understand the priorities of the Constitutional Congress, only to make adjustments and additions to fit their social and political norms.  Anyway, the Constitution is irrelevant, so they say, a mere ancient text written by and for a bunch of racists, how can it be valuable?  So goes the new leftist rational, to them, tradition is an evil to be purged.          

As unjust as this change may be, as tragic as it is, the Schumer agenda for change is working and America will probably be doomed to wallow in the feces of a totalitarian autocracy forever. Gone are the priorities of our ancestors who prized liberty above all else!

G. Goslaw

Landers, CA    


Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Critics

 Critics of universalism espouse three arguments used to silence anyone who should believe in something other than the religious heaven and hell scenario.  These arguments are primarily misunderstandings of what they think is being said.  The first argument is that universalism is not biblical. This argument can only be arrived at by avoiding the totality of scripture to focus on a few passages that, rightly understood by the religious powers that be, give a distorted picture of eternity.  Bluntly, these folk are guilty of lazy reading of the Bible. This is not entirely the fault of the people in the pew on Sunday but is a result of the proof texting that goes on in the pulpit. A verse or a phrase easily becomes a junping off point for a religious tirade.   

The second argument is that universalism is anti God when nothing can be further from the truth.  A universalist believes in a bigger God than the kinder garden understandings of eternity given to us by the Church. How big is your God?  Is your God as big as infinite space with it's billions of solar systems ever changing?  Why is the spiritual expectation to forgive regardless of the offense here on earth but God will punish most of us with brimstone and fire for an eternity?  The religious answer is that God is a just God and this God must punish we wicked ones but it just doesn't square with reality. Is the blessing of life some kind of test to qualify for a positive eternal future?  If this is your understanding of eternity, no one on earth nor in the Bible ever passed that test. We all are the most miserable.

The third misunderstanding is that universalism dethrones Jesus Christ as a religious icon. This is a valid criticism of universalism but inadequate. Religions and the many religious icons are merely second rate to the magnificence of eternity. Who was Jesus, you ask?  Jesus was a God chosen messenger and prophet of eternity who appeared among us at the appointed hour.  This messenger preached to us about the God of eternity, accomplished miracles and was raised to eternal life, confirming his message.  For the first three hundred years after the resurrection, this Jesus was not labeled by any believer as a religious icon. Jesus only led us and them toward eternity.

One man's opinion.


Landers, CA