Friday, February 12, 2016

Bloody Bastards

Four Ohio folk were slaughtered today by a machete wielding Mohammad from Somalia.  We ask for such bloody terrorism because of our political correctness. Will Governor Kasick of Ohio do anything besides express condolences to the families?  Will he agree with Donald Trump to stop allowing Muslims among us?  Who are the real hatters?  America will only get silence from the so-called peaceful American Muslim when asked this question.  

Allah is a fraud clung to by the stuck minds of 1.6 billion people worldwide. There is nothing good about the Muslim religion as long as killing is considered by these people a sanctified holy divine act.  How can so many be so deluded? Give all of them a ticket to la la Allah land, ship them all out of the country. No Muslim can be an innocent bystander to the killing, they all are guilty because they are silent.  If your name is Mohammed, watch your back, violence begets violence.  

* O.K.. there were no deaths, four hospitalized, one remains in serious condition. The machete motive is being investigated??

Landers, CA.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Our Moral Universe

"If you do what is right long enough, the doing will always come back to bless you and yours."   Tuskegee Airmen on Fox News interview, February 7, 2016

Landers, CA

Thursday, February 4, 2016

California Nuts

Don’t you just love those California pistachios?  Both delicious and nutritious, they are so good that eating just one is impossible.  There is another schoolyard definition of the word “nuts”, the children use the word to insult and dismiss an offending playmate.  On such an occasion the word means insane or just plain crazy.  We have all heard it and we have all made the accusation, your “nuts”!  When used this way, out of anger or ignorance, the words are an extreme exaggeration that is not intended nor does it have a reality in fact.
Mr. O’Reilly was not talking about the delicious pistachio nut on his factor show on the 3rd of February.  The schoolyard “nuts” insult was flung by Mr. O’Reilly at all persons who disagree with his deluded understanding of Islam as just another religion.  The context for this childish insult was the visit by President Obama to a Mosque in Baltimore.  The message that the president brought to the Muslim folk was to assure them that America is about religious freedom and that an attack upon one religion is an attack upon all religions.  Frankly, the president should go back to school, banning criticism of any religion is not American religious freedom.
The fact that President Obama visited a Mosque is no surprise.  The fact that the president made another speech to hand out politically correct spin is certainly no surprise.  The fact that the president of these United States was somehow compelled to defend Muslim killers is no surprise.  This California nut is surprised, however, at the just plain ignorant words and simpatico of Mr. O’Reilly with the deceit of our president.  A high school student could discover the facts of Islam by checking out Wikipedia or any history book on the rise of Islam. 

The prophet Muhammad began the violence as he conquered the peoples of the Arab lands 1400 years ago.  The spiritual betterment of the people was never the primary motivation for the conquests by this religion, all the killing was and is about political control and the establishment of Caliphates.  This word does sound familiar, no?  The rise of Islam has always been by the sword, economic manipulation or at the ballot box.  Guess what is planned for America, could it be all three?  

Why would the president and Mr. O’Reilly soft peddle the threat?  Islam and all other religions will never just get along because Islam wants to control the whole earth and 1.6 billion people is a good start.  When push comes to shove, the so called peaceable Muslims in America will fall in line with their religiously defined family and real freedom will go bye, bye.

Why is it that the Islamic reform organizations fail to influence the Mosques of America?   Why are the Mosques in America funded to a large extent by the brothers in the Arabian Peninsula?  Why are there no apologies or condolences given by American Islamic leaders for the killing of Americans by these nuts? Why do mosques not inform on their radical brothers?  Why are potential terrorists not ratted out by their American families?  Terrorists blowing themselves up so that they can have perpetual sex with the virgins in heaven, this is insane craziness, you would think that even sex would get tiring after a few thousand years.

This California nut is tired of all the Ostrich like behavior from our church, political and media leaders.  These folk must get their heads out of the sand and be Americans, their blind passivity is criminal and traitorous.  The Muslim believer is a Muslim first and an American second.  Every religion asks their people to positively influence the culture through the voting process but no other religion advocates the dismantling of a national political structure.  The Muslim religion orders all secular politics be destroyed.

Allah says you must believe or die an infidel.  Are you tone deaf Mr. O'Reilly?

Landers, CA