Friday, November 25, 2016


Trusting our leaders and their intentions has proven to be a historical loss for the people.  Our futures have been considered expendable as the politicians feather their own nest by way of the finances of the top one per cent of America.  You know, the Wall Street corporate interests and the investor class that flood the Halls of Washington with their treachery.  Mr. Trump, you ran a victorious presidential campaign for the people, giving us an interest again in our government.  While our support and trust remains, in this post-election season, we the forgotten, powerless, deplorable little people are concerned. 

What is happening with the stock market?  The Trump bump, as it has been called, suggests that the investor class has been given an under the table signal that a Trump administration will first protect the interests of these upper crust folk, resulting in a further debasement of the working class.  This may be an unfounded assessment, the rise in the market could also be explained as a reaction to your promised pro-growth economic measures but the bump may foreshadow a deal made with the old failed priorities.  Why the bump, President elect Trump?
Will you continue the destructive paper money flow from the Federal Reserve with zero interest rates, thereby signaling business as usual?  This so-called economic policy has made an economy that works for the people impossible and sets the country up for another 2008 catastrophe.  We voted for a change, plain and simple.  The government you are forming seems to be the wealthiest grouping of the rich to come to Washington, ever, are they reformers or co-conspirators with the swamp creators?
You, Mr. Trump, are sending mixed signals and we, your supporters, are nervous.  The most problematic choice that you are considering is that of Secretary of State, Mitt Romney, really?   This man made his millions as a free trade guru, he is the poster child for the economic inequity that has devastated the middle class.   You made your billions building great structures not working the system that has failed the people.  Keeping your enemies close cannot justify such a choice and it would be a slap in the face to the Trump train.  

Mitt Romney said many hurtful things about you in order to elect Hillary as president.  This was more than a difference of opinion, it was a betrayal. The investor class believed that her election was a better choice to protect their interests, what was good for the country was not important.  Should you choose Mr. Romney, you will be complicit with this protectionist agenda.  The Romney's of this country are the problem not a solution to the economic inequalities suffered by the middle class.  . 

Just ask President O’bama, how he now feels about choosing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. How did that work out his legacy? 

Who are you Mr. Trump?

Landers, Ca.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Our Protest President

We forgotten, powerless and deplorable little people voted to make Donald J. Trump the 45th president of the United States of America.  The voter turnout was a people’s protest to stop the progressive politicians and their forty-yearlong fire sale of American.  These political elites, both Democrats and Republicans, have traded political control of the people to facilitate the demise of America into a one world government without borders or national identity.  The wisdom of the people saw through their name calling charade and the leadership of Mr. Trump has given America the opportunity to step back from the very brink of the elite’s planned traitorous conspiracy.
A great victory has been won by the Trump train but the conspiracy is not dead for it still lives in the swamp of Washington DC, the major corporate news media, academia, open border organizations, the free trade lobby, government unions and the radical left of the political spectrum.  The progressive politicians and their allies will continue the name calling and fight to disrupt the America first agenda of Mr. Trump.  These disruptors reject the rule of law and replace justice with self-interest, gathering all such factions with promises that can only be fulfilled when America ceases to be the America of the people.  As a Trump supporter from the very beginning, I have no advice for Mr. Trump because we the people trust you and Governor Pence to take the fight to the swamp creators through all legal and constitutional means. 

The Clinton, Bush, Obama, Hillary and Washington elites of both parties are the progressive political swamp creators who are the co-conspirators in their criminal enterprise.  They can hide no longer for they have been forced out of their closet by the Republican Primary and presidential candidacy of Mr. Trump.  As Americans, how could we have been so blind to their globalist intentions?  One of our neighbors from Twenty Nine Palms sent me a copy of a paper written in 1974 by Richard N. Gardner, entitled “The Hard Road to World Order”.  Mr. Gardner, an economist and President Clinton confidant, gives this advice to their new under the table one world order movement, we should do “an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece”.  Mr. Gardner goes on to recommend that this “will accomplish more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”  Much of his paper is beyond my pay grade but this is the path followed by the conspirators.
The progressive end run around national sovereignty is an end run around our U.S. Constitution and our legal system.  Is that not what we have witnessed blossoming since 1974 and the longed for assault under President Obama.  A Hillary presidency was expected to be the final victory for the progressive elites who have no respect for our freedoms, historical American ideals or the American legal system.  Does not the criminal decision making of Hillary Clinton explain the motivation behind her stupid mistakes?  By whatever means, the intent was to lock the American people into a nation less state that would fit their global objective.  The price of their conspiracy was paid in American jobs, no growth economy and security for each of our families.  Now, we the people want full disclosure, just how close was America dragged to the world government abyss.  May we never allow ourselves to be so suckered again. 

Protest President elect Trump, we trust your intentions.  The swamp of Washington is the danger.  Until our Washington leaders prove by their actions that they agree to drain the swamp and agree to be accountable to the people, the protest White House should be in the Trump Tower.

Landers, CA.         

Friday, November 11, 2016

Game on !

Amazing, the sun came up over Goat Mountain.  This is a new day in which America has a last chance to be America.  All the crybabies are trying to tell we Americans that we are wrong, that somehow this country is their fiefdom, their own possession to be exploited for their own agenda.  The traditional American voters rose to the challenge this election day, November 8, 2016 and said, we are the America we were born to be!  The popular divide is stark but some of us will fight for real freedom if that is what they want to happen.  The riots, political corruption and criminal conspiracy of the political left prove their intent.  If war is what you want, game on!
Landers, Ca

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Go'in Dark

As the American people decide on our next president, I have come to a decision.  If the self-interested of America decide that they want a criminal president with no respect for the law, our borders or the hard working people of this country, our great heritage and history as Americans to do the right thing, this one voter will protest that decision by gon’in dark.  No longer will I respect what is right or just.  All personally agreed to contracts and responsibilities will be, if Hillary is elected, null and void.  No longer will I pay taxes, financial obligations or honor personal commitments.  No longer will I cooperate with the criminal enterprise that will then be the permanent future of our kids.

G. Goslaw

Landers, Ca.