Monday, June 27, 2016

Who are the political fools of 2016?

Simply stated the political fools are many in 2016.  The whites who blindly follow Mrs. Clinton and her elitist dictatorial Wall Street agenda, are fools.  The blacks who blindly follow the agenda of the first black president even though he has made their everyday economic situation more intolerable, are fools.  The Hispanics who insist that our country welcome all their distant relatives even though this will make America into the banana republic they escaped, are fools.  Women who insist on the woman being president, regardless of her history, loyalties and integrity, are fools.  The gay and lesbian communities are fools if they assume that practical freedom resides in liberal politics.

The biggest fools of all are those who follow after a candidate or a political party and vote without knowing why?  Some of us say at election time, I’m a Democrat, some say I’m a Republican or an Independent and by saying so we have an excuse to stop thinking.  Some of us react to candidates emotionally as if we are electing a new family member or a pastor for the congregation.  No emotional reaction will give us a clue about the ability of a man or women to lead the country.
You can easily identify these folk because the total sum of what they have to offer is a string of personal insults, presumed character flaws and name calling from a stagnant brain.  Our politicians of every strip, get all warm and fuzzy by preaching to this mindless choir because they will accept anything they are told.  Please let us think together.

Landers, CA   

Monday, June 20, 2016

Why should the people elect Donald Trump as President?

Wearing my Trump hat around Yucca Valley is just plain fun.  At times the reaction is silence or on one occasion there was a gathering of multicultural young people around my van.  While waiting at the drug store, a senior lady asked why I would be voting for a candidate such as Donald Trump.  This question was quite welcome but along with the question came an obvious disgust for the man.  Cloaking an opinion in a question while really not wanting an answer, is a female trick that we, in your face males, find offensive and cowardly.

Responding gruffly without thinking, I asked the question, do you expect me to vote for that Hillary hag?  She was quite startled but the dictionary says that a hag is a female demon or evil spirit, an ugly, often vicious old woman.  This is Hillary, she has proven herself to be a hag, time and time again, over a life time.  She has also earned other appropriate monikers such as greedy, a liar, crooked and a criminal, a woman who has made millions and millions of dollars from selling political influence to powerful donors, foreign and domestic.  This is not another Republican talking point for it is the Hillary reality show, just talk to Bernie Sanders.
Enough said, please allow me to answer the question from the senior lady, why Mr. Trump, you ask?  Donald Trump is the man that country needs at this hour.  The U.S.A. has been in crisis mode for decades but now this country is one election away from never again being a true democracy whose future is in the hands of the people instead of the big donors and the political elites.  Our politicians of both parties have pandered away our future to every interest group who pays to play with money or potential votes.  As a result, politics is about being nice and saying the politically correct words that the donors and the interest groups want to hear, it is about spinning the truth. 
Our politicians assume that the people are so gullible and so invested in their own interests that they will believe or accept all the lies as normal.  Hey, people, are the politicians right?  Do we not care about the truth?  Do our own personal economic interests rule our lives or can we reach beyond them to again find the peoples’ democracy?  Are the Wall Street donors to be in charge of our future?   This is the fundamental issue in this election and Donald Trump is the only candidate for president that can and will say no to a dictatorship of the wealthy. 

This is as clear as the nose on your face but if you remain skeptical, take a close look at the very long Trump enemies list.  The Wall Street stock market types are funding every stop Trump movement because their only priority is unencumbered free trade even when it cripples the middle class.  The Republican establishment politicians are fighting his leadership because their donors are pissed and it flows downhill.  The big government Democrats are promising free goodies and race baiting because they don’t want to talk about the selling out of our American democracy.
Mr. Trump only promises a better, safer and more prosperous America, so what’s to hate?  He is not a hard line ideology who will insist upon his way resulting in another decade of national stagnation.  He is a negotiator and a builder who brings people together to accomplish the task at hand.  He is a doer.

“Make America Great Again” is not just another cutesy political slogan devised to win an election.  Some of us believe it is his heart felt desire for all the people.

Landers, Ca