Friday, July 19, 2013


Jesus told a story in the religious language of the times in order to make a non-religious point.  Is that so nonsensical?  Lazarus and the poor man arrive at the same time in the afterlife, one finds fellowship with the God of the galaxies while Lazarus is separated and isolated in great pain.  The conversation between God and Lazarus reveals to us the heart of our God.  Lazarus is chastened for living a life oblivious to the needs of others, i.e. the blind beggar.  Again, the God of the galaxies is about mercy, the mercy each of us needs.

The story should not be used as a justification for a theology of hell, that somehow we choose and earn our eternal destiny by the decisions we make in this life.  According to this theology God condemns the unworthy to the eternal fires of hell.  Volumes of human discourse have been written about who is and who is not worthy.  God becomes the great manipulator in the sky!  This lame theology is preached in most all church’s to this day.  The hell believers of 2000 years ago were the Pharisees, there was not a day in the ministry of Jesus that he could avoid the schemes of the self righteous Pharisees.

The disciples of Jesus, the nonreligious believers were encouraged to be God’s agents of mercy to the people.

Landers, Ca

Saturday, July 13, 2013


This is the message I would like to hear on Sunday, July 14, 2013.  We all have heard a hundred sermons on the Good Samaritan through the years (Luke 10: 25-37).  The relgionist’s want us to believe that being good, money, prayer, worship and a hundred of other do’s, will proved us to be acceptable to God.  Will the very best character of religion win us any points with the God of the galaxies?  Not according to Luke, God does not expect obedience, he knows us to well. 

The God of the galaxies is about mercy, dispersing mercy and he or she would like us to do mercy toward one another.  Who will be acceptable to God?  No one, for we all stand and die needful of divine mercy!  Let us, including all of life, rejoice in the promise of the soon coming merciful arms of the Almighty.  Even those of us who find it difficult to embrace them in this life should be rejoicing.

Landers, CA

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


A definition…..killing is a human act that separates life for selfish reasons.  Death is not killing, natural death is but a normal and inevitable unselfish process that only apparently separates life.  This death is a change agent.  In the natural realm, of which we humans are a part, natural death enables the survival of the group and therefore, the totality of life.  Killing interrupts this natural process by forcing a blind life change upon another or a group.  The motivation is centered in the individual and a negative in the order of life.  All killing inhibits life and is destructive to the order of humanity living in this moral universe.  Natural death is a positive force.

Landers, Ca