Mr. Jenkins, your letter needs to be addressed. This is America and everyone is free to have a political opinion so thank you for speaking up. I read carefully your letter of April 22 responding to my letter of April 11 in the High Desert Star. Your loyalty to President O’Bama is clear but his actions tell me that his loyalties lie, not in America, but elsewhere. That being said, we disagree on a few other basic facts, please hear me out.
Human beings are not animals, we share many similarities but we humans are unique moral beings with an awareness of right and wrong. Our moral inheritance is both a responsibility and a challenge, the animal kingdom is blessed to escape these worries. Knowing and doing what is right is an individual learning process that may first begin in the womb. We learn from our parents, from our written laws, from societal interaction, from our failures, from religion and from the perceived voice of God.
The sad truth is that we humans learn quite slowly, preferring those wrong choices. When our wrongness rises to a certain level the word evil would seem appropriate. Your second misstatement is to claim that Christianity and Islam are equally guilty of dispensing gross evil. Is that what you are saying? If this is your position you have been duped and for some reason find no need to move further into the truth. Christianity has had moments of evil means in history but it is not fair to compare these moments with the warrior religion of Islam.
Is it unfair or inflammatory to characterize Islam as a warrior religion? It certainly is inflammatory but it is also a fair reading of both history and theology. The history is beyond questioning for from the get go, 1500 years ago, Islam expanded feverishly by the sword with political domination of conquered peoples their first priority. Conversion to Islam of conquered peoples became convenient as the centuries passed. If you care to know the history, just google the expansion of Islam.
The evolving theology of Islam has contributed to the radicalization and warrior mentality of the religion. The Koran has little to say about how the religion should treat infidels but as the centuries passed, the theology gave the religion license to kill. For an informed study one can go to the Faith and Freedom website and judge the theology of Islam from people who have come out from this violent tyranny. This website is the other side of the liberal talking points that evade the truth. First hand experience should be important when considering the character of Islam but this website is banned in many Muslim countries.
Christianity and Islam have the same roots in history but each expresses it’s faith in very different ways. The radical element in Christianity has most always focused inward, demanding that believers worship in one manner or another. The Crusades may be the only exception but they were largely a defensive action attempting to prevent an Islamic invasion and domination of the Holy Land which had been for 2000 years a Judeo-Christian holy site. That being said, would Jesus have approved of the Crusades … the debate goes on?
Human religion is the problem. Jesus said “my kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36)”. Jesus believed so strongly in the separation of spirituality from politics that he willingly suffered and died an ignominious death at the hands of the religious politic of that day. From the shape of the world today and the conflicts enabled by religion over the last 4000 years, one might assume that religious politics, whether internal or external are anti-God. All of us, Muslim, Christian and Jew are very slow learners.
Landers, Ca.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
politics tacking into the winds of fortune
The first rule of Clinton-O’Bama politics is to shift the blame from their own vulnerability by being the first to accuse their enemies of that same vulnerability. This has been the first rule of Democratic politics for the last 25 years and still the Republicans can’t look beyond their own bank accounts to anticipate the next battle. The Republicans are always on defense and they seem intent to be the forever political losers.
The current vulnerability of the Clinton-Obama machine is the school yard stuff that has dogged our politics for centuries. The modern version, however, has reached new heights of seeming respectability because it is not the exception of the few but an every day political expectation among all of our politicians in Washington. After all, everybody has to pay to play, there are annoying laws and procedures passed by Congress but doesn’t everybody do it?
Washington is awash with pay to play and the Justice Department of the progressive Eric Holder will only enforce the law against their own political enemies. It is open season on integrity, Democrat or Republican and every level of the bureaucracy is for sale to the highest bidder. Do you need a politic championed, be it green energy or lower taxes for the wealthy, contribute to a campaign or a super pack. When business needs a favorable decision from the bureaucracy, just make a donation to a foundation and the winds of fortune will blow your way.
Hillary Clinton is the poster child of pay to play. The new book, “Clinton Cash”, is reported to connect some of the dots between payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in order to get favors from the Hillary lead U.S. State Department during her tenure as Secretary of State. Is it just a coincidence that she did her duties at the State Department off the book, beyond the reach of Congressional oversight? Deleted emails, a tight circle of operatives at the top of the food chain, sounds like a vulnerability to this no body observer.
Confronted with her integrity vulnerability, what can we expect her story line to be? Right on, Hillary says that she is the new champion of the little people, the middle class and the majority of Americans who are attempting to scratch out an honest existence in this American den of thieves. The Republicans are vulnerable to accusations of unconcern for the middle class but is Hillary that champion? Now, really . … Hillary?
Landers, Ca
The current vulnerability of the Clinton-Obama machine is the school yard stuff that has dogged our politics for centuries. The modern version, however, has reached new heights of seeming respectability because it is not the exception of the few but an every day political expectation among all of our politicians in Washington. After all, everybody has to pay to play, there are annoying laws and procedures passed by Congress but doesn’t everybody do it?
