Thursday, October 30, 2014

W 1 Water

Mr. Michael Wildes
Principle Budget Officer
Special Districts Department
San Bernardino County

Thank you Mr. Wildes for the prompt response, however, it appears inadequate and does not address my concern.  Budgets are not spending, my information request is for spending transparency.  Your response seems to give credibility to the rumors.  What is your bank balance now in relation to the June 13 audit?  What spending occurred to this date?  Don’t you do monthly reporting of some sort?  Annual audits are not the whole story.

My W1 neighbors have long believed that you have not given them a fair shake and believe the recent rate increase makes you even more accountable on the spending side.  What spending have you sanctioned since you became aware of a possible annexation?  My concern will not be brushed aside as easily as you would hope.  Please explain as originally requested on October 9.

Glen Goslaw
Landers, Ca.

Joshua Bill and the truth

Thank you for your concern and it is gratifying to know that somebody reads my stuff.  Your description of the article in question cannot be described as a “rant” because the dictionary describes a rant as a verbal exercise that is spoken in a wild or vehement manner.  My written words were a fact based rational summary of the O’Bama government without emotion.  The word that I find most offensive is “typical”, for the new world order will relegate everyone to typical status.  You should be more careful about the words you chose to communicate your displeasure with the truth.  Sorry, the truth is that President O’Bama is a leftist extremist whose intent is to destroy the American Constitutional government of our forefathers, pure and simple.

Let me give you some real ammunition, Barack O’bama will run again, he will run for President of the World. If the future shacks out as he intends, his campaign will point to his reign in the White House as proof that the world will be better off under his direction.  After all, he believes in no borders, no visas, no fortunes, no small business, no discrimination against Ebola victims, no freedom, no religion and no personal responsibility.  Barack will then equalize the fortunes of all peoples and this equality will be distributed by the biggest possible government with the political elites calling the shots.  Is this “fear mongering”?  There you go again Bill, trying to sound smart.

Landers, Ca  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Is the Democratic Party a criminal machine?

Our liberal Democratic brothers on the Fox Channel are bemoaning the use of name calling among conservative writers.  They find this kind of commentary somehow below respectable norms.  Considering their use of offensive racist labels by Democrats toward anyone and everyone who may disagree with their spin, this criticism seems petty and arrogantly hypocritical.  This writer is guilty of using descriptive words to describe our Washington leadership, that being said, my obscure words are also arrogantly true.  If these sandy words ever became an irritation to liberals, I would die a happy man and know beyond a shadow of doubt that there is a God beyond this world.

A blog that is meant to stir the pot is my last entitled, “How Shall We Then Vote?”.  This blog attempts to target the liberal progressive mindset that lives in the far left White House of Barack O’Bama.  The name calling used was to equate this White House with the criminal mobsters of our land.  This is a very accurate description of these schemers who consider themselves above the law, it is their way or the highway, they are able to pick and choose their facts and everyone is either a friend or an enemy.  There is no truth, no middle ground and no reality but their own agenda.  This agenda is propped up with threats and lies to include criminal acts, the destruction of evidence and the blaming of the innocent.  The factual parallels are astounding, what are we to think?

President Barack O’Bama is the “Godfather” of this mob.  Like Vito Corleones in the movie, Barack is Mr. cool, seemingly detached from his criminal enterprise while he does the normal stuff like playing golf and parading around the country doing Democratic fund raisers.  At critical moments, determined by opinion polling, he appears before a camera to say a few politically expedient sound bites and then returns to his recreational pursuits.  The practical engineers of the Godfather's agenda are the “caporegimes” or capos. Valarie Jarrett is the criminal puppet master protecting the the Godfather from the White House regardless of the cost to others.  Harry Reid, the commander of the Senate, is the other capo who protects the Godfather by refusing to consider all legislation that is not his own. Protecting the criminal enterprise from any legal or law enforcement entity is their lawyer, “consigliore”.  Our gang on the hill is protected by our chief law enforcement officer, the Attorney General, Eric Holder.  In his department of justice there are no crimes worthy of prosecution against Democrats, only perpetual investigations.

When are the people of America, particularly Democrats, going to wake up to the reality of the criminal conspiracy in the White House?  If you remain silent, the entire Democratic machine becomes criminal, doing trick or treat all year long in the costume of politics.

Landers, Ca.      

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How shall we then vote?

President Obama is a far left liberal progressive extremist.  The political strategy of his Valerie Jerrett mobsters is to get out in front of the truth by accusing the rest of the country of being extremists.  The truth is that these folk have the most anti American agenda this country has ever known.  They are so far left that most Democratic office holders consider him a political pariah but must passively support him because he one of their own and raises a lot of money.  What mindset does a far left liberal progressive use to interpret our world?

Look for his presidential actions not his politically motivated deceiving words.  The greatest good for the Obama mites is all about governmental control of the common man who ignorantly assumes that the individual matters.  The progressive believes that this individualism is dangerous and a threat that must be managed from the top as all other crises are managed.  The common man must accept his or her place in society.  Therefore, bigger and bigger government is the greatest good.  If they really believed in God they would not consider themselves to be God’s over us.  Sadly they do.

What is the ultimate scenario for the liberal progressive extremist?  The ultimate is the biggest possible government, a one world super government that will presume to know and then take actions to equalize all the people under it‘s control.  Any action by America that conflicts with this dream scenario will be trampled by the heavy heel of the liberal progressive.  All are asking, why does America have to endure an invasion across our southern border?  All are asking, why are we forced to endure the Ebola epidemic in this country without  this overbearing government doing everything possible to protect the people?

The simple answer is that Americans must die and live in a declining economy to bring to pass the new world order envisioned by the liberal progressive.  Is this what you vote for on election day?

Landers, Ca