Monday, February 25, 2019

Day 47

Abortion, the destroying of a live human being in the womb, is a female dilemma and an abortion is a socially acceptable excuse that allows the female to kill her own child.  The male DNA in question may not be wanted but the baby also has your DNA, for you are the mother.  The new life is yours, you willingly spread her legs, you chose sex without protective measures, you are responsible and you will suffer the consequences resulting from your imminent decision.
Is there forgiveness, of course, but forgiveness is not automatic, repentance must precede any forgiveness?  No repentance, no admission that abortion is a degenerative act and an affront to our own humanity, then there can be no forgiveness.

No other human being is qualified to evaluate the depth of repentance within another human, only our own innate moral center can be the judge.  The Bible describes this moral center as our gut or innards.  We, in our day use the word conscience or heart but regardless of the words used, this place is a functioning part of our individual humanity.

Do you, the ladies of America, want to live with a knot in your gut or do you want to live free?  You can stuff and deny the dilemma but you will be moving on with a festering knot in your gut! 

G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca.  

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Day 46

Liar, liar …. pants on fire!  The word liar is the most incendiary of words these days.  It is now more fashionable to use the word liar than thinking or communicating, let alone listening.  “You are a liar, therefore I don’t have to listen!”  The problem with all this liar stuff is that the truth gets lost in the heat of the moment.  We don’t even bother digging for the truth anymore, it is more expedient to just accuse, berate and demean.

The favored political term of 30 years ago was the spin.  When being asked about an issue or concern, the respondent would attempt to turn the issue away to some form of polite disagreement.  The tactful us of spin in our political discourse has gone away but hopefully it has not been lost forever.  To disagree is our American heritage, to trash any who disagree with you is not American. The question must be asked, from whom must any meaningful change originate?
The answer is all of us.  As a political tactic however, the first and most ardent offenders of an overuse of the word liar is the hard core political left that has overrun the Democratic Party.  Rather than advocate for the truth, these folk attack, regardless of the truth.  They are political bullies who resort to name calling, deceit and deception to advance a progressive, socialist agenda and to them there are no rules and no truth, only political power.  They came so close to robbing America, by every means, of our democratic heritage in the 2016 presidential election and are now angry and resentful.

Calling our president, the American liar in chief is to the left the ultimate insult.  As Americans, have they no self-respect?  When they bag on their president in this manner or remain silent in the midst of such attacks, do they not trash themselves?  Is politics really a street fight?
President Trump does exaggerate at times opening himself to criticism but this not a lie.  Like the rest of us, we act and speak upon our hopes even before they are completely realized.  Some of us call such believing in our hopes a matter of faith.  

Finally, the long recognized saying about lying means that those who flippantly call others liars have their own, grossly more serious, honesty problem.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA      

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Day 45

Fox News is an important part of my days and I remain grateful for their truth saying.  This morning they had one of those so-called experts on the boob tube using that 10,000,000 illegal aliens number.  

The expert and Fox News are liars, at least on this occasion.  I was a Lou Dobbs believer 20 years ago when the number quoted was 10,000,000 and for 20 years it has been a constant flow of illegality.  Our politicians are the most illegal persons for allowing a nonexistent border and Mr. Dobbs has lead us.   

Anyway, I would like to hear from Lou Dobbs, Lou is the number 10,000,000?  Should that happen, maybe I will rethink the gravity of the stink in Washington or at Fox News.

Landers, Ca

Day 44

Our president made a comment on February 20 that is blatantly confusing.  President Trump compared the antics of former FBI acting director Andrew McCabe to those of J. Edgar Hoover, the long servicing FBI director of sixty years ago.  Hoover used the power of his office to affect the politics of our country, starting a multitude of investigations to do damage to those whom he considered a threat to the USA, as he envisioned our country.
The comparison with FBI acting director McCabe is obvious but is that all our president was communicating? President Trump is privy to the classified evidence about the assassinations of President John Kennedy, his brother Robert Kennedy who at the time of his killing was running for the democratic nomination for president and our civil rights icon, Martin Luther King.

