Sunday, May 19, 2013


I am now racist!  I am tired of being called a racist so I might as well be one.  Send all the presidential attack dogs my way.  Send out the Washington agents for OSHA, DOJ, IRS, FBI, EPA, Homeland Security and the S.S.   Whomever, here I am, come and get me!

American black politics has convinced this white American to not expect national black leadership for the greater good.  Black politics is only Chicago style politics, probably learned in the gutter of New Orleans and it’s political payola culture.  I have been turned.  No longer will I root for the underdog black man, no longer will I trust the good intentions of this black president.  The shame of it all is that the good will of white America has been spoiled and the hopes of  another black American president will rot for the next 50 - 75 years.

A change is about to happen!

Landers, Ca

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Way

Religion kills, all religions kill but the God of the galaxies gives life.

Godless liberal progressive secularism is as much a religion as any other religion that claims to have the ear of their God. These folk kill in the name of their humanistic philosophy instead of at the direction of God.  One could ask, is either killing righteous?

Jesus was and is the only life form to have totally lived the way to spiritual wholeness and full humanity.  He lived 100% religionless.  He gave his earthly life to the grave at the behest of religion and rose again to this world to show all of us the way.

Landers, Ca.