Washington is awash with pay to play and the Justice Department of the progressive Eric Holder will only enforce the law against their own political enemies. It is open season on integrity, Democrat or Republican and every level of the bureaucracy is for sale to the highest bidder. Do you need a politic championed, be it green energy or lower taxes for the wealthy, contribute to a campaign or a super pack. When business needs a favorable decision from the bureaucracy, just make a donation to a foundation and the winds of fortune will blow your way.
Hillary Clinton is the poster child of pay to play. The new book, “Clinton Cash”, is reported to connect some of the dots between payoffs to the Clinton Foundation in order to get favors from the Hillary lead U.S. State Department during her tenure as Secretary of State. Is it just a coincidence that she did her duties at the State Department off the book, beyond the reach of Congressional oversight? Deleted emails, a tight circle of operatives at the top of the food chain, sounds like a vulnerability to this no body observer.
Confronted with her integrity vulnerability, what can we expect her story line to be? Right on, Hillary says that she is the new champion of the little people, the middle class and the majority of Americans who are attempting to scratch out an honest existence in this American den of thieves. The Republicans are vulnerable to accusations of unconcern for the middle class but is Hillary that champion? Now, really . … Hillary?
Landers, Ca
Friday, April 17, 2015
Nuclear terror
April 17, 2015
Israel no longer has a choice. President O’Bama is unconcerned about Russian missiles going to Iran and any sane American would wonder why? The protection that this missile defense will give to Iran will make any bombing threat from Israel a joke. O’bama is giving away all sanctions at the negotiating table and the day after Congress is united against his treason, the green light is given for Russia to give a missile defense to Iran. It is unbelievable that an American president could be so inclined, O’bama, what are you doing …. as if we didn‘t know?
Landers, Ca
Israel no longer has a choice. President O’Bama is unconcerned about Russian missiles going to Iran and any sane American would wonder why? The protection that this missile defense will give to Iran will make any bombing threat from Israel a joke. O’bama is giving away all sanctions at the negotiating table and the day after Congress is united against his treason, the green light is given for Russia to give a missile defense to Iran. It is unbelievable that an American president could be so inclined, O’bama, what are you doing …. as if we didn‘t know?
Landers, Ca
A Federal Tax Reform Plan
Working toward a populist conservative tax reform for America.
The Rubio-Lee tax plan is a courageous attempt to begin a discussion about real policy stuff intended to be relevant in our present political culture. The conservative capitalists don’t like it because of the child credit and the liberal welfare state people want the higher income folk to pay more taxes. Both are upset so just maybe we have a good starter proposal.
I, this nobody of the little people has a reputation for an arrogant streak so let me be true to form and make a few tweaks to the Rubio-Lee plan and call it the Rubio-Lee-Goslaw federal tax reform plan. Let’s tweak it! My intention is to tweak the tax reform toward the interests of the young working middle class families of America, who have long deserved action out of Washington in their favor.
The critics of the Rubio Lee plan are correct, this plan will not lead the country into conservative deficit reduction going forward. Numbers are not my strong point but with a few changes the fortunes of the working middle class and deficit reduction can be improved. Possibly a numbers cruncher out there would apply their expertise to examine the budget worthiness of the Rubio-Lee-Goslaw plan.
Populist features of the Rubio Lee Plan.
1. Leaves high income earners approximately the same. (39% to 35%)
2. Reduces code to 2 levels instead of seven. (simplifying code to 15% and 35% )
3. Higher 35% would begin at $75,000 income for single filer or $150,000 for married.
4. Reducing deductions to only Mortgage and Charitable. (Also simplifying the code)
5. Rewards child rearing with a per child tax credit of $2,500. ( that is a credit not a deduction)
6. Investment income is not taxed.
Changes or Additions
1. No earned income tax credit. (revenue plus)
2. Reduce married higher 35% tax level to begin at $100,000. (rev. +)
3. Mortgage deduction limited to one lived in residence with less than a $1 mil. retail sales price. (rev. +)
4. Charitable deductions limited to $5,000 a year. (rev. +)
5. All citizens must file and pay some federal tax. ($100.00 min. tax...rev. +)
6. All investment income taxed federally at 15%. (rev. +)
7. All welfare income, federal and state, taxed at 5% ^ 4. (rev. +)
8. National one page tax reporting. ( big rev. + with less IRS)
Everyone participates and everyone pays a price for government. Any and all of these ideas are available without charge.
Landers, Ca.
The Rubio-Lee tax plan is a courageous attempt to begin a discussion about real policy stuff intended to be relevant in our present political culture. The conservative capitalists don’t like it because of the child credit and the liberal welfare state people want the higher income folk to pay more taxes. Both are upset so just maybe we have a good starter proposal.