For some strange reason, early in his presidency Donald J. Trump extended the 50-year classification period for the Kennedy assassination.  Why?  We can only ask the question and then surmise.

The murders of the Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King are strangely similar, all involve a patsy rouge shooter who is either silenced or is inexplicitly quiet.  The Russians were blamed, the Cubans and the Mob, all have taken the public heat but what if it was J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the FBI, all along.  Hoover may have been the brains behind the assassinations. 

For the last two years we have been aghast at the string of revelations about the fraudulent FBI investigation instigated to displace our president.  As these details are revealed the common reaction is that our country has never been there before, our governmental powers have never been so arrogant.

Probably, under FBI director Hoover, there was a time when our bureaucrats were even more arrogant.

Please President Trump, no more secrets, give we the public the real story, as degrading as that may be to our idealized national identity.  Such a truth action would be a future deterrent, making treasonous actions by out of control bureaucrats less likely.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Day 43

The lite of my days now in Landers is a big black cigar.  My doctors rag on me about this nasty habit but what do they know?  Their cautionary tale is worth the listening and I have limited my number of smokes a month but the habit continues to shine.  In the wheeling and dealing of life, another truism has proven to be just as creditable.  Haven’t you noticed, if you are old enough, it just seems that “the good die young”?  There are exceptions but life in this bewildering world just seems to work out that way. We old geezers know our place and our status.

My deceased wife Karen was just such a shining light in this world. She had enormous personal charisma to whom people gravitated because she saw and lived for the best interest of others.  I have come to understand that this quality is the goal of every truly spiritual person but I have been so slow to get the message.  This dunderhead never seemed to get beyond himself while she was with us and that is the great failing of my life.
We lived in a number of places and when we looked around she would comment on how this or that structure had potential, it was almost a joke between us but not really a joke.  The positive qualities she saw in the most uninhabitable situations and people were always only a matter of nurturing potential.  This quality made her an exceptional nursing manager, wife and mother to two wonderful children.  Karen missed it with me for I was stuck in my own self-interest but her faith in us lives on.

Somehow this world judged her rightly and she will be ever dearly missed.

G. Goslaw
Landers, Ca       

Monday, February 18, 2019

Day 42

There are three degrees of spirituality.  God centered spirituality, human centered spirituality, and there is religious spirituality. There are no hard boundaries, we are free to live with all three understandings or only one.  Depending on our life circumstances and choices, we are free to move from one to the other or to remain in place. The choice is ours and the most important first and most difficult choice is to own our own spiritual potential, becoming a spiritual being of some sort.

These three, however, are the only choices.  All three spiritual realities are lived out in our lives and the lives of all biblical characters. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were flawed people yielding their lives to God centered spirituality.  When this spirituality was written down on stone tablets a religion was born and placed the believer in a quandary, to live with eternity in view or to live according to other men, men who may or may not represent God centered spirituality.

Jesus was a 100% pure God centered spiritual crusader.  He understood the ins and outs of religious spirituality and he knew that this kind of spirituality will inevitably yield a self-righteous spirit that is anti-God.  He stood up to religious spirituality advocates every day of his three-year ministry.  They were like dogs snapping at his heels and finally put him on the cross.

I believe that this understanding of spirituality should be the first stop in searching for the context of every biblical passage.

G, Goslaw
Landers, Ca

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Day 41

There was a time when the news was just the news, when all the events of the day were summarized for we the audience.  That honest media no longer exists because former President Obama has weaponized the broadcast and newspaper medias to dog his political opponents or cover up his failures.  No longer is all the news that is fit to print been presented to the American people, only Obama’s politically motivated redesign of America.  The broadcast and the newspaper medias have always been the daily voices in his choir and he is still waving the baton as the maestro in charge.  Surprised?

