This blog has an opinion as to the way forward for the Republican Party after the failure to attract voters in the 2012 presidential election. There are those Republican interests who say that the party has not kept up with the cultural change in America. They echo the bunk coming from President Obama that conservative ideals are old fashioned, unjust and racially bigoted. In response, the establishment Republicans would move the party to cozy up in the lap of the liberal progressive devils. Establishment Republicans like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, George Bush, and about 80% of the nationally elected leadership of the party are smousers who have lead the country to the brink.
If the Republican party is content with this new America, content to go with the liberal progressive flow, the party shall ever be the party who sold off the country. Does today’s party want to die with that kind of baggage? Maybe so but we hope not! The party should confront without fear the liberal progressive devils with the truth! What is the truth as understood by the Republican Party? In order to speak the truth, the party must confess their failures of the past and that is close to impossible. Mitt Romney cowardly failed to do it and he allowed the Obama bunk to control his future and ours. What is the failure of the Republican Party of the last fifty years? Like all politicians, the party only has had a vision for the next election! The long term good of the country is somewhere in the depths of party consciousness because no one will take responsibility beyond their own pocketbooks.
The Republican Party cannot win the respect of the people by playing to the worst selfish motives of the people or by lying and spinning the truth to excuse the liberal progressive trade off. The fact is that conservative political and economic principles are the only honest option to build up an America we can again respect. The bigger truth is that these principles have never, ever, been given a chance to work for the people in the gutter of Washington D.C. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, one a Republican and one a Democrat, came closest to conservatism and both experienced economic boom times under their administrations. George Bush tried to emulate such a boom with a dishonest liberal styled manipulation of the economy resulting in the grand theft of 2008. This is the one point upon which President Obama and this blog agree.
A number of state governments are experiencing revivals for the people by incorporating conservative principals despite the burden of national leadership. The party should build on their success, come clean with America about their own liberal fumbling and effectively communicate the personal economic bounce to the people that would be inevitable if our government got out of the way. Will Republicans remain the party of cowards? Probably!
The truth is that no one will listen and no one really cares enough to mitigate their own interests in order to benefit the country as a whole. Sorry, the American experiment is over!
Landers, Ca