I, this nobody of the little people has a reputation for an arrogant streak so let me be true to form and make a few tweaks to the Rubio-Lee plan and call it the Rubio-Lee-Goslaw federal tax reform plan. Let’s tweak it! My intention is to tweak the tax reform toward the interests of the young working middle class families of America, who have long deserved action out of Washington in their favor.
The critics of the Rubio Lee plan are correct, this plan will not lead the country into conservative deficit reduction going forward. Numbers are not my strong point but with a few changes the fortunes of the working middle class and deficit reduction can be improved. Possibly a numbers cruncher out there would apply their expertise to examine the budget worthiness of the Rubio-Lee-Goslaw plan.
Populist features of the Rubio Lee Plan.
1. Leaves high income earners approximately the same. (39% to 35%)
2. Reduces code to 2 levels instead of seven. (simplifying code to 15% and 35% )
3. Higher 35% would begin at $75,000 income for single filer or $150,000 for married.
4. Reducing deductions to only Mortgage and Charitable. (Also simplifying the code)
5. Rewards child rearing with a per child tax credit of $2,500. ( that is a credit not a deduction)
6. Investment income is not taxed.
Changes or Additions
1. No earned income tax credit. (revenue plus)
2. Reduce married higher 35% tax level to begin at $100,000. (rev. +)
3. Mortgage deduction limited to one lived in residence with less than a $1 mil. retail sales price. (rev. +)
4. Charitable deductions limited to $5,000 a year. (rev. +)
5. All citizens must file and pay some federal tax. ($100.00 min. tax...rev. +)
6. All investment income taxed federally at 15%. (rev. +)
7. All welfare income, federal and state, taxed at 5% ^ 4. (rev. +)
8. National one page tax reporting. ( big rev. + with less IRS)
Everyone participates and everyone pays a price for government. Any and all of these ideas are available without charge.
Landers, Ca.
Monday, April 13, 2015
What is the cost of political ignorance?
Childish rhetoric is to claim, “I told you so”! Well, let me take this obscure opportunity to say, “I told you so”! Our many voices are out there, you have heard the oft repeated accusations, America, are you listening? The Democratic Party is ignoring the crime of illegal immigration because the party wants the votes now and into the future. The Democrats have been guilty of this back door travesty for over 30 years after having refused to close the border under President Regan.
Even some traitor Republicans, lead by the Better Business Bureau, have been blinded from seeing the greater good by the promise of cheap labor. Their short term gain from reducing out of pocket costs bloats the long term cost of government and the taxpayer has to pick up the difference. The wage of the legal worker is depressed and it becomes more difficult to find a job. We the people need to redefine what it means to be American for most of our politicians are corrupt, black or white or brown or purple or pink, they all die for the green stuff.
The progressive left of the Democratic party has one more motive for promoting illegal immigration in 2016. The progressive plan is to reduce America to a one party political system owned and operated by the Democratic Party. Never has this motive been so clearly and openly promoted, the deception is over, the progressive Democratic left is demanding control of the party and Hillary may not be left enough to speak forth the progressive message of goodies to the people for Democratic votes. 2016 may just be a forever election for America.
This is the rhetoric of Democratic liberal progressive New York Mayor de Blasio, who is openly calling for the stuffing of the ballot box with illegal votes. Political crime is out of the closet. The Justice Department will ignore it’s responsibility to enforce the law because it is owned by the O’Bama progressives. The fundamental change promised by President O’Bama is a criminal conspiracy to destroy the will of the people, the legal people, to keep control and it also may work.
Sleeping America, wake up, you are snoozing the country away!
Landers, Ca
Even some traitor Republicans, lead by the Better Business Bureau, have been blinded from seeing the greater good by the promise of cheap labor. Their short term gain from reducing out of pocket costs bloats the long term cost of government and the taxpayer has to pick up the difference. The wage of the legal worker is depressed and it becomes more difficult to find a job. We the people need to redefine what it means to be American for most of our politicians are corrupt, black or white or brown or purple or pink, they all die for the green stuff.
The progressive left of the Democratic party has one more motive for promoting illegal immigration in 2016. The progressive plan is to reduce America to a one party political system owned and operated by the Democratic Party. Never has this motive been so clearly and openly promoted, the deception is over, the progressive Democratic left is demanding control of the party and Hillary may not be left enough to speak forth the progressive message of goodies to the people for Democratic votes. 2016 may just be a forever election for America.
This is the rhetoric of Democratic liberal progressive New York Mayor de Blasio, who is openly calling for the stuffing of the ballot box with illegal votes. Political crime is out of the closet. The Justice Department will ignore it’s responsibility to enforce the law because it is owned by the O’Bama progressives. The fundamental change promised by President O’Bama is a criminal conspiracy to destroy the will of the people, the legal people, to keep control and it also may work.