Where have you been the last 10 years?
Did O’bama not weaponize the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service to silence the Tea Party vision for America?
Did O’bama not weaponize the Environmental Protection Agency to attack and punish landed Americans to promote a green agenda.

Did O’bama not weaponize the Justice Department to criminalize and punish his political opposition and ignore the obvious criminality among his friends, including Hillary and her minions.  All of her partners in crime were given immunity from justice.  Why?

Did O’bama not weaponize the Federal Bureau of Investigation to illegally investigate Donald Trump, the winning 45th President of these United States, beginning a year before his election and the two years since that great day.  This investigative harassment from a past president is a new American reality never before experienced by a Commander in Chief.  All past Presidents were real men who retired respecting the will of the voter.

Do not relax America, O’bama is designing his next coupe attempt!

Landers, CA

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Day 40

According to a talking head on Fox News, there are conservatively 10 million illegal aliens in America.  This is an insanely low number that does not adequately describe our national insanity.  Thirty years ago, that was the number and with an estimated half million crossing our borders illegally each year, the number is at least 25 to 30 million.  This number is based on those who are caught, those who sneak in successfully would push the number, conservatively to 40 or 50 million.
Then there are those criminals who overstay their legal visas when they commit themselves to going home when they enter.  I have no numbers on these illegals but just guessing we could add conservatively another 5 to 10 million.  The scope of our real immigration insanity is at least around 50 to 60 million persons living and working illegally in America.  The current population of America is 325 million so 15 % to 18% of American residents are illegal. This is not a marginal issue, where will our populace be in another 10 years? 

Exactly what the plan of our politicians may be is open for debate. We know illegal immigration pleases the Democrats because they want new voters even though illegal immigrants are not supposed to vote, small detail. The question needs to be asked, why have the Republicans been suckered into insane immigration laws?  

May I suggest that the Republican power base is much too smart to be suckered.  They have deviously written or endorsed lame immigration policies and laws intended to promote illegal immigration while tricking the people into thinking our government is doing the will of the people.  Their goal has always been to depress wage growth for the hard working folk and it has worked for 30 years until Donald Trump disrupted their play book.  

At least the Democrats are honest brokers while the Republican power base can only be described as devious co-conspirators with the Democrats. 

Landers, CA

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Day 39

In some circles the Bible is merely an answer book.  With great sincerity, these folks scour the pages of their bible to build a world view and a shield against the tribulations of life in this world.  For most of us this construction project is foundational and it begins in Sunday School but Sunday school is not necessarily an adult biblical education.  Supposed answers alone, whether from scripture or the pulpit, can be a religious group think that may limit our access to our God given spiritual potential.

The temptation is to claim answers in lieu of questions.  We all need answers to hang our lives on but asking questions of the Bible may be more valuable than seeking answers.  At least asking questions raises Bible reading beyond a mere disciplinary exercise, treadmills are so boring.  Prior generations to often read in this manner, moving quickly from one confirmation of already assumed truth to another confirmation passage.
Could it be that reading for answers is the reason Bible reading has become so unpopular?  Could it be that telling the folk biblical answers without exploring the alternatives makes the actual reading pointless?  According to the church, we dummy’s in the pew are not allowed or qualified to ask questions, the church says, why ask questions?  Did Jesus only learn a list of answers in Sunday School?

St. Luke 2 is the only account in the Bible of the Sunday School years of Jesus.  At age twelve, on the occasion of a festival trip to Jerusalem, Jesus goes missing from the family.  Verses 46 & 47 tell us that, “After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions.  Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.”

Conclusion, if we cannot handle the questions we cannot handle the truth.

G. Goslaw 
Landers, CA

Day 38

Hammer knows.  Loss is also a dog thing.

Landers, CA

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Day 37

There is no greater friend than a dog.  What masquerades as friendship in the 21st century cannot compare to the fidelity of the canine species.  Adult fidelity waxes and wanes as does the moon, no disrespect is intended toward any earthly relationship but we all know the truth.  Even parenting can be tricky, at times parenting seems to be the blind leading the blind yet the kids turn out to be responsible adults despite all our efforts. Then, there is Facebook, which has only an ancient linkage to any reputable definition of our understanding of friendship.

Baby Belle looked up at me with trusting and inquiring eyes, why the tears boss?  If she could understand my words I would scream an apology.  Your years on this earth have been shortened by my irresponsibility and I ache because of my failure.  

Please, friend, forgive me!

Landers, CA

Friday, February 8, 2019

Day 36

I believe in the eternal life flux.  Nothing is static. The life flux is and then it is not, it is an invisible, odorless, tasteless gaseous something or other that cannot be measured. It is obviously recognizable by all when present and when absent everything is missing but we know not what.  There is an endless stream of forms or life flux states of being, whether microbial, vegetable, animal or human. 

One day we all and they all shall again join the life flux vapor to be recycled at the discretion of the commander of that unprovable reality with that human imposed moniker, God.  Most life states know their place in the system but we humans are twisted and in a constant state of rebellion, demanding our own way and our own uniqueness.  Spiritually we humans should envy the other states who know their place but we assume and demand personal superiority.
This is why I believe that all my dogs are pure spirit and for the moment have the most uncomplicated eternal destiny in the life flux.
Jesus called the life flux dimension, “the Kingdom of God”.  This dimension, in the words of Tolstoy recognized is within.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Day 35

The phone rang a few days ago and a voicemail was tagged.  The party calling identified themselves as the United States Social Security Administration and the caller informed me that my number with their agency had been compromised.  Panic ensued for most of my monthly income is a check from social security.  The call back number was not, however, an 800 number but one with a (916) area code.  This made no sense and put me on alert.

After playing phone tag for about an hour, he called me back.  I asked him, are you the Social Security Administration?  Dodging the question, he asked for my name and then asked for my Social Security Number.  At which point I lost my cool and heaped a multitude of expletives upon the phone thief preying on the elderly.  He deserved every word but my language has, admittedly, gone downhill the last few years.

I have much too much idle time on my hands.  My favorite sport is cussing at all the self-involved scuzzy politicians on the boob tube.  My reactions are regrettably explosive, loud and vulgar, leaving no doubt as to the state of our politics and my vocabulary. 

Our politicians must change for I am to old!  Any chance?

Landers, CA

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Day 34

Senate majority leader, Republican Mitch McConnel, made the public statement that he doesn’t want President Trump to declare a national emergency on the border, despite his own dysfunction in the Senate.  Finally, he has come out of the shadows and we have proof of McConnel’s slavery to the big business interests that insist on illegal immigration to control wage growth. This growth has happened under the leadership of President Trump but the money of these powerful interests to whom McConnel is obligated, will minimize it into the future.

The Republican National Committee constantly bugs me for another donation.  I will not give as long as there is a Republican of the McConnel strip leading the party.  The chairperson of the Republican National Committee, who fund raises for the party, supports President Trump but the power brokers of the party are against him and his populist agenda.  There will be no Goslaw money for the party of duplicity coming from California.  It is my hope that all giving to the party coffers will cease, donations going directly to President Trump.  

President Trump should run against the Democrats and the McConnel republicans in 2020!

He will slaughter them all!

Landers, Ca

Day 33

There is a widely accepted saying, “what goes around comes around”.  We all have been caught by the wisdom of this saying, letting the world know the depth of our own hypocrisy.  I, of course, am the sole exception!  That being said, this week it is the Democrats in the cross hairs of these words of wisdom.   Enter the newly elected Democratic governor of Virginia.

IN 1985, a picture of two persons, one in blackface and the other in a KKK outfit, “suddenly” appeared on the page of Governor Northam, in the graduation Yearbook.  Grossly embarrassed, the Governor is being asked to resign by every Democratic politician that has been slamming President Trump and those of us who support him, as being dyed in the wool racists.  How sweet is the hypocrisy!