Sleeping America, wake up, you are snoozing the country away!
Landers, Ca
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Loving Expressions
President Obama lives in the bushes in order to be the commander in chief. We Americans have been sold a bill of goods for the last six and a half years but Obama slips up regularly. He is a man who is torn between being the man America needs and living as his daddy’s son who carries his fathers documented Muslim and socialist sympathies.
The president’s latest slip up was at the Easter prayer breakfast when he critiqued we Christians for “less than loving expressions”. This critique is akin to calling the kettle black, less than loving expressions? Really? Muslims are chopping off heads on camera, burning captured soldiers alive in cages, murdering 1700 Iraqi troops execution style in the Iraqi desert and killing the vulnerable, defenseless innocents to include men women and children. Killing Christians and holding them for ransom. Iran calls for the annihilation of Israel and death to America, the Great Satan. All of these “less than loving expressions” are perpetrated to make a religious political statement.
The Muslim religion has, from the beginning 1500 years ago, been more of a political animal than a spiritually centered faith in God. There are endless rules and ritual but it would seem little reflection of anything that could be called divine. Is this critique being painted with to broad a brush that holds all Muslims responsible for the violent sizable Muslim minority? Probably, but what choice does the Christian community have, to assist in the slaughter?
Landers, Ca.
The president’s latest slip up was at the Easter prayer breakfast when he critiqued we Christians for “less than loving expressions”. This critique is akin to calling the kettle black, less than loving expressions? Really? Muslims are chopping off heads on camera, burning captured soldiers alive in cages, murdering 1700 Iraqi troops execution style in the Iraqi desert and killing the vulnerable, defenseless innocents to include men women and children. Killing Christians and holding them for ransom. Iran calls for the annihilation of Israel and death to America, the Great Satan. All of these “less than loving expressions” are perpetrated to make a religious political statement.
The Muslim religion has, from the beginning 1500 years ago, been more of a political animal than a spiritually centered faith in God. There are endless rules and ritual but it would seem little reflection of anything that could be called divine. Is this critique being painted with to broad a brush that holds all Muslims responsible for the violent sizable Muslim minority? Probably, but what choice does the Christian community have, to assist in the slaughter?
Landers, Ca.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
The Muslim Menace
The most familiar usage of the word menace from my generation was the comic series and television show, “Dennis the Menace”. The central premise of these tales was that this child would act so far beyond what is appropriate or expected that he proved himself to be dangerous. So dangerous that at any moment he could plunge the lives of his family and friends into chaos, especially the life of George Wilson. It is called terrorism.
In 2015, the most dangerous child in all the neighborhoods of the world is the Muslim Menace. It is a menace that raises it’s ugly head every few hundred years to terrorize the peoples of the world. Today’s menace is a threat that kills innocent Christians in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Far East and America. This menace claims that the peoples of the world are theirs to control and they demand adherence to their radical Muslim way of thinking and living.
Are the civilized peoples of the world to ignore this threat? Our liberal progressive brothers in the White House act as if ignorance is bliss. They would object to the Muslim label because it would condemn all peoples of the Muslim faith. Well, all the peoples of the Muslim faith deserve all the condemnation possible short of violence, let civilization reserve that fate for the radical terrorists. However, the Menace is a product of your Muslim world and the Muslim religion so all of you are guilty.
If there was a branch of Christendom that terrorized and killed in the name of God, all Christian believers would be immediately condemned as evil terrorists. It is time to stop giving Muslims the benefit of the doubt and call a spade a spade because the so-called moderate Muslims refuse to deal with the cancer in their own body. At this point in time, the entire Muslim religion has run a muck and no longer deserves the respect of civilization.
Landers, Ca.
In 2015, the most dangerous child in all the neighborhoods of the world is the Muslim Menace. It is a menace that raises it’s ugly head every few hundred years to terrorize the peoples of the world. Today’s menace is a threat that kills innocent Christians in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Far East and America. This menace claims that the peoples of the world are theirs to control and they demand adherence to their radical Muslim way of thinking and living.
Are the civilized peoples of the world to ignore this threat? Our liberal progressive brothers in the White House act as if ignorance is bliss. They would object to the Muslim label because it would condemn all peoples of the Muslim faith. Well, all the peoples of the Muslim faith deserve all the condemnation possible short of violence, let civilization reserve that fate for the radical terrorists. However, the Menace is a product of your Muslim world and the Muslim religion so all of you are guilty.
If there was a branch of Christendom that terrorized and killed in the name of God, all Christian believers would be immediately condemned as evil terrorists. It is time to stop giving Muslims the benefit of the doubt and call a spade a spade because the so-called moderate Muslims refuse to deal with the cancer in their own body. At this point in time, the entire Muslim religion has run a muck and no longer deserves the respect of civilization.
Landers, Ca.
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