Adding fuel to the fire, the newly elected lieutenant Governor, a black man set to assume the Governor duties when Northam resigns, also has a scandal in his closet.  A former love interest is accusing him of rape in a sexual twist.  He is saying that the sex was voluntary but who knows, are we not always to believe the woman?
Hypocrisy again, was that not the line used by the Democrats in the confirmation hearing of prospective Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh?  In that case, the female allegation had zero corroboration, there was no relationship, no sex, no witnesses, no rumors and no time and place accountability from anyone, including the female.  What are we to think of the democrats?  

Yes indeed, your sins will find you out!

Landers, CA

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Day 32

There are a multitude of voices giving us the scoop on the Bible and offering a God understanding that fits.  Most have the pulpit mentality that considers itself authoritative, it is our way or the highway.  This church centered attitude is an insult to the character of Scripture.  The pulpit may not communicate the whole truth to the pew because the pulpit does not know the whole truth or they are merely puppets dispensing church truth.    

When challenged, these group thinkers, trash anyone who disagrees, accusing them of being less than spiritual.  That may be the case but the trashing of descent is not a particularly holy reaction.  I would like to be kind but a part of the religious establishment conducts themselves with evil intent.  Their motto is, keep the pew in the Sunday School mode for then they are ripe for easy manipulation.  If a church thinker has to resort to condemning descent that asks questions, they have been cornered intellectually and possibly spiritually.

One area of descent that challenges the church’s understanding of Jesus, is the title, the Christ. The popular understanding the word Christ to often relegates Jesus to being an extraterrestrial visitor to our planet.  What do we mean by Jesus as the Christ?  What do we mean by Jesus as the son of God?  These are valid questions that are worthy of discussion, what is actually being communicated to the pew?  If all you have known in your life is the quick fixes given out from the pulpit, these questions will sound like they are from the pit of hell.  The pew are dumbfounded, how can a spiritual person question the very words of the Bible?

Remaining silent would probably be the smart move, but there are those of us who are long term dummies.  We only want the Bible to be treated with respect.  To lift a word out of the world in which it was first written and then redefining that word is an act of ultimate disrespect.  This is often the case with the word, Christ.  What is the correct definition?  If you are interested in the truth, check out the article CHRIST in “A Theological Word Book of the Bible”, Edited by Alan Richardson.

The definition may surprise you.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA    


Friday, February 1, 2019

Day 31

Those persons or religious leaders who label any theology as bad, are misguided or uninformed.  If the determining factor is the Bible, then every theology that can be supported in scripture, must be a good theology.  Any number of theologies can be biblical, some of whom conflict or contrast with others.  What are we to do?  Shall we only recite the approved texts?

Are we not asked by the many religious establishments to read and allow God to speak through the pages of the Bible?  Are not the the words and life circumstance of biblical characters 2000 years ago relevant to us?  It is my opinion that the church gives lip service to the need for Bible familiarity in the pew for the pulpit claims to have the answers for your life experience, backed up by selective scriptures.  Religious leadership in this way sows disrespect for the Bible, no wonder the pew is biblically ignorant.

Points of agreement do exist.  We can agree that the only bad theology is that theology that is extra biblical, beyond the broad sweep of the Bible. There are some wild assed theologies out there that have no biblical foundation, they are mere speculation parading as inspiration.  Even when these extra biblical theologies are encountered, is it our calling to go around straightening out the offenders to orthodoxy when we live in a glass house ourselves, picking and choosing?

When we care little for the broad sweep of the Bible and we judge others by our own comfort level, we are disrespecting the very book we claim to hold dear.  The average churchman is not biblically astute and the truth is that some pulpits are just as blind, finding neither the time nor the energy to seek a broad understanding of what the Bible is saying to us. 

The quick fix is no fix at all.

G. Goslaw
Landers, CA